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SS7 coming for 5 weeks this summer...

newmommy05's picture

My SS7 is coming for the 5 weeks in the summer...Not really sure how I feel about that. Right now I'm on maturnity leave so I'll be home all summer with DD4months. We have never had SS for that long of a time before. The longest I have ever spent with SS is probably 3 days in a row. DH has never spent that much time with SS either after he and BM split. I know he wants to see his son but he's going to be working the whole time except the weekends. This was only mentioned to me so I'm not sure what his plans for SS are exactly. I won't be surprised if he expects me to watch him all day. Should I try to enrol him in a camp or something? I really don't know what to do with him all day especially with a baby. I understand everyone's DH wants more time with their children but really most of the time the SMs are the ones that take on most of the responsibility for having the skids there. Also because we only see him about once every 2-3 months right now, we have never had to make rules for him at our house before. We always took him to DH's parents house for those weekends. Is 5 weeks long enough of a visit that SS should do chores or help out at home?


Disneyfan's picture

Put him in camp.

DF has his youngest girls( 5&7)in July. I do not work in the summer and he works 8-5, M-F.

We're going to WDW for the first week. The girls are going to summer camp for the rest of the month.

newmommy05's picture

Would it be that horrible that when DH has SS this Summer that I take DD to my parents?