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He caved. . .

Paintcrisis's picture

This is not my story. I am step-free and have no plans to change it.

The update is: he caved, succumbed, deferred, knuckle undered, conceded, gave in, capitulated, yielded. . .

This is my friend. He pays CS (ever since the divorce) even though he makes less than BM and has true 50/50 and no arrears. It has been 50/50 from the beginning. They each keep a household and take care of skids. They split school lunches, medical, cell phone, sports fees, etc. . . So I don't know what the CS is for.

BM said if he didn't help pay car insurance, the sky would fall or something stupid like that. I don't know what her threat  was. I am just so glad I am not in steplife anymore.  This just makes me not respect him anymore and I am not even involved in it.

Anyone looking for their next mistake? He's single. . .


thinkthrice's picture

To keep the GUBM living in the lap of luxury of course.

Dash 1

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Oh my gosh me. Totally didn't learn my lesson the first time!  When can I meet this charmer?
