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yes just give SD13 whatever she wants SO it will make you a better father

psychob's picture

Ok so honestly I have been lurking this site for months now. It made me feel better about how I felt about my SO daughters. I have two daughters from a previous relationship, DD9 & DD15 (I met SO while I was pregnant). My SO has two daughters from a previous marriage SD16 & SD13. I have been with SO off and on for 9.5 years. Boy was I delusional thinking that as long as I was good to his kids they would be good to me. I wont go into background right now. I just need vent about today’s situation. SD13 got a phone for her birthday in February, she has broken 3 phones already. SO told her the last time he went to pay the fee to transfer to another phone he wont be paying for it anymore. Can you all guess what he’s doing right now? Bingo! Disney dad is not only paying her fee to turn on a new phone, he’s buying her a new one!. I am absolutely livid! My phone went out (wasn’t my fault the port to charge is broke I have had it for over 2 years, on a pay as you go plan)and am without a phone that has internet capabilities right now. He just got done telling me how I shouldn’t get my own DD15 a phone for her birthday at the end of this month because it would be too distracting. But its ok for him to spend “HIS” money any way he wants! SD16 refuses to see him because we have rules and she cant drink, have sex, or drugs here. SD13 hasn’t seen him since the end of June. She was supposed to come for the 4th but ruined his day and made him depressed because she felt like staying with mom (I assume for the same reason SD16 stays away). This is the same girl who told him that since he said do whatever you want SD13 she wont be coming Saturday either. Has he lost his mind? He’s rewarding her for not seeing HIM! But yet anytime I want to do something for my DD’s its have they earned it? Are there chores done without asking? He gets all giddy when his precious angels text him he’s willing to open his wallet just to spend the 15 min car ride with her! Mind you I have more than one person telling me SD13 is smoking pot & drinking. We know SD16 is doing this with BM. I personally don’t care as long as they aren’t here but it pisses me off he wants to tell me how to spend my money for DD15 birthday and he’s buying SD13 a second phone when she hasn’t even talked to him in over 5 weeks! Thanks it feels good to get that out! Maybe now I will get over the want to tear something apart!


oneoffour's picture

I think the appropriate response would be.. "Really? I understood that you take care of my kids and you take care of yours. You don't get a vote." BOOM!

So tell me, why are you still with someone who doesn't share the same values as you?

psychob's picture

We did have the same values when the kids were little. Then they realized they had a choice on weather or not they could come. They realized daddy wasn’t going to make them and mommy wasn’t either. (I honestly think its BM’s vindictive way for him leaving the marriage). They also realized daddy would still do whatever they wanted when they called. We were doing well until about 3 years ago. The other truth after 3 years is I’m working on my out. I’m trying to finish my degree and if this continues after I’m financially stable I am gone. He cant have double standards or use me and my DD’s as a scapegoat if we aren’t here. I don’t want to leave him. He is a good man & person but he has no backbone when it comes to BM, SD13, & SD16. The man works hard, has always been there for his kids, and drops everything when they want/need him. What the hell more do they want?