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Twat Waffle comes to dh's rescue so naturally I'm the "bad" guy...

princessmofo's picture

Long story short, dh has had the flu this week. He came home Monday evening feeling "run down". This past weekend was dh's time with ss. We had him through Tuesday morning as Monday was a holiday. I agreed to watch him as I had my kiddos too and he's basically a good kid.

Tuesday morning dh wakes up and is unable to get out of bed. Vomiting, weakness, shaking... the flu. He says he can't drive ss to school and asks me too. I explain to him that I have no problem with it but it means he'll be arriving late as I have to drop off my bios too and their start times are almost the same. SS attends school in the next town over and it's about a 15-20 minute drive, depending on traffic, either way.

Dh proceeds to huff and puff and whine. Dude, what can I do? I can't be in two places at once! So he calls Twat Waffle. The conversation was a genuine pity party on both ends. The hemming and hawing, the "I would never ask you this unless I was on death's door", the "oh you poor thing, you sound so awful" and my favorite the chuckling on both ends about "how stubborn you can be when you're sick, I remember those days well." :sick:

Twat Waffle tells dh she will send her husband to come retrieve ss and take him to school. He was friendly when he arrived, thanking me for everything I do for ss. Clearly, this man is too good to trapped in this step-family dynamic. He's more like a hostage.

Anyway, now that dh has recovered he has been an ass to me. Making passive-aggressive comments about everything ranging from my wardrobe to my ethnicity and heritage. (I'm very fair skinned but with dark hair and honey-brown eyes, I get mistaken for Asian a lot which I'm not)to picking on my kids or the dog for no damn good reason!

I don't know what crawled up his ass but it needs to slither back out. He's made several comments about how grateful he was to Twat Waffle that "she could help out when he really needed it." Yea, I see how I do nothing around here... Hey, dh why don't you go outside and play a rousing game of hide and go fuck yourself, douchetard.


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Yeah, you need to shut that sh!t down fast. Were you supposed to drop your kids off late just so his could be on time? What's the big deal if the kid is a little late as long as it's not happening all the damn time. He he things Twat Waffle is go great then why isn't he married to her anymore.

princessmofo's picture

If he wasn't married to me I suspect he'd be remarried to Twat Waffle so it wouldn't have been an issue. I'm just a flunky. A warm body to soften the blow and fill in the blanks. She's the real deal, not me, don't cha know?

princessmofo's picture

Sweet Pea, I feel just like you more and more. To the point that I am repulsed by dh. I especially enjoyed his backhanded comment to me last night about their being "something dark in the wood pile" that is my family tree while comparing me to sister golden hair (Twat Waffle). Hey, dickhead... you know her color came from a bottle right? I didn't realize I was such an affront to your delicate expectations of beauty, dh.

princessmofo's picture

Yes, it appears "we're family" is a term that is used conveniently to guilt trip us. If my actual family treated me the way dh and bm do I would call their asses out on it, because in a "real" family you can communicate like that. In step-life you take it up the ass.

Tuff Noogies's picture

daaaaamn princess - "you hate my kids!" u should've said that to HIM when he wanted them to be late instead..... }:)

tiny kitten's picture

PMSL, "hide and go fuck yourself." Nice. Seriously, though, your DH was being a dick.

princessmofo's picture

Shit Sprouts: (noun) the vegetation that grows up from the bullshit that is spread from a dh's mouth when a sm asserts herself.

princessmofo's picture

"Big strong man no drop ball. DH perfect. SM drop ball. No can care for skids. SM hate skids. Punish SM for drop ball."

LMAO! Thank you for that!

princessmofo's picture

Yea, I'll be handing him a bottle of Jergens next time he wants to get some. He tried to act like everything was hunkey-dorey this morning and I ignored him. Then he was pissed I didn't walk him to the door to say good-bye. Yea, sorry. I was busy in the bathroom.

DaizyDuke's picture

All I could think of when I read your post was the Nyquil commercial lol about the dad taking a "sick day"

I can't believe you didn't kick him in the nuts when he said "I'm so glad BM was able to help me out" Holy hell I want to kick him in the nuts FOR you!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I think we should all choose one other poster on here, get the BM/BD address and Flying Five Fisted Monkey Nut/Cunt Punch the BM/BD!!!

misSTEP's picture

LOL }:)

misSTEP's picture

Geez. It's not enough for people to be racist but to have your SPOUSE be throwing comments like THAT at you?? I don't know how you stand this guy.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I would have just said sure and made no mention of the kid getting there late. That's our problem, we are too forthcoming and honest.