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Just found why yuckopotamus will give up next weekend.;

purpledaisies's picture

They will be out of school weds - sun. and she doesn't want to deal with them that long. So by the time fri comes around she will be ready to get rid of them!

Yep just like she never has them on any weekend as they are either here or at her aunts so she just either doesn't want them or can't deal with them!

Never in my life have I ever met a mom that just didn;t want her kids or couldn't deal with them. i mean I have always had my kids and never got that much of a break from them. however yuck seems to only have hers during the week and they are in school at that time. So all she has to deal with them is a few hours in the evening and about an hour in the morn.

i swear and she is MOTY don't ya know! :sick:


the_stepmonster's picture

Wow! We must have the same BM. DH is on his way to pick up the skids right now. Even though she is a teacher and off all next week like they are I am 99% positive DH will come back and let me know we are keeping them until Wednesday. You know bc she can't be bothered to spend time with her own children. Either that or we will hear from the skids that she dropped them off with her parents for the week. Either way I am positive she will not be in their presence until Thanksgiving day since they are her meal ticket and and not again until Sunday night.

Stpmum11's picture

Sounds like she's the typical piece of s$!%!!! Dh and I have ss5 all week and bm gets him on weekends, then drops him off with cousins. She might spend 1 hour a week tops with her son. She also has a daughter she doesn't see at all! How can these "moms" look at themselves in the mirror everyday? Just disgusting! They don't deserve having children!