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More good news my son is so smart.

purpledaisies's picture

He came home for the half day of school and told me that he talked to a few teachers and wants to petition the city to put in side walks all over the city roads. It was approved for him to go ahead and do it and as a SR project so he will get a grade. He thinks the city needs side walks on every road. I am so proud right now. I hope that he can get it approved through the city.


purpledaisies's picture

Thank you I asked him whose idea it was and he said it was his and brought it up to the teachers ad the councilor. So glad everything is working out this way after what happened.

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you ladies. I am starting to cry again. lol I will have a petition to sign soon. He is going to work on it through google earth to show them what it will look like. He will even map it all out and know how much concrete it will take and everything. Smile

reluctantgma's picture

How wonderful, purple! Be proud, very proud, of the responsible, resourceful and capable young man that you parented. Be proud of yourself too. Good job! Smile