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disconnected ss14 more involved with video games than real life

prettydaisy's picture

Sad Sad
Help, my ss13 plays "Black opps" in the basement NON stop. He does well in school but has NO desire to go outside of the house unless there is a special planned outing by his friends. He never initiates anything! He'd play in the basement killing people all day if he could. He probably averages atleast 5 hours a day on school days! It drives me crazy but the last time I took the cable from the game so he couldn't play it, dh called me at work and asked where I hid it. His dad is okay with all his playing time. However, I am NOT. How do I approach this without being the evil sm? DH is at work during after ss comes home from school so he's really not aware of all the time spent "rotting his brain!" i really think if he wasn't in the basement so much he would have actual real life friends! How do I approach it? Do I just let it go? I see it as irresponsible parenting and lose respect for dh!


Rags's picture

My Skid has the same problem so we took away his game system and his computer. End of problem at least until he can afford to buy his own system and computer.

We took his game system when he was in 9th grade and his lap top his Sr year of HS. He almost ruined his future playing World-of-WarCrack with his SpermIdiot all night long while at boarding school. Against our better judgement we allowed the school to talk us in to a computer in his barracks room his Jr year of HS. He did great his Jr year at Military School. He and his buddies hacked the school fire wall so that they could get to WOW and BioDad payed for his WOW account.

After he flunked the first semester of his Sr year we brought him home at Christmas, took his computer and rode his ass like a cheap carnival ride so he could graduate on time. His SpermIdiot cost him a diploma and the benefits of a top 20 boarding school education, a shot at the US military academies and turned SS back in to a version his POS SpermIdiot. So, we took his computer and we will not give it back or give him access to any electronics on our dime.

Letting these video-crack junkies have any access to their crack is no different than giving a junky just one hit crack per day.

Time to hammer the game system and isolate these kids completely from their drug of choice.

My SS will eventually buy his own "crack" and will be so comatose he will sleep through work but when he does he will be in the service and they will throw him in to the brig and court martial him for dereliction of duty if he pulls that crap while he is in the service. Maybe then he will get the message that he can never touch a game again. He can't handle it.

IMHO of course.