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Bm calling dh to have ss15 live with us!

purpledaisies's picture

I took the skids back to bm last night b/c dh had to work and was unable to be in 2 places at once. So anyway bm called today to tell dh that all ss15 was be sh!ty to her all night and this am too. And she just can't deal with him anymore. This is not the first time and wanted to know if we would mind letting him live with us. UMMM NO DUH! He is fine when we have him. Sure it won't be all rosy ad happy ever after but I think he will be better here. We don't treat the kids like they are 2 and that is his main problem. He wants to be independent so bad he can't stand it. Here he will be allowed to walk to the store with a friend(s). Stay after school and such. At bms he is not allowed to go to the bathroom alone!

I don't know if it will happen. I do think bm is blowing smoke right now. But then again if she does it enough and ss15 keeps pushing her I wonder if it will happen?