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Ok am I the only one that thinks this is laziness??

purpledaisies's picture

this past weekend was dh's weekend with the boys and my mil's annual weekend in a cabin at branson.

However ss16 didn;t not come this weekend. WHY?? B/c he had a project due mon and BIG one yuck said and he has to work on it all weekend. Now call me crazy but normally when you have a big project for school you normally know about it at least a week if not more before it is due???

So is this not laziness or what?? Sorry but I would have been all over my kids butt to get that done before the a big weekend like we had oh wait yuck doesn't care about dh and his plans even though yuck knows about this as it is every year at the same time!

If I were dh I would have called them both out on that and made him come and do his project there and I would have helped him with it til it was done. But nope dh just said ok and picked up the other 2. What is wrong with this?? :O

I am disengaged i am disengaged! I keep telling myself that! Blum 3


imjustthemaid's picture

Sounds like SD15. She lies and lies and says no daddy I have no homework or projects. Then Sunday night about 8pm she pops up with "I have this big project due and I need a poster board and blah blah blah." This has been going on for years. She lives with us. I wish I could disengage so bad!!!! Needless to say this is why I am posting today about her supposed grounding and bad progress reports. SHe is never held accountable for her actions.

They usually assign projects weeks or at least a week ahead of time.

So sick of it all!

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

That is the problem with kids nowadays. They are not held accountable for their actions - they know they can get away with whatever they want. I think it is especially worse is split families.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

This sounds like something my DH would have done. I am sure SS16 had plenty of notice about his project --- I think he should have had to come but that is just my opinion.

DeeDeeTX's picture

At least he is getting it done. There are a lot of permissive parents who would've helped them with the project or whatever so he could come on the weekend. So at least he is being punished for his procrastination.

Kids learn by making mistakes and being held accountable for them so it is good that that is what is happening.

The bad thing is that DH made the other kids suffer. SS should have been left by himself at home to finish the project, IMHO.

stormabruin's picture

I don't think it's really out of the ordinary for a 16-year old to put a project off until the last minute. I couldn't tell you how many times I did it in school. Although I regretted it EVERY time, I never did it any differently.

It seems like a weekend away at a cabin would be a "fun" weekend, & if he had to miss it due to procrastinating, then that's HIS loss.

If he doesn't care enough about being able to go to get his stuff done ahead of time, you probably enjoyed your weekend more without him there anyway.

purpledaisies's picture

True he should be held accountable for not doing what he is supposed to do. And since he was left home to do his project was better. It is just that dh doesn;t get much time with them and I think keeping them from dh just b/c of a school project that yuck should have been on him to do was not cool. A part of me feels like yuck didn;t stay on top of him on purpose but what can ya do?

Oh well. Nothing I can do dh has to do it. but i know he won't which is why I come here to get it off my chest.

stormabruin's picture

I guess at 16-years old, SS should be catching the blame for not doing his homework rather than BM (even if she is a POS) being the one to take it because she didn't hound him to do his work.

At some point, HE has to be the one at fault...the one to blame for HIS choices. He's plenty old enough to take that on.

If BM & your DH continue "staying on top of him" to make him get his homework done, that's what he will be accustomed to when he reaches adulthood. Suddenly at 18, you can't make him the one accountable. There has to be some build-up in expectations. I think homework is one of those things he should be responsible for alone, & if he doesn't get it done the consequences are his to own.

Just my 2 cents...

Jsmom's picture

BS16 gets these large projects all the time that he has one week to finish...So being busy during the week it falls to the weekend. Happens all the time. Most of these are from AP classes...

purpledaisies's picture

He was left with yuck to get it done. dh only picked up the younger 2 and not ss16. So ss16 did not go with us but i do think that this is more of yuck's doing then anything b/c she is the one that should have made sure he was working on his project period weather he had something planned for the weekend or not. Not saying she should have done it for him b/c he should do it himself but still she should have been on him to get it done. I mean i know these kids and I know that if you are not on top of them to do things it will NOT get done! She of all people should know that and has complained about it.

that is why i say pure laziness on yucks part knowing that mil had this weekend for the cabin in branson.

ThatGirl's picture

The ONE and ONLY time my ex ever made a child do homework was the weekend I wanted to take them to their first concert. We had 50/50, switching off on Mondays. I bought tickets well in advance but our weeks on/off got switched at some point and the show was on his weekend instead of mine. He agreed to let me have them for the day (didn't want to look like the bad guy), but at the last minute said my youngest couldn't go because he hadn't finished his homework. WTF? They NEVER did homework at his house! I was the one who was always getting them caught up on things they did not do during his week. Honestly, he was just being an ass. Didn't want me to do something fun with them. I got on the phone with youngest and told him to hurry his butt up and get it done, that we were going to go ahead without him and come and get him when he was finished. He missed the first couple of acts, but still had a really great time Smile

Disneyfan's picture

Mom may have told him he would miss out on the trip he didn't get the project done.

He's 16, old enough to get his work done without mom, dad, teachers...reminding him.

purpledaisies's picture

OI do see what you ladies are saying that he should be responsible for his own crap. I was just very disappointed that since dh doesn;t get to see his kids much I just don't think that using school work should be a reason to keep one or all the kids from their dad. I think dh could have and should have helped him with his project.

I don;t know just conflicted as dh only get visitation and I can see both sides here.

purpledaisies's picture

HRNYC Yes there was and that is what I thought too. that he could have done his project there I mean it was a 6 bedroom cabin he could have went into a room and shut the door and if he needed help dh was right there.

I do agree he should do his own crap but at the same time I am having a hard time with the fact that ss16 was kept from dh as a punishment.