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I'm done talking about it

over step's picture

I have let DH know that I am done having any discussions about the pup. I do not want it here. I don't even want to hear about it. I will not allow Puke or BM to tell me what will happen in my home. And DH will not go against my wishes. My foot has been put down. The end.


hereiam's picture

Is he asking if it can come over?

I don't blame you one bit, there is no way I would have let SD bring her pets over.

over step's picture

DH is just afraid that puke will refuse to come if we don't let pup come and is contemplating letting her. I just made it clear that I'm not allowing it.

over step's picture

It is. BM and puke are under the impression that the pup will be coming and that's why I told DH I'm not allowing it and he needs to put a stop to it.

thisisnotmocking's picture

And if they just show up with it?

That whole permission vs forgiveness thing these aholes do...

WalkOnBy's picture

"That whole permission vs forgiveness thing these aholes do"

Yup - that is EXACTLY it, mocking. It's infuriating...

over step's picture

Well, DH will not bring it here cuz he knows I'll leave. He hasn't gone against me on the pup thing so far.

over step's picture

It won't matter what he tells her. She already thinks it's because of me even though DH hasn't wanted it here either. I don't care what she thinks.

Willow2010's picture

You are already letting BM and SD control your house. They know you will not allow the dog so they are pushing it and getting the results they want.

At first you said that you would let pup come at a later date. Now you are being too stubborn and it will hurt your marriage. Does this man not have ANY say in this house.

I know you think you will be “losing” but I would let the pup come over every other visitation. But it is not allowed in the common areas of the house and DH and SD have to take it out every hour on a leash and walk it.

SD and BM will see that you all are not fighting it and they will give up and stop bringing the dog. (they probably won’t have the dog much longer anyway right)

over step's picture

Make no mistake DH does not want the pup here either. However, puke has manipulated DH by saying she won't come so he feels he has to give in to see her. Puke informed us that she was bringing the pup. Never were we asked. Puke and BM assumed we would let the dog come. So I don't see how I'm letting them control me.

DH said he would possibly let the pup come at a later time. I only said I would think about it. I have thought about and my answer is still no.

Seeing as how I am contributing to the household bills I do have a say in what happens in our home. It's not just his decision. He respects my feelings and will stand by my wishes because I have on many occasions given in to demands that I was not on board with for the sake of our marriage. This is the only time I have made such a demand on him for the sake of our marriage.

kathc's picture

I'd tell him if she ever shows up with the dog it's going straight to a shelter for a new home. The dog would be better off away from those assholes.