extremely aggitated with dh's parenting....well lack of parenting
Dh took bs4 and bs1 to daycare this morning. This drive to daycare 4 days a week is the only time he is solely responsible for the boys. How much damage could he possible do in half hour a day, four days a week right? Esp since the boys are strapped in their cat seats for half the time.
He calls me to tell me he had to yell at bs4 on the ride to daycare. So I ask what happened. He tells me that he got the boys donuts on the way and bs1 got chocolate donut all over his face. OK, and????? You give a 14 month old a chocolate donut and you are surprised that he gets chocolate on his face?
Now if you are like me you are now wondering, OK so why did bs4 get yelled at? Apparently in dhs mind as the older brother he should have prevented the baby from making a mess. He should have seen the baby making a mess of his face and alerted dh.
I justbdont know how to get through to dh was a reasonable expectation for a 4 yr old is. He sees stuff like this as evidence that bs4 is a bad big brother and doesn't care about him little brother. I broke it down for him and explained that BS is 4.....4! He can't expect bs4 to be babysitting his brother. And what exactly did he think would happen giving the baby a donut? Of coarse he would make a mess, bs4 shouldn't have had to tell you that.
He fully understood that he was wrong when we hung up....he mentioned that he forgets how young BS is and he just remembers how he was with his little brother. I am then pointed out that is is 12 yes older than his younger brother.....BS is 3 yes older than the baby. He gets it now....but I know it'll be out the window again the next time his inattention causes him more work with the baby....he will blame bs4 again.
If he doesn't cutnthos crap out he's going to make bs4 start to hate his little brother. They absolutely love each other now but I can see how if dh continues yelling at bs4 for the things the baby does will cause animosity to grow.
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That's the most ironic
That's the most ironic part..... He has had a no eating in daddy's car policy. He was also bitching about the crumbs all over his car. Well, you are the one who bought the friggin donuts, if you don't want donut crumbs in your car don't give them donuts!
It just kills me that he seems to feel that bs4 has more responsibility than he as the adult does.
I don't think BS4 will resent
I don't think BS4 will resent his little brother. He will start to resent his father. He will avoid his father. He will keep away from his father because he has unreasonable expectations of his little boy. Then his son will find someone else to mentor him and be his male role model. And this is where gangs and pedophiles find their way into BSs life.
Is it an extreme outcome? I don't think so. And seriously, a grown man should not be blaming a child for his bad decision making. Buying a chocolate doughnut for a baby? SERIOUSLY?