How to succinctly explain my position....
Well, the Mt. Everest of laundry piles sas thrown in my bedroom yesterday after school. Dont know if he did it on his own, or if dh told him to. He was 2 days shy of going an entire month without washing any clothes. And being that he hasnt showered in a week and a halv, the pile is pretty ripe.
Im sure dh has put it all out of his mind and assumes I will be washing and drying and folding it for ss thks weekend. I am most definjtely not. I neec a quick, clear succinct way to answer him when he notices that I didnt touch any of ss clothes all weekend.
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Order him in the
Order him in the brush his clean his clean the cst read a book.....there are alot of things dh needs to order him to do.
Hes about to turn 12. I dont
Hes about to turn 12. I dont care wno does it....dh or ss.....but its not going to be me.
Yes, they are quite balsy with what the expect from me. Even bs4 knew thag was a Dick move. He saw it this morning and came out to me and says......mommy, theres something in your bedroom that you have to see, and its not going to make you happy.
skid12 started doing his
skid12 started doing his laundry at age 11. Of course it's not done the way I would do it, but not my problem. Usually it gets washed, dried, put in a basket and stay there. Wrinkled and nasty. But, not my problem.
If DH has a bureau in your bedroom, I would pile them up in front of it. Let him step over, trip over, fall over it all.
I hope you keep your laundry separate from there's cuz it must be pretty bad by now :sick:
And if DH asks why you're not doing skids laundry? I would say "I thought this was the way you wanted it. I noticed you didn't take care of the laundry while I was away and assumed since skid is your kid, this was your parenting technique. So I quit!"
BTW, bs4 sounds absolutely adorable!
I think I would sit DH down
I think I would sit DH down and tell him this...
DH...those clothes are rancid and I am not washing them. And we are going to have some new rules if you want me to start washing them again. I will wash ONE load of SS clothes per week if the following rules are met.
1). SS must bath everyday. I don't want to touch clothes that have been on such a nasty body.
2). SS must brush his teeth twice a day. He get his hand on his mouth and then touches his clothes and I don't want to touch that either.
3). His clothes MUST be in the hamper at this certain time. I will not wash an accumulation of clothes more than one week old.
4). DH will teach SS to fold and put away his own clothes.
5). DH take a parenting class. (JK, I am just being sarcastic because your DH is such a bad parent).
I think DH knows what to do
I think DH knows what to do but he's used to the "maid" doing it. I'd leave the whole ball of wax for DH to take care of. His kid, his problem.
After this move, I wouldn't
After this move, I wouldn't do his laundry again. That would be the new rule.
I have no intention of doig
I have no intention of doig ss laundry ever again.
I am also debating how to
I am also debating how to play this if dh doesnt either step ul and do it or ask me about it.
Do I just leavd the pile jn our bedroom for as long as it takss, pretending not to notice? Or should I dump it back in ss room at some point? Sunday night? Monday night since dh is off on Monday?
Do I just focus on the laundry, or throw all the other lazy nasty stuff in to the discussion as well?
And yes, bs4 really is the sweetest
I would either put in back in
I would either put in back in SS's room or innocently ask DH what this pile of laundry is doing in the bedroom and see what he says. Then just take it from there.
Depending on how he answers, I would either let him know the new rule (and save the rest for another time) or I would go all out on his ass and get into all the other crap, too (if his answer or his attitude pisses me off).
I am interested to know who is behind the laundry being in your bedroom.
DH is playing the game of "if
DH is playing the game of "if I just leave it there long enough Peanut will take care of it". DH moving it into the bedroom tells me, he knows full well what he's doing. No need for a discussion. If the smell get's too bad, move it back to ss's room or bag it in a trash bag to try and control the smell.
I would not worry about skids hygiene. I have skids who don't brush their teeth :sick: One of them pee's the bed and sometimes doesn't shower :sick: Have these skids been shown what to do and been reminded, yes. Now the consequences will come. Teeth...bad breath, filling's? Bad body odor, friends will start telling him he stinks or they won't hang around him.
Either way, not your problem. I know you would like the best for skid and run a home with cleanliness and order. But life's lessons will not be learned if you keep taking care of it.
I stopped and feel much better
Is there really anything to
Is there really anything to discuss? Shove (with your foot)the laundry out of your room. Something to discuss... the weather.
Your DH knows the deal. If someone is going to do laundry, either it's the kid or him. Oh, wait, he can now use this as a learning opportunity to teach skid how to do his own laundry. Either way, it's not your problem. You've already talked about it. Now, it's up to him to parent his kid the way he sees fit. As for Stinky, just give him a spray with Lysol when he passes by. Same with his room.
Seriously, don't take this on, let DH deal.
Shove (with your foot)the
Shove (with your foot)the laundry out of your room
Ha, ha. That's what I was thinking, for God's sake, don't touch it!
*crickets* that would be my
that would be my response.
BUT if its something that is difficult to step over or so smelly it makes you sick, i'd make the first move. "DH, while u're off on monday dont forget to take care of ss's laundry." and throw in a few more "honey do's" while u're at it
i wouldnt ask. i wouldnt leave room for a response, just a statement with a clear expectation.
i love reading your updates btw!
If your DH told SS to put
If your DH told SS to put them in your room, pile them on your DH's pillow. He can wash them when he washes his pillow & pillowcase.
If SS did it on his own, pile them on his pillow & let him try to figure out a better plan.
" I neec a quick, clear succinct way to answer him when he notices that I didnt touch any of ss clothes all weekend."
Short & clear message, & if you really bring it out of your gut, you'll feel so much better.
Can you not just show this
Can you not just show this kid how to put his own fucking laundry in the washing machine? Don't even talk to your DH about it, just usurp him all together, he's useless.
TELL SS he is old enough to put clothes in the machine, pop in a detergent pod and push a fucking button. He'll probably run to DH and tattle on you, but what is your husband's arguement going to be? That is son is too dumb, too lazy, too stinky?? He's really not going to have an agruement.
If skid doesn't do his laundry then I guess he doesn't have anything to wear and he needs to go to DH for "help"
Oh and make sure that you make it clear that you NEVER put just 2 items in the wash because you are a lazy ass. SD15 has to do her own laundry, but I caught her pulling this crap... would need her nasty spandex for volleyball so rather than washing all of the dirty nasty clothes that she had laying around her room, closet etc., she would put TWO fucking things in the washing machine and dryer. Hell NO!
What to hell is wrong with
What to hell is wrong with men!!!! One of my co workers who is undergoing her final cancer reconstruction surgeries today was just telling me the same type of story regarding her husband. She is not lifting a finger and is seeing how long he can go. It just makes me sick... I do all our laundry DH never lifts a finger but I just don't have it in me to disengage. Thankfully my skids bathe daily and are not gross.
Put it back in skid's
Put it back in skid's room.
DH: Why did you do that?
You: The only dirty laundry I want in my room is my own. Skid knows the appropriate time and location for dirty laundry. Since the appropriate time is *NOT* after having allowed it to sit and ripen for a month, and the appropriate place is *NOT* piled up in my room, I will *NOT* be doing it. If you don't want to do it, then I suppose you should teach him how.
DH: *bs excuse for why you should do it*
You: *ignore* (or if a response is required, "I've already made myself clear.")
I'd bag it up and toss it. Or
I'd bag it up and toss it. Or at LEAST toss it outside or in the garage!
SOMEONE there has brass balls for sure. Either SS or your DH. Either way, NO.
OR pile it up on the Xbox, etc. or all over the living room television or household computer....
I'd start extending my strike from the laundry to whatever else you may be doing for them...dishes....errands...bill paying....
I would take the stinky pile
I would take the stinky pile and put it on SSs bed...He'd get the message and then probably complain to DH...and whn he comes asking you about it...just calmly say "I am not doing his laundry"...end of story...