Can we vote for an IGNORE feature on the board?
OK-it's obvious there are posters who can't get along-I include myself. It goes beyond disagreement to outright bullying and harrasing.
We've all seen it if we are honest.
SO-I guess this question is for the Admins more-is it possible to add an ignore feature?
I know other boards have it and it seems to work very well. That way we don't have to even SEE what someone is saying about us or to us,...if we are lucky enough to have a mutual ignore then we wouldn't see eachothers blogs or posts at all.
I think it would take away the temptation to respond in defense or stating our view if we know it will escalate into a bash fest on the board.
I can ignore so much and not respond-but when you read new messages on a blog it's impossible almost to not see the message as you are reading ignore feature would allow to not even see anything related to those posters. That way if you think a poster is a trolling bm, a poser, an ivillage poster, or makes up stories, or is here as a previous poster disguised, or if you feel constantly baited or attacked you can just click "ignore member" and end of escalation.
So-I wonder if there's a way to get a poll/vote going? I wonder if those intent on liking fights and drama would agree to use it but at least those that want to ignore the fights CAN if they want to. So admins, this possible??? Does it involve too much?
- overit2's blog
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I like the ignore option.
I like the ignore option. Count me in.
Yes! But it's impossible to
Yes! But it's impossible to ignore the idiots driving in the left lane w/out understanding it is there FOR PASSING! GOD that's a pet peeve of mine.
I don't care that you are distracted on your cell-or think you're already at or above speed limit-you don't cruise on the left lane-ESPECIALLY when you have traffic behind it a two lane road or interstate. GO BACK to driving school and get a clue!
THere is NO WAY to ignore them...their stupidity demands some reaction. LOL
NOPE passive agressive button wouldn't work-never been on any board-neither has flat out agressive -otherwise everyone on here would be stamped
BUT Ignore features ARE used succesfully on other boards.
But it's impossible to ignore
But it's impossible to ignore the idiots driving in the left lane w/out understanding it is there FOR PASSING! GOD that's a pet peeve of mine.
OMG - I KNOW!!! I commute 45 miles one way mostly interstate. I seriously think my car has a cloak of invisibility around it! I am coming from miles away - going 75-80 already in the passing lane because I see a group of cars for some reason only going about 60. Then one going 65 decides to pull out right in front of me to pass and I have to hit the brakes.
WHY???????????????????? Invisibility Cloak.
Oh, I also asked for an Ignore button back when I first started posting on this site. Didn't get any type of response.
Skylark I have a super long
Skylark I have a super long commute to work everyday as well. I spend most of my time in the fast lane. I'm not out for a casual Sunday drive, I want to get in the car, drive to work and arrive safely. I'm not interested in the accident on the OTHER side of the road, I can watch the news later if I'm curious. I am focused on getting into the office in a timely manner. I feel that in the morning people are either half asleep or they are in no rush at all. I'm not expecting everyone to fly down the interstate at 90 mph but I do expect that if you want to drive 60 you get into the appropriate lane for slow traveling. This is something I cannot stress enough...I could teach a damn driving class!! I also really dislike when people beep at you as you merge onto the highway. I have said it once and I will say it again...THE RIGHT LANE IS NOT FOR TRAVELING IT'S FOR MERGING ON AND OFF EXITS! Don't beep at me like I'm doing something wrong for getting on the highway!!
Sorry, I know it's OT but I couldn't resist!
As far as the ignore button, I could get on board with that too. Sometimes you don't want to read certain offensive comments and I agree that you are not always able to avoid that. Ignore button would be fantastic!
Often the people that get
Often the people that get into it are responding to another poster and that is where the disagreements start.
For example, you want to "ignore" Poster A. Poster B starts a blog and you respond to it. Poster A doesn't like what you said, so they respond with something nasty.
So, would you suggest that you wouldn't even see what Poster A said anywhere on another person's blog?
Hope this makes sense......even when reading it back, it looks confusing to me, and I wrote it!
LOL. Very nice, StepAside!
LOL. Very nice, StepAside! This is the best way to ignore!
HA true true-believe me we
HA true true-believe me we would still have showdowns I'm sure.
Invisibility cloak LMAO skylark..awesome!
It's worse on those 2 lane roads-where the others are going normal speed on the right lane-maybe they got their licesnce from a cracker jack box
No stepaside-there are many
No stepaside-there are many other threads that goes the same way honestly. I think it would be a useful feature for those that can't get along
I of course love my kids more then the FSD-actually I was ridiculed and laughed at for saying future step daughter as it was a non valid scenario-even though the person that did doesnt even interract w/their skids at all! lol As if so many of us here aren't in those situations-many are here as preventive measure before taking the leap to learn what we can do. I know and believe it's very unlikely to love a skid as your own unless you have been involved since they were very very young. JMO though-and even then I think it would be tough and unlikely.
So NO-even if you cleaned your room not sure I would save you from a cliff before my own lol
Ever wonder if you're on
Ever wonder if you're on someones flip off list? I hadn't, but now I am getting nervous!
For the record, I don't have anyone on my ignore list.
I have a few girl crushes here and wish I'd met rags and dart first.
I do have a low tolerance for stupid and even lower for obvious liars.
When you're the last to post
When you're the last to post on a topic and its been 30 minutes you start to get a little worried.... Just sayin.
Oh gosh, that's awful
Oh gosh, that's awful sourgirl..Yeah I've seen plenty of "spin offs" on this board too lol...crazy!!
OMG SOurgirl LOL-hysterical!!
OMG SOurgirl LOL-hysterical!! Speakin of spin offs!!! To's not that I care that people know about multiple accounts or not-i could care less about was MY blog-and because you are so nasty to me I refuse to have your posts on my blogs, nothing more. So your passive agressive dig doesn't mean much.
I figure if someone is violating rules let the admins deal w/it after reporting rather then spread gossip and animosity. Could be two accounts-could be a change of name. I don't know-don't care.