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over step's Blog

Making excuses vs Actually parenting

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DH made the comment that it would do no good to clean his bathroom until Puke leaves not before saying that it wasn't that he didn't understand what I was going through. Yah, you didn't really understand the filth I had to deal with when Puke was using my bathroom but now you do. He then says that he just tolerates it better than I do. Um, why should it be tolerated?

Kitty Update

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Just got back from vet #2 with good and not so good news.

Vet tested for feline leukemia which came back negative. However we still don't know for sure what is wrong other than it's neurological. Causes could be bacteria or a tumor.

Vet gave her 2 antibiotics and a steriod just in case it's bacteria but that appears to be a hopeful long shot. Can't start steroids until Friday because of the medicine vet #1 gave her. Can't mix the two so have to wait for other medicine to get out of kitty's system.

Trying not to go off

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I work from home and Puke is here this week. She has been told many times to be quiet while I'm working. Her room is across the hall from my office. It's not impossible for her to do this because she has. Not a lot but it's possible.

But the last 3 days I've dealt with loud speakerphone conversations, playing music or videos loud, and now she's stepped it up to speakerphone while walking down the hall. Then loud from downstairs and proceeds to walk back upstairs talking loud!

OT Numb

over step's picture

As I tell everyone my cat was the best thing I got out of the divorce from my ex. She is roughly 16 years old. I don't know her exact age as she was a stray I took in. The best cat ever. Never got into anything she wasn't supposed to. Takes care of me when I'm sick.

Oh good grief!

over step's picture

DH actually hid the new tablet so Puke wouldn't see it and get upset. My blood boiled. He said "You understand, right?" To which I replied, "Not really." I am so tired of the whole walking on eggshells as to not upset Puke.

I told DH I don't get how come Puke has to be treated with kids gloves so she doesn't get upset. This I will not do. He can but that's his choice. I will not change what I do or what I say to spare her feelings. She sure as heck wouldn't.

Suck it up sweetheart!

Time with DH and update

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I think I've spent more time with DH than Puke has these past 24 hours. We watched TV on the couch last night and most of today after doing some organizing. Puke has been in her room 98% of the time she's been here. DH went a meeting this evening so he took Puke to her cousin's while he's there. I have the house to myself for a few hours.

Preparing for visit

over step's picture

DH found out last night that Puke is coming this afternoon. He is actually picking her right now and should be back pretty soon. Yeah me! Not sure how long she will be staying but DH is thinking it will be until Friday evening. Double yeah!

I'm not stressed or anything. Going to fake it till I make it. Got some closet organizing planned. Love it!! Using the new tablet right now. No hiding this time. No sir!

Will keep you updated if I find out what she wants. Can't wait to find out.

Gracing us with her presence

over step's picture

DH informed me that he is picking up Puke Sunday afternoon and...don't faint...she is staying til Friday evening. Seriously?! She can stand being away from her life for a whole 5 days? Shocking!

DH asked if I would mind if he took Puke out for dinner one night. Uh no I don't mind. Kinda funny that he's caught on that I probably wouldn't want to go so didn't ask.

OT Need makeup suggestions

over step's picture

I have been searching for the perfect makeup foundation/tinted moisturizer/BB or CC cream that will NOT emphasize wrinkles/pores and cover hyper pigmentation. I do tend to have dry skin also bit don't want something heavy. I've made lots of trips to the stores buying and returning fails not to mention hours of research. I don't want to spend a fortune either.

Any suggestions?
