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onstrike's Blog

Bm refuses to be with sick sd8 tommorow

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Sd8 has some sort of stomach virus that came on suddenly this morning. She has been running a fever and I told dh he shouldn't send her to school until she's been fever free for 24 hours. Tommorow is Bm's day with her and she is refusing to take a day off of work to be with sd8. Dh has a full day of work and I don't think he should cancel on his clients. Shouldn't Bm take care of sd8,it's HER custody day?!! Wth!!!?

"Can't you change your Thanksgiving dinner day?", oh sure Bm,NOT

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Both sd8 and bs10 will be with their other bioparents this Thanksgiving. Dh and I have arranged to do our family Thanksgiving the following Sunday so our kids can celebrate with us. Little did I know, Dh already gave Bm the go ahead to travel several states away with sd8,by car. Dh emailed Bm making sure she would have sd8 back to us early on that Sunday afternoon,so she can participate in the dinner.

Update to "Daddddyyy I want 2 costumes!!!"

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So as I posted in my last blog,dh almost bought sd8 another costume,even though she already has one,but sd8 misbehaved in the store,so he didn't buy it. Fast forward 2 days later. I got home and sd8 is telling me all about her new costume dh bought her today.WTF?? She now has 2 cheerleading costumes. One at her Bm and the other one here. This is assanine to me.Why on EARTH does she need 2? What do you think?

"Daaaaaddyy I want 2 costumes!"

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I am disgusted right now because we were out looking for our Halloween costumes. Sd8 already has one that she will wear,but as soon as we got to the store,the whining began. Dh almost bought her another one. Why the heck would she need or deserve 2 different costumes? Sd8 blew it though. She made dh mad and he refused to get it for her. Absolutely ridiculous the way these dh's indulge their bratty daughters

We are not evil sm's..If dh's raised likeable skids, things would be different!

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I was thinking back to a few years ago when I first met sd8. I am good with kids and put so much effort into developing a good relationship with her. It didn't take long for me to see how awful her behavior was. I gave dh an ultimatum to parent his daughter effectively,or I would've have called off our engagement. Luckily dh was well aware of sd8 bad behavior and changed his ways with her. Even still I backed off from being close to her because her crappy behavior has left such a bad taste in my mouth.

I want separate parties..fair or not?

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Sd8 has a religious celebration in the spring as well as a bday this winter. I requested that we do separate parties from bm. Dh doesn't want to "talk about it right now,it's months away". From my point of view, i don't think divorced couples who are both remarried should do joint parties. I attended one last year for sd8 bday and was uncomfortable to say the least. Bm is not a good person, cheated on dh twice,and got pregnant. I don't want to be around her. I have made my preference known,but dh is avoiding it. Not sure where to go from here....

So sick of sd8 looking homeless!

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We had plans to go do some fun fall activities yesterday and it's always a great opportunity to get some pics of all of us. I make sure that bs10 is looking polished and presentable,I take pride in that as his mom. Dh on the other hand,seems fine with sd8 looking like a homeless,feral child. It is so ridiculous. I buy sd beautiful clothes and headbands for her hair. She could look so cute,but instead comes back from bm looking absolutely ragged. Yesterday,before we left, I asked dh to have her put her hair up so she at least would look decent.

dh wants me to do more things with sd8

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I am so thoroughly annoyed with dh. He was complaining to me during a disagreement we were having the other night, saying that I "don't make an effort to do activities with sd8". He said that he does things with my son,which is true,but only in short spurts. It's not like he spends a ton of time doing things with him. I'm pissed because I do a lot of kind gestures for sd and it seems to go unnoticed,or dh complains that I'm not making an effort. Sd8 isn't a bad skid,but she is a whiny,picky brat at times,and I really don't want to go out of my way to do activities with just her.

What are your Step survival skills?

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I have come up with some of my own survival skills that help me deal with the nonsense that steplife can often bring and I would like to know some of yours too
Mine so far...,

1) good marriage counselor

2) when sd is here,I make sure I am busy, or have plans a lot of time with friends and family

3) dh does the heavy lifting with sd,I only get involved if it's a safety issue or my home is getting disrespected.


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Does anyone else deal with skid referring to themselves and your dh as "we" all the time. "We hope you have a good day" "we this,we that". I'm confused. Me and dh are the "we" in this family,not dh and skid. Sd8 is annoying with this.I want to put her gently in her place,but don't know how to respond
