Is anyone in therapy to deal with your feelings of "stephell"?
The last time I went to therapy was when I was married-about a year or so prior to my divorce. It helped me recognize the abuse and propelled me out of there. I'm thinking it might help me get through this difficult time and decide if this the life for me. Or at least to better cope w/my feelings.
Right now I'm finding that my feelings of disgust, angst and anger towards bf's kid are just consuming me. I'm trying to make the thoughts stop and live my life more - but every time I see something else that irritates me, even in small doses. ANd I just get into this zone, feel very angry, depressed. There's this realization that I just don't like the kid, in fact I can't stand her and I hate every second of being around her-and I can't control it. And I think I need some help coping with it because it could ruin the relationship w/the man I love.
I keep daydreaming about moving and only seeing her a couple times a year.
I know I will never feel happy to have her around and I probably won't like her -and I still refuse to put up w/her more then EOW. But-I can't cope w/these strong emotions. It causes insomnia, depression, angst, I feel trapped, I feel like I'm about to snap and say very horrible things any moment that I'll regret. I recognize I need help coping w/my feelings and channeling them differently.
I know I can't talk to bf about this-he'd probably be shocked about how strongly I feel. My gf's these days are busy w/their own lives, young babies, my cousin who is a trusted vent source is having some big mental issues right mom, I can to a point but not sure she's the right person to unload how I really feel about SD. Nor that they would understand me.
I don't know many step-parents, and asides from this board, I feel like I need a live person that won't judge me that can help me (preferable a step-parent herself lol) cope, let me unload and give me some direction. I've develope situation depression-I'm sure of that. I dont' want meds. Has therapy helped anyone here? Did it live up to your expectations? Can you cope better?
I held firm to no visits from SD all last week-bf was distraught and upset and lost and felt completely neglected and sad and rejected that I didn't see him. I told him I needed me time. ANd I said, it wasn't you I needed time from as much as SD-I told you I can't cope w/all this unscheduled time.
Then he asked well is there a time we can see you? I said this wknd-I know it's a long wknd and it was scheduled to be your wknd so yes-I'm ok w/that-nothing more.
So Sat, I stretched the day and luckily didn't see her till later afternoon/evening. Of course there were some incidents.
Sunday we planned to go to his brothers pool all day. Well I went up w/my boys around 3pm-we did have a good time, other then breaking up a few fights, she of course pulled one of the floaties from the pool the ENTIRE time to put her 'toys' in it. Well until SHE was ready to play w/it that evenign. Just another "things have to go her way". Dinner back at the house was crazy-her stuffing her face to eat in 1 minute which is just disgusting-I don't get it. Chew your damn food fool! The 4th the boys and I chilled at home mostly, bf and I got steaks to grill, they came over around 5pm. But SD wanted to go to bf's brothers (her uncles) again because they were having a party. Bf said he wasn't going-NOW-his parents that didn't want to go either, decided to go anyway-because SHE wanted to go!!! So they picked her up from my house- drove 20min to "uncles" house just to make her happy. WTF!!!
We had about 8 phone calls when they got there. The last one is "can (me) record WWE for me to watch later?" First of all, MY shows are recording-second it's too late for her to come over. So I said I"ll record some of it but not for today. HIs parents take her back to their house. Good!
We coudln't do the fireworks "I" bought because it rained nonstop in our area. So I made an exception to allow SD to come over for firewords last night. Of course she hadn't eaten (at 9pm wtf?-was out w/his parents who took her to the park because God forbid we don't do what this little shit spawn wants to do and keep her happy and entertained at ALL times).
In those 2 hrs I thought I was going to strangle her. She insisted on "sorting fairly" all the fireworks between the three kids. Of course SHE has to be the one to count/organize/handle them-which she ends up doing unfairly of COURSE.
But then kept trying to keep big ones for herself. Her dad hid the last 3 big ones for US. Then she kept going to their boxes-emptying theirs first so she had more left after everyone elses. Then kept going to dad to hand her some more boxes. I heard her say "I can take this one home"-and I said NO these are to be used here.
I mean WTF-you get everybody bowing at your every damn demand, whim, you did fireworks at your uncles, you said you have some at your dads to do-AND you want to use all of OUR fireworks and take one home?
Then I go to get the big ones-dad had already handed HER a big one. So i get the other one, she tries to take it from me-I said NO, maybe since I bought them I get to light one-and maybe your DAD gets to light the other one. He took the other big one but then asked her to help him light it. WTF?! His behvior of coddlign and allowing her to handle all the fireworks as if it were her own...then we go inside for a bit and she's demanding the dog sit w/her (as she does EVERY time)- and SHE grabs the remote. Finally after seeing my face he demands she give up the remote (which she throws at my son). I told him I was done for the night. This was 2 hrs-2 hrs from 9-11pm-and it kept me up till 2am REELING w/anger. I just have so much to vent about-this blog helps me get it out.
I frigging can't STAND HER. I can't stand how everybody jumps to whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Especially his family, and he shows signs of doing it sometimes and otehrs not giving a rats ass to give into it.
She mentioned to th boys "See you tomorrow"...I said nothing-got to blame my bitch switch being turned on PMS the last couple of days (wonder if he'll catch on that I PMS everytime she's here).
BUT HELL no-here's the thing-I said EOW-it was a long wknd for the holiday, and we made an exception Tue night for fireworks. Im' done-I'm washing my hands till 2wknds from now. Not have to see her selfish, narcissisistic ass again. Not only does she have her moms tendencies of bullying, narcissism and selfish and bossy-but they are all FEEDING it even more by giving in to her demands and wants all the time. How do they not see it?
- overit2's blog
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This would drive me insane
This would drive me insane enough to need more than just therapy. I have no real advice for you but I can't believe you didn't snap. Seriously- what a pain in the neck.
Honestly, the problem is NOT
Honestly, the problem is NOT SD, it's everyone around her who placates her and gives in to her every whim. Including your BF.
Until he starts handling his situation as a traditional parent, then nothing will change and all the therapy in the world is merely a bandaid.
And of course, any talk of "I think we need to have some changes around here; have you noticed how everyone cow tows to SD and that this is doing her a disservice in life" from SM is a big NO NO!!
And WTF is SD looking at WWE for? TOTALLY inappropriate!!! Reminds me of GG's brat pack watching that crap. HEAVEN FORBID it be anything truly educational AND entertaining in a positive way!!!
Which brings me to the same
Which brings me to the same conclusion time and again that there simply is NO way to live a healthful, fulfilling life when there are guilty daddies, psycho PASinator BMs and the aftermath stricken skids involved. NONE!
I know...I HATE WWE-and I
I know...I HATE WWE-and I don't allow it in my home. So it won't be seen. I pretended to record it for 5 min until I had "problems" getting this new cable system to work
But he also hates that she likes that program-what do you expect...the mom is a huge fan and watches and allows her 10 almost 11yr old to watch WWE, Jersey Shore, jerry springer, Dog the bounty hunter...and other such trashy stuff and mtv programs not suitabel for her age...totally innapropriate I agree.
And I think he in paper "agress" to traditional parenting and is more receptive to learning then many because he sees how my kids are....I think I big downfall for us is his parents that completely enable the kids every wish and demand. We really cannot control that. I think he'll get on board and I've seen him step up-BUT I have to keep pushing it and somehow showing your dissaproval and encourage better parenting w/out "offending them" for how shitty they are doing it. Fine line. So if the kids being catered to by her grandparents, and then her mom/moms family for anything/everything-we get the kid raised like the "feral cat" every so often and can't find a way to correct said behavior w/limited time. And I don't want MORE time either lol-so it's catch 22.
I'm not sure about him going to counseling-he might...I haven't thought of asking him right now. I rather start w/myself to get myself back on track first.
I am actually going to start
I am actually going to start seeing my counselor again next week. I feel alot like you, life is good, I love my DH dearly, love our life together EXCEPT when skids are there. I seriously wish they didn't exist and my skids aren't even rotten like yours is. I have just gotten it into my head that they are "intruding" in my life, they are taking away from our BS1, I hate their BMs, I just hate everything. It's gotten bad enough that DH has started to notice that I am different when skids are there, and I am. I just get myself into this funk and can't wait for them to be gone. And I totally get that it is ME who is causing this, but I just don't know how to re-program my brain without some kind of real person to help me through it.
I went to try and deal with
I went to try and deal with the anxiety of what was going on with SS 21- it did help but then I got resentful that I was taking time out of my day to deal with SS 21's crap and costing me $50 a pop for the co-pay.
But in the beginning the therapist was good about talking me off the ledge.
And then there's that...I
And then there's that...I will have to view it as I'm doing this for our relationship together...but reality is I wouldn't need f'in therapy if it weren't for this messed up kid and her deadbeat custodial mom who throws her his way whenever she pleases.
"I pretended to record it for
"I pretended to record it for 5 min until I had "problems" getting this new cable system to work"
Isn't it pathetic the way we just can't say "no you're not watching that" in our own homes?
I'd say mommy rules stay at mommy's house; here we do this or that. If BF is afraid of "losing" his daughter by not giving in to her, he'll lose her respect at a much faster rate which he can NEVER get back.
Yes, you are right.
Yes, you are right. Personally i was suprised he asked me to record it even, because he doesn't like her watching it either. I guess part of the reason for counseling is because I also need to learn better ways to be assertive w/out being offensive...and hold to my guns sort of speak. Shoot it's my home and tv and I pay for the cable damn it. I tend to internalize a lot until I errupt and then everythign I'm saying is lost w/the vomiting of the mouth.
And indeed-I have to hold firm on that show in my house-we have never watched it here-he agreed at how bad it is....I guess this 2 weeks w/her-and 2 weeks earlier in June have him all softened and kid whipped. He normally gets his cojones back when it's just EOW> But for the love of God....I wonder how they don't see that coddling her every demand(especially his parents) isnt' harmful to the girl who already has a selfish, bully, narcissistic mother-adn they indulge her which helps build those characterists which she already has thanks to mom.
It's like having her MOM sit in MY house everytime she's here.
" I find myself wishing all
" I find myself wishing all the time that she would realize I can't stand her and just say she doesn't want to come back."
I can tell you that this is no solution either. GG's (biodad I live with) skids PASed out at an early age due to his failure to stand up to the BM and getting trampled upon by the skids (which translated in him trampling ME)
The two oldest, Brainiac (SS stb 15) and Venus De Milo (SD stb 13) PASed out about three years ago.
The youngest, Prince Hygiene (SS 8 1/2) PASed out almost two years ago b/c GG wanted him to eat a home cooked meal instead of chicken mcnuggets. No call from the BM, as she views the children as part of her and superior in every way to GG and myself, since then.
The BM never had any intentions of truly co-parenting with GG and I knew it from day one, however GG took a LOT longer to learn and was beaten up over the course of six years.
The "ghost" of the skids still lives on. When GG gets angry with me he starts to pretend that he's going to resume his disneyland/guilty daddy/non-parental status babysitting gig status.
Believe me it never ends!
I went to counseling last
I went to counseling last summer. It helped me tremendously. It set in motion actions that have changed my life...for the best.
Therapy has helped me to deal
Therapy has helped me to deal very effectively with both sides of my steplife- as a SM and as a SD. I've blogged about it many times before.
I've had loads of resentment towards my stepkids in the past. Therapy helped me to channel that resentment towards DH and BM. DH's feeling my resentment made him step up his parenting act and was what made us all (kids included) amenable to individual and family counseling. The kids and I still go to individual counseling. They were ill-behaved and filthy. They did not know any life skills. I can remember very clearly when the counselor pointed out to me that maybe it would be better to channel that towards DH and BM, who did nothing to teach the kids life skills. They were kick-the-can-down-the-road parents (but DH has made huge strides in that department). BM was an abusive parent.
As far as all of us (DH, me and SDs) go, counseling has really helped us all to find a middle ground. Everyone got the chance to speak their mind appropriately and voice their opinions and frustrations. We all got to say what we feel is so confusing and unnatural about blended/step families. The therapist helped us to put all that together and would give us helpful suggestions as a neutral, outside party.
By the same token, it has helped me deal with being a SD. It has helped me to forgive my stepmother for her verbal abuse towards me and PAS towards my mom when I was younger.
Everytime I go to counseling
Everytime I go to counseling they suggest LEAVING as the ONLY option!
And that is with me being very neutral and merely describing my actual situation; NOT painting GG as an ogre (although he has crossed the line MANY times)
Fact is, my financial situation is very important to me now that I'm past 50. I will no longer take a financial bath again for any man.
I understand it. I guess
I understand it. I guess there is nothing for me to leave, I'm in my own home-with my own job so I'm already set-No reason for us to marry or even move together if things are the way they are now. I'm content just staying dating. I dont' want to end the relationship however because he is a good man to me and to my children-and I do love him dearly. I guess counseling might help me sort some feelings out to 'dampen' them a bit, channel them differently-learn to communicate with him differently, bring things to his attention, etc. Understand where my anger is coming from.
I think a part of me thinks life is just being unfair, because I was already dealt a crap hand w/my first husband-and I did everything "right" after the divorce, in how I raised my kids, found independence, improved my career, healed from the past, had PLENTY of fun being single
And now, that I'm ready for a long term loving relationship, and I find it and not only does he love me he likes my kids too? Turns out I can't handle his kid or situation at all. It just sucks.
Yep. I am. I get anxious and
Yep. I am. I get anxious and depressed. Lost a lot of weight. Not just because of skids (mainly sd) but because of how SO acted with skids were there.
I'm in therapy by myself for the anxiety and SO and I are in couples counseling.
I recommend it if you can find a therapist you really like. Dont' stop at the one if you don't like them. Just try to find someone else.