How crazy can one person really be?
Just when you think you've lived through it all, like I have.. Something always happens. My boyfriend's daughter is in basketball camp, and she begged him to come, so of course he asked me to come with him. (A little background b4 I go on: We have been together for almost a year and a half, we're getting ready to move in together.. His ex has told everyone in their town that I'm the reason they're not together and that he loves me more than his own daughter, blah, blah.. They were divorced b4 I even came into the picture.) I have never met his daughter, she hates me because of things her mother has said and because I'm closer to her age than him. I've never even been within miles of his ex. Well that all changed last night. We walk into this gym and they're are only bleachers on one side. Great. I'll be honest here.. I'm pretty, people stare at me all the time. And of course the majority of these people sitting there had heard that "He" was bringing "The Homewrecker". So we walk in. Heads turn, evil glares start. Nothing I hadn't anticipated. The game that was going on pretty much stopped because of us. Her WHOLE family (parents, brothers, sisters, neices nephews) were all there crowded around for support I guess. We sat down, no one spoke to us, which wasn't much of a shock. But the real shock came when the her coach came over to us and asked to speak to my boyfriend outside, leaving me sitting there alone, which I didn't care. He goes and talks and comes back in and says "We have to leave." He was very angry, but he didn't explain until we got in the car. Apparently, he'd heard all the things they had been said about me/him/us, and "just didn't approve of they way he was living his life" and he asked ME to leave. My boyfriend said he wasn't going to do that. So we just left. How am I supposed to live my life like this? He loves his daughter very much, and wants to be there for all these events, and I want to be there for him, and show her that I can be there for her too.. But is seems like an unending battle.
- Princess's blog
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Wow...still scraping my jaw
Wow...still scraping my jaw off the floor. :jawdrop:
All I can say is wow
All I can say is wow !
Welcome here, it sounds like you will be needing the support. And I am sorry you had to endure such treatment - no one deserve that.
Are you serious? They asked
Are you serious? They asked you to leave?
I was ready to tell you that your reluctance and anticipation was making you imagine some of the things you noticed until I read this bit of ridiculousness.
I'm thinking along the lines of what Katrinkie did nothing wrong and were singled out. Surely whatever BM did, if all of this continues, is some form of harrassment or something.
OMG.....I can't beleive that.
OMG.....I can't beleive that. I would have refused to leave. There is an age differance between my husband and I of 9 1/2 yrs. I was 22 and he was 32 when we got together. Poeple use to make some nasty comments about him robbing the cradle. Hang in there and hopefully as ur SD comes to terms with everything you can tell her the truth. My SD hated me for years but one day out of the blue she asked her dad to leave me and he refused. They had a long talk and within a couple weeks she was a totally different child.
I would seriously consider
I would seriously consider filing a complaint. Not only has BM slandered your reputation based on lies but now the basketball camp is claiming that you are not welcome based upon those same lies?? WTF?
I second mysSM's opinion.
I second mysSM's opinion. Talk to a lawyer.
Is this a public school
Is this a public school event, take it to the school board.
That is what I had to do. I was asked by a coach to leave a game of one of my biological child's activities in front of other parents!!! My Ex had told the coach that I was not allowed to attend, he did not show the coach any paper work or anything (because there was none). My ex told the judge in court that because the game was during his period of visitation that he did not feel that it was necessary for me to attend. You would think that my ex would have then shut up but no he continued to tell the judge how it made his girlfriend feel uncomfortable with me being there. I said nothing to them sat on the opposite teams side (proudly wearing the colors of my daughter's team). I am very sure that this was a big turning point in my custody case, it helped begin to show the judge how things really were.
You need to make this an issue and deal with it legally as the BM is creating an enviroment of alienation for her children. Take notes now, write down names of anyone that could have heard what the coach said etc.
You can tell that I am both a biological parent and step parent. lol
Hi Princess I went through
Hi Princess
And I am, ahem, well-endowed so of course that is why DH is with me. He and I both got smeared in his tiny-minded tiny town. He heard at a soccer game that he had left BM for me.
I went through some of this, too, although I am actually older than BM (LOL) but a LOT thinner and sexier.
No. He left BM because of who she is. A lazy, abusive, cheating, let myself go omg, etc. One night we got a call from SD (17 at the time) calling me "homewrecker" on my answering machine. Isn't that sweet? SD also cursed me out to DH the first time we went to BM's (at her invitation).
You see, these immature types have to blame someone else for their problems. And lucky you gets to be the target.
OMG!!! I know exactly how
OMG!!! I know exactly how you feel about always being glared at because BM spreads all sorts of rumors about "home wrecking" etc. and how annoying all of the lies floating around are, but THIS, THIS IS INSANE!
Unless you did something wrong there at the game causing a major scene, I don't see where he could ask you to leave, that is ridiculous! I'm not sure if it was a school game, or a rec counsel, but I would be calling someone and making a major complaint!
Wow. Thank you guys so much.
Wow. Thank you guys so much. Like I definately need this. Nobody that I know really understands anything I go through. I've contemplated many times filing harrassment on her. She's sent some pretty threatening texts, just got one about 30 minutes ago actually "One way or another i will get rid of u" He doesn't want his daughter to be embarrassed if she goes to jail because of it, but I really think it might be the only way to make her stop. I mean, in the whole year and a half I've never even seen her except last night, and I guess it finally pushed her over the edge. I'll keep you all posted
You poor poor thing. No way
You poor poor thing. No way in hell is that in any way shape or form acceptable. I feel for you, honey. Fight back, but don't play dirty like her. You're so above these stupid games.
Like others said, Don't play
Like others said, Don't play her games! I'm not saying that you want to or anything, but many, many times I just wanted to say something back or totally lay it all out there for BM just for her to get the point and all, but I didn't. For a long time she thought that she could push me around and harass me, she even tried calling my work making fake complaints about me and tried to get me fired! Sounds like your BM is just as crazy and psycho as mine. For anyone in court to take you seriously you kinda deal with it until you have enough evidence like documented text messages or recorded voice mails, etc. to take in with you to show her true character. It sucks I know, but the courts and police really don't care unless you can show without a doubt that SHE is the one causing all the trouble.
Document, document, document! Sounds petty and really dumb, but seriously if it keeps up you will want the court the do something and by then you will have all sorts of proof! Head up girl, she will get hers someday!