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IPhones Really????

purpledaisies's picture

:jawdrop: Bm got all 3 boys an Iphone!!! What? Really? But then she is disabled remember? She is always screaming how much money she doesn't have b/c dh doesn't pay CS! He pays every week on time! Then she screams about the sacrifices she has to do b/c she is a single mom and dh left her to be a single mom and doesn't care which is why she is disabled b/c she had to work for a year about 5 years ago.

Please if you can get 3 IPHONES you have MONEY :sick:

Don't get me started on how they shouldn't even have one in the first place as they don't take care of anything b/c they have no pride in anything. Everything is just handed to them.


purpledaisies's picture

I was thinking the same thing earlier. LOL I wonder how long she will keep the service as she has no money remember??? But if she would get a job instead of sitting on her butt and saying she can't work b/c of the kids. The youngest is 11!!! :sick:

mom2five's picture

We are a five iphone family. I love them. But the service is killer expensive! If she can't afford the data plans, the kids will have nice itouches to play with.

caregiver1127's picture

Of course she can afford the plan because your Dh is paying for it - he pays CS so she will be using that money to pay for the plan - look for her to try to up the CS to cover everything - gotta love those BM's who want to look like MOTY and out do the dads - sad really!!

ohiknow's picture

She's trying to buy their love instead of spending time and being a parent. Oh excellent.

purpledaisies's picture

Caregiver you're right. I never want to out do bm. I have never made it a contest like she seems to think it is. IDK it struck me as holy crap you b!tch and moan about money and you need more and always playing the single mom card but you won't work and even say you are disable b/c you are a single mom and it is all dh's fault. I guess it mad me mad that she can say that but yet buy them Iphones! Where the H@ll did you get the money if you are always calling dh and saying how broke you are.

But you are right dh bought them as CS is her only source of income.

I'm just waiting for the day that ss15 is close to 18 and going top college and she will try something to get more CS instead of it dropping b/c he is now 18 and graduated. I know she will try something!

caregiver1127's picture

In Arkansas the child support stops at 18 or when the child finishes high school - so it will be great to look BM in the eye and say NO MORE CS for SS15 - as he will either be 18 or graduated - I always wonder what these BM's will do when the kids get old enough for CS to stop and they have not been in the work force for over 15 years - do you think they will have to get a job at McDonalds or something I mean really how are they going to support themselves - you can almost feel sorry for them because it will be a rude awakening when that CS stops - but I really don't feel sorry for them at all - lol

ddakan's picture

OMG.....we've always paid child support and BM, that nasty whore, has always told the kids that daddy left them, and he doesn't pay any child support.

I'm so sick of her and her lies. We pay 1200 effin $ a month for 1 child that is left on the order and we provide health insurance for 3 children.

I hope she chokes and dies in a random eating accident asap.

Can you tell....I'm "fed" up.

hismineandours's picture

I have an iphone and dd13 has one. The one she has is my dh's old one as he wanted a Droid. We do not carry a data plan on hers. So her phone only costs us 10.00 in monthly service.

purpledaisies's picture

Um no all the boys have a data plan. I could understand if they were hand me downs but they are brand new! I more sick of her screaming she has no money and her situation is dh's fault. But then she can buy iphones with CS and she doesn't work so apparently we pay too much!!!