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princessmofo's Blog

I go to work everyday to provide the finer things in life for BM...

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Well at least that's how I feel. It's always something with that inbred knuckle-dragging swamp hag. Her most recent gripe to dh was that he needed to pay for half of ss's hot lunch account at school. Now before anybody goes calling me a meanie-bo-beanie for calling bullshit on this, I'd like to point out that this bitch nickels and dimes us to death.

A little too little, a little too late dh...

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So as a follow-up to the dilemma yesterday of dh and his not being able to find his sack, I thought I would update you STalkers as to what went down.

I explained to dh with the most venomous language I possess exactly how his decision to 'skirt' the issue with twat waffle regarding open house and their 'mandatory' attendance together made me feel. I then proceeded to pack a bag for him so he could sleep elsewhere. Apparently, the realization that he was vacating the premises allowed him to relocate his ball sack and remove his head from cuntcakes asshole.

Dh, you are a spineless little infraction of a man...

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So it's been quite awhile since I posted but I felt compelled to "vent it out" today. My name is Princess Mofo and clearly, by dh's own admission, I am simply the "whore" he chooses to co-habitate with and not his WIFE. No, the title of 'WIFE' still belongs to twat waffle. The inbred knuckle dragging swamp cunt has solidified her grasp on dh's ball sack by once again dictating to him his schedule and what is expected of him.

The Great Bunkbed Debate 2.0 an update...

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I won. Last weekend we worked for two days to switch the bedrooms around. It was a hassle but it all worked out splendidly. The kids were all EXTREMELY happy, much to H's dismay. The two younger were ecstatic. I took them each out and let them pick new character comforters and wall decals to match and helped them decorate.

Unilateral Decision Making or The Great Bunk Bed debate 2.0

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Months ago I blogged about this topic. This issue has raged on and due to both my frustration and h's lack of action, I have decided to act unilaterally. So as a quick background here is the situation: We have a three bedroom house, my two bios live here full time, ss is here eow and one overnight during the week.

To quote Tom Petty, "The waiting is the hardest part."

princessmofo's picture

As my children make the countdown to Christmas morning with each new day, I make a countdown too. But mine is how many days I have to wait until I meet with my attorney. I have an appointment in early January, shortly after the first. I'm resolved to end this insanity with the emotional fuck currently known as my husband. The wave of happiness that washes over me every time I think about how I will NEVER have to deal with twat waffle bm, hear her name, see her face again makes me almost giddy. I have to stifle the emotion. Everyone will win.

Who else's DH/AHH/SO/BF plays the "victim"? A show of hands please...

princessmofo's picture

And the Oscar, for best actor in a blended family drama goes to? AHH!!! *applause* I'll make this brief, but does anybody else have a grown-ass man who plays the victim with gusto? I am in day three of co-habitation and no communicado with AHH and the "victim" status is full on. In fact, it's so orchestrated that I actually chuckled, out loud, last night as he sighed and threw himself on couch dejected because I didn't sing his praises because he bought me a $10 bouquet of flowers.

"You won't change to try and be what I need, Princess Mofo." -- Dh

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Yes, you read that correctly. This was an exact quote of what was said to me last night by my dh or as I now will call him, my AHH (asshat husband). Things have been crummy for a while. And in an attempt to try and talk about some issues last night this was the response I was given. Evidently, I've "changed". And by "changed" it means I am no longer an accommodating doormat for AHH, Twat Waffle, and poor widdle SS. As you may recall I disengaged after I was thrown under the bus. So, naturally, this has made AHH have to step up to the plate and that's, gosh darnit, just "too hard".
