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Funny story about bm and her BF er ex BF

purpledaisies's picture

Ok a couple of years after we were married bm got a BF but what she didn't know was that BF and dh are friends. Ok dh's friend thought he might be able to date her and see how things would go, that there is always 2 sides to a story right? WELL, she started in with her crap about how bad dh is and that he doesn't help or pay CS or takes his kids or has anything to do with the boys. Pretty much saying that dh is a dead beat when he really isn't. Now this guy has been friends with dh for years and so he came by the house a few times and talked to dh about a few things but dh didn't understand everything b/c he didn't tell dh he was dating bm. Friend saw the boys here and that he was taking care of them and other things that were mentioned was that dh had to stop by bm's to leave money for the doctor for one of the boys. SOOOO one day dh gets a call from friend and says "dude I know why she is your ex!" Dh say really why is that. So friend was telling him about all the things that bm told him and he finally got upset and told her that he is dh's friend and that he knows for a fact that is NOT what she says he is. But the funny part was that after taht phone call bm called dh and told him the same thing that BF broke with her b/c he noticed that she was lying about dh. TOOO FUNNNYYYYYY!!!

Anyone else have funny story???


LizGrace65's picture

Well it's not about BM's man (I hear she has one but I don't know him), but it is a funny BM story...

BM and SS are riding in a taxi, and the driver and BM are chatting. The driver happens to mention to BM that he is dating an older woman. Now, I'm 5 years older than SO, 4 years older than BM, and BM makes a big thing of me being "old."

So since SS (13 at the time) was right there, BM starts saying to the cab driver "oh, I don't know why you'd go out with somebody *older*, why would you do *that*! etc, etc."

The cab driver tells her, "you know why I like being with an older woman? Because she taught me everything about making love..."


It's also pretty darn funny that SS came home and related the story to *me* .