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Step parent want ad

over step's picture

If your SO were to put an ad out for a step parent for their kids, knowing what it is really like what would it need to say to be truthful?

Mine would say something like...

"Must love my child like I do. Allowing her to do whatever and treat you however she wants without complaint. You will be disrespected and have lies told about you on a regular basis but you will spoil her whenever possible as to not upset her. Any negativity towards child or my bad parenting style will not be tolerated. You will carry the title of 'bad guy' so that I can continue with my title of 'good guy'. You will receive some appreciation from me but most likely just be expected to do the above without pay."


anothermom's picture

Does he have a brother!?!(minus the cats)LOL

Salems Lot's picture


Must own your own home and be self supporting.
Position includes: ALL Cooking, laundry, cleaning, other chores and childcare for skids and myself.
Must love skids more than your own kids.
Must have a smile and be excited every time skids come over.

Those who expect the same in return, need not apply.

Last In Line's picture

Step-mom position available.
Must not be in need of rescue from their own problems.
Must have the capability of being independent and self-entertaining so as not to interfere during father/child activities.
Must have excellent housekeeping skills including laundry and cooking multiple meals as needed for selective eaters.
No negative comments or facial expressions that may be interpreted as negative with regards to the children or their behavior.
Included in package deal is one (1) cat who is a beloved member of the family regardless of his destructive behaviors.
Nagging by step-mom will not be tolerated, regardless of who is the recipient.
Interested applicants should send a brief bio, along with an Excel Spreadsheet detailing how they feel household expenses should be divided.

godess-clueless's picture

Searching for new SM. Through trial and error of previous wives I know exactly what I need.
1. I need a woman who will not treat me so mean.

2. When I complain to any friend, family member or stranger who will listen about my "open to the public, dishonest, trashy acting adult girls" who are an embarrassment to me, I want to hear the words " It's not your fault." Present SM tells me I was a crappy dad......That's just mean.

3. When I complain my girls treat me like I was " the free bank" as the new SM you will be required to pay more of our bills or empty out your accounts. Present SM refuses and guards her money like a hawk. That's just plain mean.

4. New SM should not feel insulted when my girls plan family gatherings with their mom and I , but only tell me. I told present SM I didn't mind if she came with me and it's not my fault they didn't extend the invitation to her. Present SM insisted I should get divorced, pack my clothes and move in with the bunch of them. Geez oh man....She is so mean! I don't want to live with that tattooed, wild bunch of crazies who would suck me dry financially. All their drama is entertaining for a week end visit but hell no to living with them. I escaped the drama by moving to a different state.

5. New SM must have the patience of a saint and put me on a pedestal above all others. I have had no luck in my 40 years of searching but remain optimistic.