SDs convinved my niece that God doesn't exist
I had two of my nieces, 6 and 8 over today. SDs arrived after school for their visit that we have every other weekend.
My nieces adore the SDs with no special reason, they just do. Because they're older or in my niece's words, "because they are preeeeeeetty and they are fun and they have fun and they wear barbie clothes and they have barbie's hair and blah blah blah."
So obviously whatever SDs say is the law to my nieces and they always believe them. I was trying to keep them away from eachother, but in the short time period I left them alone, SDs managed to convince niece8 that God doesn't exist and that believing he does is absolutely ridiculous.
I'm not really religious, but my sister is - VERY. And she really tries to raise her children in the religion she believes in, in a nice, non-pushy way. But this just pissed me off. Niece8 is now walking around, announcing to the world that there is no God. Niece6 is trying to figure out all of it, doesn't understand too much. I don't even know what to tell my sister.
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^^ THIS!!
Two of them. I talked to her
Two of them.
I talked to her about it, but now she's pushing that God doesn't exist just because SDs said so. Whatever they say, she accepts. If she liked one thing,she'll like another if that's what Sds like.
Meh, if neice was that easily
Meh, if neice was that easily swayed then she obviously didn't truly buy into it to begin with. Your sister isn't going to be able to shelter her kids from other beliefs forever, they are going to hear opposing beliefs and idea in school and from their friends.
Would you be as outraged if your nieces were being raised without religion and someone explained god to them? I doubt it.
I agree. I also think that if
I agree. I also think that if your sister freaks out about it, you may want to point it out as an overreaction.
The fact that it was SD is circumstantial. It could have been anyone. I doubt the 'disbelief' will last, and if it does... honestly that's still not SD's fault.
Like I said, it could have been anyone.
Maybe this just means that SD could have a promising future as a lawyer?
SD15 is actually in the
SD15 is actually in the highschool that specializes for law.
Eh, it wasn't just explaining. It was more like convincing her, because she accepts anything and everything they say.
An obvious attempt and
An obvious attempt and success by the SDs. Good thing witches lose in the end. Talk to your sis and tell her. I'd make a plot w her on how to deal w it/ deal w the SDs.
I would not let the nieces
I would not let the nieces around the SD's again for a very long time.
EDIT to add: foreverstacy suggestion was right on the money.
Kids will get different views but if you are keep telling her the truth, she will get it and won't be so easily swayed when older.
That's kind of the
That's kind of the point....there is no"truth".... Its all opinion and even 8 yr olds are entitled to their own opinion s even if it differs from their parents. The SD s are also entitled to their opinion and are free to share it.
But not to someone else's
But not to someone else's children. Its a parenting call not a cousin call.
You may have "no truth" but
You may have "no truth" but those kids parents sure do. And more power to them.
And yes..they are entitled to their opinions...and the other parents are entitled to not let them around kids that are trying to make them not believe THIER TRUTH. Not your truth..not the skids truth. The parents truth.
Asylums full of crazy people
Asylums full of crazy people show us that just because you believe something, that doesn't make it the truth.
And you're right, the parents have the option to shelter their children from whomever they chose. That doesn't mean its right or that the sd's did anything wrong.
I feel like you are saying
I feel like you are saying that anyone that believes in GOD should be in an asylum....I could be wrong, but you kind of sound like you are one of those people who expect other people to apologize for being religious.
And I disagree that it is ok for a teennager to try and change a small childs religious views? The teenager did it to be a snot.
This is where Dad should be
This is where Dad should be jumping in later to explain to SD when it is appropriate to express yourself and when it is not, and why.
No, I wasn't saying that at
No, I wasn't saying that at all. Just point I g out that just because the parents have a believe, that doesn't make it the absolute truth and that they can expect that all others will agree. This isn't a question of the sd's lying to niece and telling her things that aren't true. Their opinion that god doesn't exist is just as valid as the parents belief that he does.
Not at all, but it's not
Not at all, but it's not unreasonable to expect someone to hold certain opinions, vocabulary, behavior etc. to the side when interacting with kids of a certain age.
I don't think she knows she did anything wrong, and like I said, it would be prudent for Dad to have a conversation with her about when it's appropriate to express yourself and when it isn't.
Freedom of expression doesn't mean freedom from consequence. We've all got to learn that sometime.
Then this has happened
Then this has happened before?
All kinds of things happen
All kinds of things happen with them. Usually on purpose, to piss me off.
This reminds me of how my
This reminds me of how my nephews learned about sex. One of the neighbor kids who is to say the least a bad seed used to come hang around the house with them. One day my sister heard them whispering something so she came to investigate. Once she managed to pry the 'secret' out of my nephews (twins, 8 years old) she found out that neighbor kid had informed them about 'gay butt sex'!! My sisters family is very conservative, the kids are homeschooled and the very first sexual information they got was about gay butt sex. You can imagine her horror and disbelief. It doesn't matter what you think is appropriate for ppl (opinions on religion, sex, whatever) if the parents are raising them a certain way, you shouldn't interfere with their teachings and you DEFINITELY shouldn't be on a site where someone is just venting then try to make it a religious debate on who's right or not. SD was in the wrong and it's very sad that she has shaken the children's belief bc this is going to cause strife between the parents and the kids
Not at all..but that is
Not at all..but that is discussions among peers of the same age group. If I am not mistaken..this is a 15 year old almost adult that sounds like she was just trying to start crap and make a little kid confused on her her beliefs.
I agree with tog and
I agree with tog and peanuts.
I'm religious, but know that not everyone else does. The fact is that others do not and I can't shield any kids I might have from opposing religious beliefs. Nobody can shield their kids forever.
I would feel TOTALLY
I would feel TOTALLY different if skid was same age as niece.
I would everyone
I would everyone here feel if a 15 year old skid told your 5 and 8 year old kids that Santa was not real. Would that still be ok?
I wouldn't get upset about
I wouldn't get upset about that,no. He's not real, they'd figure it out soon enough anyways. I was 6 when I figured it out, and no one had to tell me either.
I wouldn't be pleased but
I wouldn't be pleased but it's not the end of the world. A teenager told me that Santa wasn't real. It didn't permanently scar me.
Love this!
Love this!
I guess I am the odd man
I guess I am the odd man out...I would be livid if a 15 year old snot decide to try and make my 6 and 8 year old kids NOT believe in God. Now if it was a 6 and 8 year old telling my kids it would not be a big deal. That could be easily dealt with. Hard to deal with it when you have a much older person trying to sway your child.
This kid did it just to cause crap.
Yes. Exactly. And they only
Yes. Exactly.
And they only did it to cause shit, not because they actually care if my nieces believe in God or not. They don't care about anything but doing random crap that pisses people off.
"blows referee whistle" OK, I
"blows referee whistle" OK, I think we can all agree that SD did it to be an ass. I'm a serious Catholic. DS24 and DD21 are true believers. DS24 doesn't go to mass, but he's newly married and in law school so he's busy. DS13 is, as of right now, an atheist. The world is a big place, and your kids are exposed to all kinds of different views. Can't hide them from it.