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Trying to stay calm!

OKstepmomof3's picture

No I am really pissed off... where the hell does that b**** get off trying to tell the DH that she knows he is unhappy with me and that its not like him to act this way. In one breath we tells me that all she wants to see is him happy and she is glad I make him happy and another breath she is telling him that it is obvious that he is unhappy with him, she can tell. WTF

Why cant she understand he doesn't want to talk to her or have to deal with her, she did that not me.

I swear, if it wasn't for the SS(12, 13, 15) I would knock her out. My blood is boiling!

Do I just ignore her comments to DH and try to go on like they dont bother me?


OKstepmomof3's picture

Is it right that they have conversations like this??? Out of respect shouldnt he tell her that he is not going to discuss me with her and make her drop it???? She wants nothing more than an emotional relationship with him that has nothing to do with the kids.

I dont want to hear what she has to say about me, but I also dont want to sit back and wonder what it is they talk about and if it is about our relationship.

ugggggg.... this is so stressful

OKstepmomof3's picture

I am so glad I found this blog..... it helps to vent and ur responses make me feel like I am not losing my mind. I go out of my way to help BMs relationship with her kids, but I am done with her, she is on her own.

OKstepmomof3's picture

Yes, he didnt want to deal with her so I had too..... Now she is trying to say that I am the jealous one and was trying to keep her from him. I told him he needed to tell her that it is him that doesnt wish to talk to her and that he doesnt like dealing with her.

In BM mind, its all me and I am trying to control him and the kids.

OKstepmomof3's picture

So i guess I have to get use to being the punching bag?????? I so want to fight back, but I know in the long run the kids suffer. So how do I put her in her place without hurting the boys?

OKstepmomof3's picture

BM sent the SSs text messages telling them that she was done with them and that I won and now have HER boys... all because we took family photos together with us and his and mine kids as a group. She told them how dare them and she could not believe that they would do that with me.

Then I got a string of text messages that called me all kind of names and she threatened to supposedly kick my a**, my only response to her was " bring it on".

After reading all the messages I told DH to call her and put an end to it because the youngest son stopped eating for two days because he was so worked up. During the screaming match with her, she stated you have never treated me like this, this is not who you are, you are so unhappy with her and dont even know it. He defend us and told her she knows nothing about our relationship.

I truly think she misses having them and the boys there as a safety net. They were always a place for her to run too if things got bad with her new husband or BFs..... since I have been in the picture for the last 3 years, she cant come in and out of their (now our) house.

I am guessing it is a control thing.... she doesnt want them but doesnt want anyone else to have them.

OKstepmomof3's picture

Wow!!! You are so right! Thank you! I needed to hear that..... I am giving her my energy and I will not allow her to have that power over me. Thank you again

HadEnoughx5's picture

Sounds like BM is totally jealous of the "family" relationship you have with DH and the kids. What BM tells their child "she's done"? and over a pictures no less. She's insecure and crazy.

harleygirl's picture

My DH gets texts which he shows me everything BM sends.. she is always saying his replies are me that she knows him better than anyone and he'd never be so rude, or have bad grammer (lol), or "I" need to stop being so insecure and allow him his phone... things like that. Of course the texts all come from him usually while we are working, but she can't stand the thought that he could give a crap less about her and what she wants or thinks.

My advise...laugh at her. She's pathetic to even act like she care for his happiness in the first place. He's her EX, I know I could care less to talk to mine at all let alone say I give a crap about his happiness. Clearly she hasn't moved on and he has which makes it funny that she's so crazy.
laugh laugh laugh you've got him.

dj's picture

Sounds to me like she's a jealous beotch who can't get at him any other way then that...he needs to quit listening to her....cut her off or hang up if she talks about u in any way...send him that message and tell him u don't want to hear hers...good luck to u...

BSgoinon's picture

In my experience, she is just trying to get in his head. Let her try. You and DH know the truth and that is all that really matters. How sad for her to have to try so hard to convince him he is unhappy. Some women have no boundaries.

OKstepmomof3's picture

Thanks everyone!!!!! I needed to snap out of my anger and realize I was giving her the upper hand by being mad and upset. Everyone is right, we will just continue to be happy and act as if you doesnt exist and keep living our life.

It so helps to have this blog..... I am so grateful I found it. Thank you all!

Fading's picture

Time for Fading to chime in:

IGNORE THE BIONAZI AND YOUR HUSBAND. They both sound like vicious trolls trying to drum up some little fantasy soap opera where you and Bionazi end up wrestling in bikinis in a baby pool of jello. Don't let them get to you.