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Good but still a little bad evening

proud mom's picture

Well girls I guess we can't have everything...yesterday the evening started out pretty awful my youngest started a Sylvan Learning center and his dad showed up (now mind you he never did shit before he left over a year ago so why now) anyway the 6yr old had a big baby fit kicking screaming and crying like a 2 yr old because Daddy was there and he didn't think he should have to go back to the teacher. To make a long story short his dad picked him up and carried him around like a baby telling him it was ok and blah blah blah after about 20 min he finally calmed down and sat with the teacher (mind you I am pay $39 an hr which half was spent with him crying) Now any other time when I take him to things similar to this he has no problem doesn't cry or anything I took him there last week to test and he was fine. Needless to say the ex ended up yelling at me in the parking lot and telling me that he is his son and he will do whatever he wants to with him if he wants to baby him then he will. I need to stop trying to put the blame on him for this fits maybe I need to look in the mirror and take the blame myself. Now mind you I treat him just like I do our older son he is not a baby and needs to learn to do things for himself Why on earth does the ex not see this?????

Anyway on a good note got home after the oldest was done a wrestling practice (hadn't been home since 7am and this was 8pm) and BF(fiance') was wonderful he jumped in and helped the youngest get a bath then helped him finish up his homework while I helped the oldest with his. What a great help he was maybe you girls are right and it is just going to take time.



Little Jo's picture

My ex fought me tooth and nail on everything from how to play with the baby, feeding the baby, dressing the baby and if I told you what he put me through with her christening you'ld shit. Some men are just whiney idoits. And it was always 'ME' that was being unreasonable.

I would certainly not allow him to go to the learning center again. As you stated, you are the one paying for it.

Aren't you so glad you have a great BF now.

proud mom's picture

I tried telling him not to be ther but he doesn't listen he says it is his son and he will be there when ever he wants to. We have to be there again tonight so lets see if he learned his lesson last night and stays away tonight. I won't hold my breath haha. As for my BF now I don't know what I would do without him and his shoulder to cry one, hit on or even blow my nose on hahaha he is great and is begining to understan the whole step parenting thing

Little Jo's picture

Again tonight. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes. Jo

proud mom's picture

Well didn't have to deal with the ex got 6 inches of snow yesterday so Sylvan cancelled. Bad part is we have it tonight so lets keep our fingers crossed.