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My poor son

purpledaisies's picture

I posted last week he had a date. Well it didn;t go as well as he hoped. He took her to a festival in town on sat. The girl ran into some of her friends which included a boy that they all were going to go to the movies without my son. He came home really upset.

Although when he got home he said that this girl didn;t make it out of town before her mom found out and she had to go and got grounded for what she did. Plus on the bus on her way to school yesterday she got sick and had to go home.

Well isn;t karma a b!tch?


wriggsy's picture

Isn't it funny that even though you (as a parent) don't really think or believe that the very first person your child "likes" will end up being their soulmate, that a parent can get really pissed at some bonehead kid for hurting our kids?

My daughter isn't all that "in" to boys yet, but one young man caught her eye last year and they "liked eachother". He was done "liking" her before she was done "liking" him and she got her feelings hurt. I wanted to throttle him. Never even met the boy. Pretty strange behavior on my part!!! I mean..this is how it's supposed to be...right?! Kids date people to find out who they really like in the long run...right?! Oh well...I guess I'm just gonna hate every young man that hurts my daughter!!!

purpledaisies's picture

He let me, we were home b/c me dh was called into work and we couldn't go anywhere for my bday like we planned Sad

I gave him some money and cheered him up, and had him go back to the festival (only a block from our house) and he had fun, then my parents came back up and spent the rest of the afternoon with him (they live 4 blocks from us). He really liked this girl more than any other that I had seen anyway.

wriggsy's picture

Well...I'm glad that he was able to be consoled and that the folks were also there to help! I know it doesn't take away all the pain, but he knows he can count on mom!!!

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah I know he know how much I love him. Dh even felt really bad he was going to give him more money till he realized I gave him some already. LOL We just wanted him to go buy himself a little something at the festival and have a little fun. Dh would have done it for his kids too. Heck for that mater I would have for my ss's too.