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So much going on right now....... i cant barely type i am so aggitated.

PeanutandSons's picture

I don't even know if I can get into the big issue. I'm so upset about it I can't even sit here and type it all out. So I'm going start with the other stuff and see how it goes.

Laundry pile still sitting there.....and another pile forming him his room. Dh is now looking at having to do three weeks of his laundry....well almost three weeks since he's been rewearing the same uniform three days this week. I ran a quick load of MY laundry last night and threw it in the drier this morning. So I will come home on Monday to no laundry waiting on me, and I will do our trip laundry at my moms before we fly MY lab dry is set. Have fun dealing with your lazy ass kid dh.

Yesterday was dhs half day at work, so normally he would be home when SS gets home from school. But he had to run some errands and we met at the store on my way home from work because he found a great sale and he needed some clothes. He's lost 8 pant sizes and 3 shirt sizes from his surgery Smile He needed my credit card so we all got home a bit later than I usually would. SS had been home for just over two hours alone.

I got home a few minutes before dh....the house reeked of cat piss. SS is supposed to scoop the boxes every other day....he hasn't done it since last Thursday. He's sitting in his room watching TV. The cats are sitting by the cupboard still waiting to be fed....he was supposed to have fed them an hour previously.

Dh walks in and smells the cat piss. Asks what that smell is. I tell him and mention that SS hasn't done the boxes in a week. As dh is walking back to talk to SS, they cats swarm him in a panic asking to be fed...."dude you didn't feed the cats?!?! They are starving!" Did you shower? No. Did you eat dinner? No. So what have you been doing the past two hours? Sitting here watching TV. (Note: the litter boxes and feeding the cats are his only chores at all) WTF. He's supposed to read outloud and hour a night to catch up on his reading. Dh told him he didn't ha e to read on Friday and Saturday night (why I dont know) and SS hasn't cracked a book since. Dh hasn't taken the effort to check up on him. So a whole week now of him falling even farther behind.

I've also noticed that his toothbrush hasn't moved in a week. Who knows how much longer before I took notice.

SS didn't even get up to feed himself until 5 minutes to bedtime. Dh bought a ton of easy food for him to make... Told him if he was hungry after school to feel free to make it or if we are running late he can make himself dinner. In addition to all that there was left over pizza in the fridge. Too lazy to even microwave pizza to feed himself.

Conference night is tonight for ss's school. Is dh going? Nope. Did SS even give us the conference paper telling us what time to meet his teachers? Nope. Has dh checked to see if the online grades site is up and working yet? Nope.

And I can't even get into what went down this morning.....


Willow2010's picture

Wow...not sure of the back story. Can SS go live with BM. The way DH is raising him is borderline abuse and full blown neglect. Poor kid. Can you imagine the type of adult he is going to be? YUK.

realitycheckmom's picture


Willow, do you wash your SS for him? Seriously my 4 yr old can wash herself on her own. She gets in the tub without prompting, she asks to take baths. So a kid about to be 12 in a couple weeks can handle bathing.

PeanutandSons's picture

Oh, I'm not doing his clothes. No way in hell.

And quite frankly, after what dh told me this morning, dh will be lucky if I decide to ever do either of their clothes ever again or spend a single dime on either one of them. I am currently at work seperating our finances.

Jsmom's picture

You are disengaged clearly, but it still really bothers you that your husband is a worthless parent...Have you told your husband that?

PeanutandSons's picture

OK the short version of this morning (only have a minute to type before I leave work to head to the air port)

After once again coving dh's expensed on my credit card last night, since he's was off work for a more the for his surgery and was only working partial he's for months and months before that..... He tell me that he's sending his mom 60 to buy a coat that SD wants. None of our kids get coats that expensive because we canT afford it. He can't even pay his bills right now....hasn't contributed to buying clothes or coats for our kids EVEr. But sends 60 dollars extra for SD to buy a coat she wants. I tried to talk to him and he blew me off that its not my business what he sends to her....that he will get her what she wants.

Unfreakingreal's picture

EXCUSE ME?!?!?! Wait, I must have misunderstood, because I could swear you just said that it is YOUR credit card that he uses.
I misread that correct? Because if it is YOUR credit card, I would assume that you would just NOT let him use YOUR card to buy something that HE can't afford.

farmers wife's picture

^^^ exactly. I'm told all the time that it's none of my business that DH wants to give most of our ("our" haha) money to his adult son. We have debt & DH refuses to do for us, because SS DESERVES it. He'll do as he wants, if I like it or not. Take his name off the credit card. That certainly isn't fair to your child.

Willow2010's picture

The man won't teach his kid about hygiene. He spends your money on other skid and then tells you it is none of your business!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I think Peanut and I must have the same DH. Now while SD15 is never "dirty" she at least showers pretty much daily. She is a lazy, nasty slob about everything else. DH says she's not lazy, she's just a teenager and she forgets things.

that is pretty much DH answer to everything right now: "She's a teenager"
Wonder what dumb ass excuse he will use in a couple of years?

Delilah's picture

Peanut I think your DH has been taking advantage of you for quite some time and YOUR poor children seem to have a father who has abdicted a portion of his responsibility towards your children. Your children appear to lose out while he brown noses your skids. It's guilt and sympathy which is driving DH's reasoning and unfortunately all he is doing is alienating you and eventually his younger son's, when they witnesses the unfairness of them VS their older siblings.

That is really sad for them and for you.

I appreciate you likely do not want any further work, arguments and problems in the past and have managed your DH's behaviour but unfortunately all that has done is really enable DH to continue (not having a go at you as I have been guilty of this also). Your decision to disengage and separate finances is the RIGHT thing to do, as YOU actually set the standard of treatment towards you through your acceptance of it or not.

The fact you have albeit reluctantly and unhappily got on with things, has sadly communicated your acceptance to DH of the situation while you are NOT accepting it (and rightly so).

I am glad to hear you are finally making a stand and my advice on how to address any anger your DH may direct at you over your decision, is to calmly and really nicely tell him ONCE and only once this is *your* money and you will do what you want with *your* money (a rule your DH so kindly reminded you of). Also given these are *his* children and he can do what he wants regarding HIS children, he can also be responsible for HIS children. After all you have your own children to focus on.

Use his own words against him. Once you have told him your POV do not rehash it, as he may try and go over old ground in an attempt to open up an argument to guilt/negotiate and blackmail you into submission. I usually have walked out and refused to discuss anything when this has happened and will not engage with any attempts to anger me into engaging (beware of this).

Good luck!!