How Court Went (long read)
I thought you guys might want an update as to how the court date went over BM's order of protection on BF. BM didn't have a lawyer, just like last time. I guess she felt like she didn't need representation because her story was enough. But, like last time, the judge didn't buy her story. He let her ramble on and on about all the mistakes BF has ever made in his life and the fact that she is a victim and the world's perfect mother, then politely informed her that none of that really mattered today. BF's attorney asked her to describe where and when the incident happened, and she couldn't give a solid answer. Her story had also changed since the time that she filed the order of protection. On the order she claimed that all of this happened in one phone call from her cell while she was in BF's town, but in court she tried to say that she had called him later that evening from home after the initial call where he said he wished she was dead. BF's lawyer asked her if she was so scared and threatened for her life, why did she call him back? The only reason she even made up the call in the evening (which never happened) was so that she could claim something had happened to her when she was in her home county because otherwise the judge would have to throw out the case since it didn't occur in his jurisdiction.
She tried to claim that all of her phone calls were related to SS, but BF's lawyer jumped right on her. He had the tape where we had been recording their conversations and was ready to play it, but the judge gave him the "that's not necessary" look. (I have to say, our lawyer is a very good man and is very dedicated to our case. We've spent many nights with him talking about BM and our plan of action. He's also a friend of ours so we get sidetracked sometimes too. He was so pissed off about BM that he was jacked up and ready to fire everything he possibly could at her if he was allowed to. It makes me feel good that he actually had personal emotions invested in this case because I know that he'll do as good of a job as he can.) Our lawyer asked her that if she is not being harrassing, how would she define her contact with the girlfriend (me)? She said that she only communicates with me about SS and we strive to maintain civil contact in the best interest of SS. Our lawyer turned to the judge and calmly pointed out that I had received not hundreds, but thousands of emails from BM, hundreds of phone calls, and was currently in the process of getting a restraining order against her. She was shocked! Our lawyer pointed out that this is all about her feeling hurt and lashing out to try to keep SS from BF. He explained that she has done this very thing once before to keep BF from seeing SS on Father's Day. He went on to tell the judge that we were currently in the process of two phone harrassment lawsuits, one hearing for child support, suing her for contempt of court, and petitioning to get full custody SS. BM just about hit the floor!
The judge explained that it was obvious BF and BM cannot communicate. He went on to say that all behavior like this where she thinks she is getting back at BF is only placing SS in the middle and he's the one who is getting hurt. He told her she had some thinking to do about that. He dismissed the order of protection and said that the court costs would be split evenly. BM went off, saying that she doesn't receive child support so she shouldn't have to pay these fees. The judge told her she should have thought about that before the filed the order of protection!
Our lawyer also went out of his way to make sure that our summons for phone harrassment was served to her that day. He called us later that evening to tell us that another lawyer in our town had called him inquiring about BM and our case. BM called this other lawyer and apparently gave them a sob story about how she was a victim of a vindictive ex husband who was doing everything he could to ruin her life. She went on about how she had no money because he never payed her child support and begged the lawyer to help her out. She was bawling the whole time she was on the phone. Our lawyer told the other what was really going on, and that BM is psycho. He told them that her previous lawyer won't even take her cases anymore because she is that bad. He said that they might want to think long and hard before they took her on as a client because if they did, they were in for a wild ride.
BF got to get SS this weekend for visitaion, our first weekend-long visitation on the new parenting plan. Shortly after SS got here, he called our lawyer and said that he had someone that wanted to tell him something. SS got on the phone and said "Thank you for helping me see my dad some more!" I think our lawyer about cried. He said that that was what it was all about. I did cry!
And to our utter amazement, BM has only called ONE TIME since SS has been here. She didn't ask to speak to either me or BF. And unlike her normal hour-long calls, this one only lasted about 5 minutes. Usually when SS is here even for 8 hours she calls at least 10 times and keeps him on the phone a cumulative minimum of 2 hours. When he spends the night, she calls at all hours of the night and first thing in the morning. I'm wondering what is going on in her world right now. This is so uncharacteristic of her. Part of me hopes that she has realized how badly she has screwed things up and that she brought all this on herself. Though, knowing BM it's very hard for me to believe that. SS is definitely happy with the change! He hates talking to his mom when he's here because she always interrogates him about every little thing that has happened. To our utter amazement she has not called BF at all or emailed either of us either. I really do wonder what's gotten into her!
- Nymh's blog
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Oh, Thank God.
This is so FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am jumping up and down for you all. Expecially SS.!!!!!!!!!
Oh I can't tell you how happy I am for you. This is such a major step in the right direction.
I admit, I wonder why she got subdude. I pray she is not planning anything drastic.
Again, So happy for you all. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am really wondering that as well. It can't be because she's given up, because she's still maintaining that BF has threatened her and her son's life on numerous occasions and that he poses a mental and physical threat to him. She still says that she would rather him not come to visitations and that both her and her son's weekends are going to be hell because the court is forcing him to be here. So it can't be that she's had a change of heart! Maybe she's just crawling back to her cave with her tail between her legs for a while while she figures out her next plan of action. That's what I'm thinking is the most likely cause for her being so subdued this weekend, because I have a really hard time believing she's actually learned a lesson. Our lawyers have told us that this isn't the end and it's probably going to get much worse before it ever stands a chance of getting better. At least we know that there's most likely more ahead so she can't catch us off-guard.
I just wish she could move on and do something positive with her life! I don't see how someone could be so dead-set focused on being vindictive and difficult. Just grow up and move on!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
And I'm only speculating here, but perhaps she's depressed at the moment from her 'defeat'. Each time DH and SS's BM ended up in court, every time BM ended up losing something, time, or money etc, she literally went into a deep depression for a few days afterward, but it only lasted maybe a week before she was rearing her ugly head again and spewing accusations, name calling, you know stirring the pot up.
It's taken years for her to settle down and each time it happened, it got better and better because she finally realized that she can't win this way. It's going to be 50/50 or nothing.
So, enjoy it while things are quiet. It's hard for her to realize that her son actually does enjoy being around the very people she blames for her problems. Sadly, all she has to do is look in the mirror.
I'm glad it went as well as it did! Horrah!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Thank you
I could imagine that that's probably exactly what it is. It is unlike her to not call SS 1000000 times when she's lonely and feeling down, so it's hard to know how she's feeling right now. I don't think she does or ever will accept the fact that SS enjoys being here - she's still in denial over that. She projects her feelings onto her son and still maintains that he hates being around us. Now she claims that her and her son's weekend are going to be hell because the court is forcing him to be here with us when he hates both of us and has supposedly threatened to run away if BF tried to pick him up (funny he always runs straight to the car and buckles in without her even having to go in the house to tell him his dad is there...). She says that he knows I took his father from him and broke up his home, and that he knows we're screwing and all sorts of other stuff. I think that's some pretty heavy stuff for an eight year old to know about unless she told him. It's hard to listen to her claims because they're so ridiculous they really bear no weight on reality. I would love to send her videotapes of SS and BF wrestling around and having fun together, or SS playing and laughing. I wish she could have proof that SS enjoys playing with me and talks to me frequently without being prompted while he is here. When he first gets here he is quiet, I'm sure he's mulling over the verbal raping that his mother gave him before he came...but after he loosens up it's "Nymh! Look at this! Nymh! Check this out!" every five minutes. A lot of times he talks to me more than he talks to BF! I am thoroughly convinced through my years of experience with her that she probably will never change or get better. We will have these brief interludes when she hides in defeat, but she will always get back up and fight. I just don't see why it has to be a fight! Why can't she just accept that SS is BF's son and live with it? I really do hope that things will get better with time, but in the three years that I have been around there's been no sign of that happening. Quite the contrary, things only continue to get worse. And now with us going to court once or twice a month, they're beginning to get expensive too! As if the $400+ child support bill wasn't enough already!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
You know...
All she is doing is pushing her son away. It was a very rude wake up call for my SS's BM because she did the same very things I see all over the place here and on other blogs. We just sat back and picked up the pieces every now and then. The only difference between the way she was two years ago vs today is because she literally hit rock bottom psychologically, broke down and literally had been hit by a bus. Literally it was a wake up call to her, I think, because from that moment, somehow, somewhere, or by someone- she was made to look in a mirror and her course of change was prompted. I almost think that it was court ordered she had to see a psychologist because of some strange events that happened. I'm not sure, but that's my feeling on it because of some things that have happened.
SS's BM used to pull all kinds of crap, blaming us, accusing us, even giving open threats. When literally her life around her started to crash, she had nothing. Nothing to give, and nothing to gain. Here her ex was, moving on and she just couldn't let go for whatever reasons. Even her own children didn't respect her, and they were 3, 4 and 8 at the time! SS enjoyed his time with us, we gave him different perspectives, different ways and means to handle things, and genuinely focused on him. He felt the difference, no different than how your SS is feeling with you. BM is consumed with her own life, guilt, or insecurity- what have you- that she's going to resent you and your life- the whole subconscious grass is greener on the other side maybe- think of it as a compliment? She's miserable, therefore how dare you and her ex have a happy existence... she isn't! And most of all... HE, the ex- your bf, SHOULDN'T... because she blames him most of all. How dare he! But it's just this that you have to keep reminding yourself... she is miserable, not you. She can not move on, but you can and what a reminder to her! That's what kept me going.
The thing to remember is to keep your focus on SS. All that BM will do is push him further away from herself... and yes, she will blame you for it... they always do, but your SS will know the truth- he's a child, not blind. Go have fun.
You have to keep reinforcing to your SS to speak HIS mind HIS feelings, being open with him. Which I have the sense you already do, and that is great! When BM used to spew things, project her feelings, we would just be open with SS and give him a voice. "And how do you feel?" We'd drop BM's 'prompting' and go straight to the source and leave it at that. When SS used to say... Well, Mom said... we'd interject quietly saying, but we didn't ask you what Mom said, we asked you how you feel. Even today, we discuss SS's thoughts, ideas and feelings about things- not because BM feels, says or does things. And at one time he used to say 'We feel this, we feel that...' and that bothered me more, so I had to ask him one time... who's we? Are you talking about you? Or someone else, because I don't care what other's think, I only care about what YOU think.
She's addicted to the drama, there isn't anything else in her life, but as long as there is the drama, she's happy making everyone else miserable... because she is miserable. It's an illusion for her.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
You're right, we do reinforce that SS has a right to express his own opinions and have feelings of his own. The poor child is so used to having his feelings dictated to him that it's hard for him to talk about his real feelings. We've had several long talks about his feelings, and every time we talk he opens up a little more about the differences how he feels vs. how his mother tells him to feel, and how that makes him feel. Then when BM gets him home and he tells her what he's told us, she scolds him and emails us saying that SS didn't tell us what he wanted to say and we manipulated him to say what we wanted to hear. She believes that questions are worded in ways that he doesn't understand and the answers he gives are interpreted to be of utmost benefit to us. How much more in denial could you get? Frequently when he gets off the phone, he will come to one or both of us and say, "I'm supposed to tell you that I don't like..." or something to that effect. When things like that happen we just ask him if that is how he really feels. He has never once said that those were his real feelings. He always says, "Those aren't my feelings those are my mom's!" Lately he even gets mad and talks about how his mother never asks him how he feels, she tells him how he feels, then tells him that he's supposed to tell us these things. You can always tell when it's something she's set him up to do because he'll trudge in, sigh, tilt his head to the side and look at the ceiling, and say something like "Dad, I need to tell you that I hate Nymh and I don't want to be around her and you're not my Daddy you're just my father and there's a big difference and Nymh stole you from me and I hate both of you for that and I don't like coming on visits with you and I don't think you care about me blah blah blah". Sometimes he really adds in the blah blah blahs! Then he'll get upset because he knows that the things he says would hurt our feelings if he really felt that way and he feels like his mother is using him to hurt us which he doesn't want to do.
I'm going to write a blog on how their conversation dynamic has changed because when they're on the phone while he's here, he is being much more assertive than he used to be. I'm proud of the little fella but I feel sorry for him going through the feelings that he's gone through to force him to grow up faster and become more mature in conversation with his mom. I wish she'd just let him be a kid and enjoy his time with his father without having to worry about being interrogated or used or made to feel guilty about enjoying himself.
I wish she could see this situation from an outsider's perspective looking in. I know for a fact that she would not sympathize with the person that is in her position. She'd be outraged! Why is it different when she's in those shoes?
You're absolutely right, she IS pushing her son away. I think she is beginning to realize it too. I think she's so far in denial , though, that she will blame the loss of relationship and custody with her son on us until her eyes are forced open. I think we made some progress this weekend but the fight is far from over.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Book recommendation for SS
I know that my SD feels so ALONE in all this, dealing with her mentally ill vindictive insecure mother at home all by herself, and she has a whole team of people (psychiatrist, 2 therapists, school guidance counselor - and us of course) in her court. Still, none of us are there when she's stuck home alone dealing with this monster. This is why she tried to throw herself out the window. She just couldn't take it anymore. Anyway, I imagine that your SS feels pretty damn overwhelmed, especially given that he hasn't been in years of therapy to help learn how to deal like SD has, and he's only 8 as opposed to 11 (she'll be 12 in July).
That said, I'd like to recommend a book for SS. SD thought it was great! She actually said "oh my gosh, I'm not alone!" when she read it. That about melted my heart. The book is called Stepliving for Teens by Joel D. Block and Susan Bartell. The "for teens" part is a bit misleading because it's recommended for kids 8 and up. Parts of it might be inappropriate for a kid your SS's age (like in the back there's talk about feeling sexually attracted to your stepsibling) but you can pick and choose the chapters you'd like to go over together. There's specifically a chapter on setting boundaries with your parents who may have trouble with badmouthing the other parent for example. Just hearing you say that he's becoming more assertive with her tells me that reading that chapter will help give him even more tools to have under his belt when needed.
Thanks Caitlyn...
I'm going to look into that too in anticipation I may need it for my SD...
Nymh- hang in there sweetie! I know just how hard it is, and believe me I feeeeellll your frustrations! But I think you're on the right path with your SS!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...