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More Excuses for SS

Ninji's picture

Friday night we went to a party for SO's friends 40th birthday. It was at friends parents' house and was kid friendly.

Of course we took SS9 and SD.

First off, friend had his nephews there ages 12, 10, 9 and 5.

SS9 wanted nothing to do with the older kids and played with the 5yr old the entire time. Anytime we take the kids somewhere (beach, park), SS always plays with the toddlers and never with kids his own age. I see it as a clear example of his immaturity.

Friends dad had a little bon fire going and he told SS twice that I heard to stop putting wood in it before I stepped in and made SS get away from the fire.

SS had a large plate of food. When he was done he wanted more but I made him wait until everyone else had eaten. When he got a second plate, he went up the some people that were sitting at the table and said "Is this all the food you have. Do you have any other food I can eat." It was his second plate and it was over flowing with food. Embarrassing

There was a patio with a TV and the older boys were watching something. SS walked up to one of the boys and smacked a ball he was holding. The kids ran after the ball. SS laughed and moved the seat the kid was in closer to the TV. SO made him give the chair back, but only after I told SO he needed to stop SS from bullying the kids. Not only was it mean, but there were empty seats he could have sat in. Not only was the behavior mean, but the look on SS's face was hard to describe. Like an evil laugh combo smug smile thing.

This all happened in less than two hrs.

SS has a problem with hitting other kids in school and bullying. When we got in the car, I told SS that I didn't like what he did to that kid and that he was acting like a bully.

SO at agreed and told SS that no one likes a bully....BUT he then said, "Well, those other kids were all 12 and SS is only 9. I told him that the other boys all had the same parents and they were certainly not all 12. I dropped it after that.

Excuses Excuses Excuses. Anytime SS acts like a jerk, it's someone's else's fault. I guess it was that kids fault that SS smacked his ball out of his hand and stole his chair because he is "12" (not really) and SS is only 9. This only makes sense in StepHell.


Drac0's picture

Has your SO used the excuse "Oh he lied because he didn't want to upset anyone."?

'cuz I have the perfect retort for that.

"Oh really? I'll remember that the next time I go to Vegas and blow my wad on gambling and strippers. I'll lie about it and say I was on a business trip and got mugged. Wouldn't want to upset you or anything...."

Ninji's picture

Sometimes I wish the kid was a lying rather than a bully. But no, the kids pretty much tells the truth to a fault. Tells on himself all the time. Smile

Drac0's picture

I don't think he is so much of a bully as he is just awkward around other kids in social situations. Just IMO.

The way you described him by the fire though reminds me of my dreaded camping trip of last summer *shudder*. My SS and my sister-in-laws kids treated the campfire like it was a toy. Thank goodness it rained most of the time we were there, because I am positive one of them would have gotten badly burned.