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The Start of Our Family

OhGolly's picture

I met my now husband when I was 18 (and very stupid, might I add). He was 28 with 5 children...yes 5-with two different women. He only saw the youngest two, having no contact with the older three for about 5 years(more on that story later). If I had any sense, I would have ran screaming without turning back, but as previously mentioned, I didn't. I was pregnant within months (have I mentioned I didn't have any sense!?!) with my now 4 year old. She wasn't planned...but wasn't unplanned either ;). Shortly after her birth I became pregnant with my now 3 year old son. He was a bit of a surprise as I was breastfeeding and on birth control. In case you lost count that put us up to seven children, although only two lived with us full time and two on weekends. The other three were still out of the picture. Given hubby's record he had a vasectomy. Family complete.


herewegoagain's picture

holly crap!

PS - glad you can admit you weren't thinking's never late to start figuring things out and look ahead...good luck!