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SS cell phone has been off for months!

newmom01's picture

Back in june of this year, Bm got ss (9) a cell phone, And I told DH as soon as I found out that ss got a phone that he was not to pay for it! If she wanted him to have a phone, she was gonna pay for it.....

Guess what, its not even on! Blum 3 It has not been on for months! See thats the kind of mess Im talking about, spending money on stuff that they dont need, then come around askin for help on school supplies. I suggest you use the cs you get for taking care of the kids and not buying stuff that THEY DO NOT NEED!


buttercookie's picture

don't understand why she even thinks a 9 year old NEEDs a cell phone, your right they need to use cs for the childs needs

JRTerrierMom's picture

I got my DD a phone at 10. We lived (at the time) an hour apart and her father had no house phone and wasn't home often leaving tehm without a working phone.

She has had it adn handled it well since then though we go through phases that I have to have it turned off due to not enough money that month. She's 13 now, and my DS8 thinks he shoudl have one next year, lol.

Poor kid, don't know how to break it to him that he's got plenty of access to a phone and doesnt' need a cellular.