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I think I might be becoming depressed :(

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I don't know if all my saddness is the result of the skids or if this situation is causing me to become clincally depressed.

Dh didn't go to work yesterday. He went to take his car for a car wash/detailing and didn't plan for enough time. So rather than go in late, he just called in sick. So he was home all day. He went to pick up the skids and bs3 from daycare and I went across town to pick up the baby from the nannys.

Sorry sd, not my problem

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In my house, I am the only one who cooks, cleans and does laundry. All I ask of the skids is that they bring their dirty clothes to the laundry room. I then wash, dry, fold and sort their clothes into piles. Then all they have to do it pick up each pile and put it in the correct drawer. Pretty sweet deal for the skids, right? Well, apparently SD thinks that's too much work on her part.

Fuck you dh, fuck you and all your expectation!

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We saved 75% of our tax refund this last year to buy Dh a newer used car. I held on to the money until last month when he was ready to make a purchase. In the two weeks he had it until he blew he 800 of the 4000. He bought a car last weekend using the 3 he had left as a down payment.

On Monday bm2s tac refund was finally released to us. We knee it was coming and had discuessed and decided that he would put all that money towards his car loan. He got a more expensive car based on this discussion.

Keep him home with me, Pick him up early, or Send him all day.... what would you do?

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I don't work on Fridays. So on Fridays I keep the baby with me. My dilema is what to do about bs3. During the week he goes to daycare and does preschool in the am. The skids go to the same daycare after school and I pick them all up together.

Really DH??!? REALLY??

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SO I use my phone as my alarm for work. For some reason it shut down last night so the alarm didn't ring. Instead of getting up at 5:45, Dh woke me up at 6:30.

Now I have to rush to get out the door to work, and don't have time to take the kids to school. Dh has to take them now, as he doesn't start work until 930. I left the house at 6:45, after getting the skids up, BS up, and fixing the babys bottles (no help com Dh).

Today is the first day of school for skids.

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Dh mentioned to them a few weeks ago that they need to think about how they want this school year to go, and what they need to do to make sure its a successful year. And since Dh was working late last night, I figured that I would finish up that conversation with them.

When SS10 was in the shower I asked SD9 if she had thought about it like daddy had asked and what she has decided. And this was her answer.

I decided that I don't need to worry about it since I have perfect behavior in school. I don't ever get in trouble at school.

Why my BS3 is better than dh and the skids put together

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So this weekend I take bs-3months with me and go do the grocery shopping and school supply shopping. Dh, the skids and bs3 stay home. I get back about two hours later after fighting the back-to-school rush with an infant strapped to my chest.

Dh and the skids haven't moved from in front of the tv where I left them two hours ago. No one aknowledges my presence when I walk in the house. I put the babys car seat in front of Dh and ask him to get him out. Bs3 comes running up the hallway to me and says "Mommy I have a suprise for you!" All excited.

Should I ask him not to take the promoton?

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Dh just told me that he got the promotion that he applied for at work. That's great, right? Well, not really...

First issue is daycare. He currently is part of a daycare subsidy program for the skids. The program covers the majority of the skids daycare costs. He has to tell them about his raise, and I fear that they may kick him out of the program for making too much. Not sure what the limits are, but if he does get kicked off daycare for them goes from ten dollars a week each to 80 a week each.
