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Mothers day ~

newstep07's picture

Dh called the X today to arrange her mothers day visit with the kids... she is court ordered to have them from 8 30 to 8 pm on the day ONLY. Not really possible when you live FOUR freaking hours away! So he was going to bring the kids to meeting place on friday night IF she would bring them to pick up at a reasonable time in the evening on sunday since they have school on monday.. of course she said NO WAY - I have them till 8 pm or else this will be used in your CONTEMPT hearing the next week. SHe could care less that the kids get home after 10 pm on a school night. NICE MOM!
So he was going to just give in.. well SS had a TOTAL FIT about staying with her 2 nights when he doesnt have to. He hates her. He will runaway, etc etc. So dh called the X ( we will refer to her as the WWOTE .. wicked witch of the east .. from now on ) and said, sorry but since you wont drop them off early we will only be able to bring them sat. night at 6 ( still giving her an EXTRA over night with the kids ) and she still says her famous.. Well this will be used against you in court. O M G I HATE THIS WOMAN. Remember.. this is my venting room.. I do not speak badly about her in front of the kids. I even tell SS he needs to work on the relationship with her.. But WOW If I had a magic wand guess what the first thing I make DISSAPEAR would be?

So now I dont get to see dh hardly at all this weekend because of this too... and SS is saying WE are selfish and not considering him and his feelings at all.... with court coming up next week we feel we would look like ASSES for only taking the kids on sunday and making them spend 8 hours of the day in a car. We have to think of the long term here and trying to get this judge to see WE have the kids best interests in mind unlike the WWOTE who cares only about control and forcing the kids which is making them all hate her. Dh and i live 2 hours apart right now so he is going to come here sat. night after he drives the kids 150 miles, spend the night then turn around and drive back to get them on sunday by 6 pm, and WE are being selfish? As if he would not love to tell BM to take a hike and drive here to see the kids for the ONE DAY of visit she has a right to... because that is what would be best on the kids , but now while he is up against court again she has him scared to even say BOO to her.

Could anyone who reads this please put in a prayer for us and our upcoming court date next week... Please let this judge see what this woman is about and order NO mandatory visitation because of these lies she is trying to sue over. We will still take the kids as scheduled but her being able to sue dh by making up lies has given her this power that is out of control and is hurting the kids so much it is unreal. Does she WANT her kids to hate her? I just dont understand it at all. What kind of " mother " is this. Happy "vindictive mothers day" you jerk!


Anne 8102's picture

And if I come across a magic wand, I'll send it your way. (I'd try shoving it up her @$$.) Wink

~ Anne ~

We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.

Elle36's picture

How about you all go on Saturday. All of you spend the night in a hotel...maybe one with a pool then drop the kids off Sunday at the designated time in the drcree. If she is only going allowed to have them from 8:30-8:00pm then drop them off at 8:29 ignore the whole "use in court comments" you and I know they will never fly. Do what the decree says and nothing more. this way you all can spend time together and no extra time for X obviously kids do not want it I know a hotel may cost but look at it this way have a different fun night and then the kids have to deal with her the next day and you still get to keep your weekend with your family it is your day too you are still a mom even if it is a step mom

newstep07's picture

The issue of exposing my kids again to what his are going through is a problem for me again. Plus it is our last week of school here so kids have so much already going on and I am trying to get finished packing so trying to keep the stress level down for my kids right now if at all possible. Did I mention I decided to move in with dh(t0 be) this month? I told dh we will "try it" . I think me being there is going to be good for his kids, and hopefully I can get the youngest especially to feel a bit more secure as right now he cries every weekend when I have to leave to go home and begs me to stay... he doesnt need someone else in his life who isnt consistent and I am really hoping that me being there everyday is something that is going to be a good thing for him ... The oldest SS is going to be on the warpath the whole weekend and I would rather not have my kids around that right now. We are all just praying that after court next week something is going to change for the better ( as in the judge telling the X she is a crazy person and if she sues us again with lies and made up crap she will be filing purjery against her... We can always hope right? LOL )

Dh took his kids to a family counseling center today. And had a session with a counselor who assigned each kid to a specialist dealing with kids in their age groups with specific issues who they will start seeing over the summer. It sounds too good to be true to me and dh was extremely impressed with the lady he talked to and how they plan on handling some of the issues the kids have going on. Especially with ss and his hate toward his bm which is now moving to hate for dh for making him keep going to visits. The kids have just gone steadily downhill since the last court date in December and now going again next week is just taking a tole on them all.. and dh is at his wits end too... so talking to someone will hopefully help them all. He said he bragged about me to the counselor and how the kids all love me and respect me so much already.. I was like Yeah, just wait till they get in there alone and the kids start telling what an evil person I REALLY am. lol.. Kids are kids and I just hope having a third party to talk to is going to help them as their BM is trying to threaten them and make them scared to death right now.