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Bf has a new phone and the EX is NOT getting the n!!

overit2's picture

Smile So my bf and his parents went on a cell plan together for phone service for the next year. Even though it was a nuisance for bsns purposes and contacts he's chosen to change the number...and send the n to his old contacts EXCEPT the EX! Must say I am thrilled. His dad agreed it was best, they speak often and his dad said if the ex needs to leave a message she can call our house. You can call her back and block your number from her seeing it. You can ALSO block her phone n from calling you if she does get ahold of it.

Normally drastic measures wouldn't be needed-but he's at a point of despair from losing control over his life w/his exe's last minute antics, or her contacting him all the time on his wknds w/his BD. So now when his wknds roll around the bf will be setting up a set pick-up/dropoff time-where he picks her up Fri, the BM picks her up Sun adn that's that-no more contact. No more, I don't feel good bring her to me...her power plays are ending. His parents know how this has affected him and are more then willing to have the BM contact their home phone. If he wants to contact his D he can block his n. If she doesn't like it and refuses to answer-oh well. He's not going to cater to her guilt trips and control freak nature anymore.

In case of emergency she can contact the home phone. End of story-she's shit out of luck now. Maybe some semblance of normality will return. I feel like he's finally trying to take the reigns back she's taken from him by blackmailing him w/his D. Enough is enough.


tofurkey's picture

Yay! I'm happy for you that he took that step, i'm sure it will make things sooooo much easier for the two of you!

caregiver1127's picture

My husband told me about a month ago - that he realizes that he can't control his ex or her actions. He said that he will not cater to her because in the end she will do what she wants and there is nothing he can do to stop her. With the realization a load was lifted off of his shoulders. He realizes he may not have a solid and good relationship with his son until he graduates in 2012 and he is okay with it. BM talks crap about us all the time as we found out this summer when SS visited and let some things slip during a conversation we had with him. It has helped our relationship tremendously as he has stopped catering to her. This was a slow process but he has stopped catering to her about 2 1/2 years ago and we are going on 6 years married. So I am glad that your BF realizes this - it will make your home life much easier.