Does Anyone Know?
Does anyone know if one parent has legal and physical custody, whether or not they need to contact/get permission from the other parent in order to remove the child from the country?
It's been a while since I logged on, mostly because a lot of things have been happening in the last few months that I haven't had time to vent on here. Exams, completing my masters, me and DH are in marriage counseling, my MIL, second pregnancy, etc.
But occasionally I still do a short check on BM, even though she and SS are not in our lives at all and I found out she's in the UK and will be there for the year. They are in contact with MIL who has not told us about this move (which happened much earlier this year) and although I personally think, since DH is not in SS's life, he should have no say, but it does make me wonder about the legalities of it. When BM moved out of state while she was pregnant, DH had no legal say since paternity wasn't established. When I got a passport for BD though, DH had to sign too. I wonder if it's different for children of not-together couples.
The other thing is, I don't know if BM took SS with her, or if she left him with GBM. The main roadblock of why DH hasn't been involved is because BM is pretty insane (getting her exbf to sneak into our apartment, nails in tires, destroying her kitchen because DH said something she didn't like, requiring he live with her for 2 weeks after the birth if he wanted to bond with SS or else she wasn't going to allow him to see him--this was before legal paternity was established so she could ask for whatever she wanted, then requiring that she be the only other person around if he wants to see him, etc.) and at the advice of his therapist to not give in to her terrorism, he chose to have no contact until SS wants to or thing cool down (other than pay child support which he was the one who pursued) but I think if she is out of the country, maybe there's a chance he could start establishing a relationship with the kid, who is 5 now.
BM is diagnosed BPD (she was going to therapy for it) and his therapist said it would only be a matter of time until the kid was too old and starting to develop his own independence that she won't be able to handle it and go off chasing her next high, which is apparently somewhere in Europe.
Also, I think our relationship with MIL is going to break down at this point, she said she was going to visit Europe this year because her friend offered her a place to stay which is probably a lie now that I think about it. And because she stopped playing into her games and have limited our contact with her.
I haven't brought this idea up with DH but when I gave him the information that BM is in Europe (not knowing, and still do not know, whether or not she took SS with her) he seemed unconcerned. I don't know if I should maybe push him a little to possibly consider visiting SS if he's with GBM. There are no and have never been visitation orders. Or if that's just too disruptive to SS's life. I know our relationship is a bit rocky right now which is why we're in therapy, but our therapist is really good and might be able to help us navigate through any problems that might come up.
Or if I should just keep my big fat nose out of this whole business. I'm currently pregnant with our second and that's part of why DH, with both his and our therapist's advice to minimize contact with MIL because she's also crazy and they don't want to stress me out (we lost one last year and that was pretty rough.)
And BIL is also in contact with BM and SS, and he WORKS with DH, I don't know why he didn't tell DH either. I don't know this whole family thing is messed up.
PS. Also, if SS isn't with BM but with GBM for this year, I don't know if normally the father ends up taking custody because the mother isn't there, but I think no judge would allow it because he doesn't know us and it would be scary for SS to make a big move across the country so I don't even think we'd entertain the idea of trying to get custody.
But I don't know if this is the right mentality. =/
- not2sureimsaneanymore's blog
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Heavy stuff going on right
Heavy stuff going on right now. I'd say, you have enough eggs in your basket without adding anyone else's.
And your MIL is a piece of work.
Hey moe! I haven't even
Hey moe! I haven't even gotten to the good part where my MIL called us a week ago, frothing at the mouth, claiming DH said he was NEVER going to allow MIL to watch BD ever again.
DH never said that, he said he wants to limit my driving (I had heavy, clotting bleeding earlier in this pregnancy when I was about 2 months along so even though everything looks fine right now, the docs are telling me to take it easy) and that her time with BD will be on Saturdays and Mondays when DH will be doing the drop off and pick up. It's really so we can limit MIL and my contact.
MIL blows up my phone this morning because DH is a bit late on his way to drop off BD since he had to get gas (4 minutes late btw.) I didn't pick up. Every week since we started this (which was a month ago) has been something or other to this extent with MIL.
She knows we're pulling away and I hope this panic phase goes away soon if she doesn't want us to completely limit her contact with BD since this is just not healthy. She's like the BM in some of our stories. I don't really want to stop her from having contact with BD because she does really love BD but she also acts super entitled.
You just live in the circus,
You just live in the circus, don't you??!!??
Funny you should say that. BM
Funny you should say that. BM works for the circus. And this isn't a joke.
I wish there was an emoticon
I wish there was an emoticon for the expression on my face. And for the slow, sad headshake....
We looked over the court
We looked over the court order and it says nothing about visitation (it's only a CO establishing paternity, physical and legal custody--which BM has, and child support) or taking a minor out of the country. I didn't think it was allowed either because I mean, I'm MARRIED to DH and STILL needed his ID and signature to even get a passport for our BD. But I guess if DH doesn't care, I shouldn't either.
We're not in contact with DH's X's family. Only MIL and BIL are, which means they know about BM's move and didn't tell DH. However, MIL is in contact with me and DH, but she's a whole new toxic piece of work to deal with at this point so we're trying to stop her from contacting me. =/
Honestly, I'm so close to just telling her off.
Please don't open Pandora's
Please don't open Pandora's box. You have enough to deal with as it is.
Your SS is genetically predisposed to crazy, and being raised by crazy. Don't let your love for your DH or your maternal instincts blind you to that reality.
Wanting to help, fix, or "do the right thing" often made me the architect of my own suffering in steplife. So unless the skid is in eminent danger or circumstances impact you directly, stay out of it.
Huh. You kind of described me
Huh. You kind of described me to a T. My desire to help often turns into getting the brunt of everyone else.
Take today for the most godawful example I can think of, even though this is something the therapist is trying to work with me on, I STILL manage to break this rule: MIL is not your responsibility, you love DH but it's not up to you to make sure his and his mom's relationship is okay.
I've been repeating that over and over and over in my head since we started, and then mother's day is tomorrow and DH still has no idea what to do for his mother. I can't help it. I break out my polymer clay set and guide him and BD on making something for her. Fuck me right? I don't want to, I hated myself for every moment that I was involved because MIL clearly thinks I'm her gopher, so why do I have to do this to myself?
Anyway, no, skid is in no danger whatsoever and none of the circumstances actually impact me right now, so you are right. Keep my nose out of it.
Lmfao this is how I feel
Lmfao this is how I feel too--DH and MIL's relationship was much better because of me and BD but now she's just crazy. On the surface it looks like me and her have a great relationship but only because I used to kiss her ass. Now that I don't, her claws are coming out.
These are from the state dept
These are from the state dept website.
The answer to your questions should be in here.
Thank you so much for the
Thank you so much for the information, I see it says if one parent has full legal custody they are allowed and that's currently the case so it's not necessary to get DH's signature. Thanks again!