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Lying/Disrespectful Child13

K342's picture

My stepson is going to be 13 this year, and lately past couple of months he has been really disrespectful and lies a lot. He will lie over simple questions, like if he brushed his teeth.... he will lie and say he did. It got to where I knew he was lying, he didn't even go into the bathroom. I have called him out on his lying, along with his father... my stepson backs his lies and continues to lie and claim he did.

Another example so you can understand a bit better, he has a cat that is his responsibility (feed him, give him water, change the cat box). We write down days to change the litter box and even will remind him to clean the cat box multiple times. We will ask him if he changed the cat box, he says yes. I used to leave him alone when he says yes and believe him but it got to where the cat box smells up the house. I check it, it'll look like it hasn't been cleaned in a week. Now, everytime he has to clean the catbox I ask him,  he will say yes and so I check the cat box every single day. Currently, I remind him to clean it and before bed I'll ask him did you clean the cat box. He will tell me yes, I'll go check and you can see it hasn't been done. I'll ask him is he sure because the cat box doesn't look like it has been touched and piled up. He tells me yes and that if I want to check to go look in the trash can. Being me, since he lied so many times I go to look in the trash can. No litter or anything in there. I'll ask him again, and he will tell me maybe it's at the bottom. I'll look, no sign that the cat box has been done. An he will look me straight in my face and tell me "I don't know why it's not in there, I cleaned it." 


He lies about damn near everything even the littlest things (like again teeth brushing). He even lied about his homework, which during conferences found out he does have homework and told his teacher he's not doing it. Of which she told us and he said he never once said that. 

The disrespect goes as far as lying, giving an attitude about responsibilities, and even not following house rules (even having friends over). He gave his bus driver an attitude one day because he was mad too, and we had to discuss with him that's not okay..

We tried to take away his phone, his Xbox, have a discussion with him, and it got to where we yelled at him. When this happens, he stops lying and being disrespectful then a couple days later goes right back to it. I'm hoping for advice or even some consequences other parents have tried with their kids to incorporate in my parenting.. I know kids will lie sometimes and be disrespectful especially in teen Years but this is starting to get out of control.


shamds's picture

Forth nonsense with ss. If its blatantly obvious litter tray hasn't been cleaned (its bloody obvious looking at clumps, poo and smell) trll him to go clean it now, if he answers back it has been tell him no it hasn't clean it now. 

otherwise tell your husband to have him clean the bloody litter tray immediately

my husband had to message me from work to confirm ss cleaned the litter, empty trash and vacuumed the house. He didn't trus his own son saying yes

shamds's picture

Forth nonsense with ss. If its blatantly obvious litter tray hasn't been cleaned (its bloody obvious looking at clumps, poo and smell) trll him to go clean it now, if he answers back it has been tell him no it hasn't clean it now. 

otherwise tell your husband to have him clean the bloody litter tray immediately

my husband had to message me from work to confirm ss cleaned the litter, empty trash and vacuumed the house. He didn't trus his own son saying yes

shamds's picture

Forth nonsense with ss. If its blatantly obvious litter tray hasn't been cleaned (its bloody obvious looking at clumps, poo and smell) trll him to go clean it now, if he answers back it has been tell him no it hasn't clean it now. 

otherwise tell your husband to have him clean the bloody litter tray immediately

my husband had to message me from work to confirm ss cleaned the litter, empty trash and vacuumed the house. He didn't trus his own son saying yes

Winterglow's picture

Take away his phone and xbox and make him earn them back. Then remove one of his belongings every time he lies. Continue until he has only three outfits left. Remove his bedroom door. Liars don't deserve privacy.  Call him out on his lies each and every time. All of this has to be done by your DH, of course, not you.

Survivingstephell's picture

Actually strip his room of everything but the bed and clothing.  put the litter box in his room and make him earn everything back with good behavior.  

TrueNorth77's picture

Put that litter box in his room- I bet he will be more apt to clean it when he has to smell it! I too wouldn't bother with the back and forth- I know when I'm being lied to, I won't entertain it and play the game.Clean the litter NOW or I'm taking X away. Lie and I'm immediately taking X away. Also, this gentle parenting crap is BS at some point. When you have tried everything else, yelling works. Just ask my DH. Skids act like savages at Crazy's, but by us they just don't. 

shamds's picture

Rained hell on ss. My husband continually failed to address ss issues that were severely affecting harmony in our home and marriage and when i made it very clear that the fact he didn't care enough about us vs an adult ss meant hubby had no interest in making any positive changes so I didn't see why i should remain married to him.

it was when he realized i was ready to divorce him that he opened his eyes and resented how selfish, self centred and disrespectful ss was and hubby allowed this. Within the hour of ss arriving home, actually within mins he was scrubbing away his bathroom of all the mould and vacuuming etc.

my husband told ss on the car ride over that he wasn't allowed to lock his door and that hubby would do spot checks. Him locking himself all day and night in the bedroom like a stranger and refusing to interact with any of us and our 2 young kids was unacceptable if he wanted to remain living here. 
ss also lost the privilege of locking his bedroom door, my husband just barged in to check on him without a knock or announcing he was coming in.

AgedOut's picture

take a photo at 8am, another at 12 noon, one at 6pm and one at 8pm. photos are proof, if nothing has changed... he can't lie about that. 

Winterglow's picture

' he will look me straight in my face and tell me "I don't know why it's not in there, I cleaned it." '

Drag him back to the cat box and tell him to do it properly this time. And stand over him as he does it. 

Rags's picture

Make him show you. 

"Show me the litter box."

This significantly reduces the lies.

floralsm's picture

Yes! This! 
SS and SD lies all the time and I get a kick out of watching them squirm when confronted with the 'show me' comments I say. When they finally confess they lied I explain what happened to DH and then he deals with them. It's a while until they lie to me again, and they know we don't tolerate it.

ESMOD's picture

Why is it on you to endlessly follow up with his kid about the litter box?  Does your SO not have a nose or eyes? Next time you smell something ask your SO to go check it... let him deal with his child on that.

And.. if removing those priveleges work short term.. perhaps they need to be removed longer and returned only after a suitable time of compliance with his rules/chores? and then removed again for LONGER each time he fails and lies about it.