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Married with 2 step sons and Ex wife issues (HELP)

newmom01's picture

Hello, I will try to make this short, but also not leaving anything out. I met a man with two sons at that time they were 5 and 6, they did not live with him. They visited every other weekend and did not EVER come over on holidays or anytime school was out. I was always at his place or he was always at mine. Although I knew he had children and I did not, I saw the amount of time he spent with them and said to myself if this relationship continues or gets serious I can handle it (relationship with kids).

But after we got married INSTANTLY they started coming over ALOT and also started coming over for spring break and holidays and summers. Once again I did not have a problem with the kids, but it was a lot to handle all at once. Since I was a homeowner my husband moved in with me after we got married. I had three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. The master was ours and the smaller of the other rooms was my office and the kids got the bigger guest room. jumping ahead in the story a little we are currently bumping heads on that since my husband and I now have two boys of our own, I would like for my sons to have the bigger room because they live there 24/7, 365 days a year and need the space. While my stepsons although they visit a lot only stay 3 days at the most and spend most of thier time outside playing or sitting under thier dad ....I feel should get the smaller room. This doesnt sit well with my hubby. In my mind when I purchased this home I was thinking about a family of my own, not thinking I would marry someone with kids...however I feel it unfair and not right to give my boys less just to spare feelings.
Now getting back on track when the kids started coming over they would call me names like: Im crazy, or your fat.... I felt this was coming from thier mom since they were still young, but anyway my husband dealt with this right away, and spoke to thier mom and it stopped. But two years into the marraige my husband and I had an argument and now she says the kids cant come over our home or only the dad can see them without me! I didnt even start the argument!! However my husband just wants to see the kids but im like not without me because we are a family and we already have small issues now she is separating us. The kids have done and said things were I would have been well in my right to say they cant come back over until they respect me but I did not PLUS my husband would have not allowed me to do that. But when the ex wife says they cant come over he is like ok: WIFE I will be back later going to spend time with the boys and I am left at home with our kids. I tell him this is a game she is playing but he does not care he just wants to see the kids and this hurts my feelings and shows the EX that we are not a team as a married couple.


newmom01's picture

Been there, we are even in counseling now... we are great together and never argue until it has something to do with her or the kids. Like I told him if she finds out you have 2 or 3 days off its not her job to make a honey do pick up the kids from school or run them here or there. Im his wife! You are re-married now and when your husband married you he knew you had full custody of the boys ALL the time. Yall have a routine that yall do everyday so why is it when you find out about my husband being off he has to do stuff? Have YOUR husband do it

afrazier212's picture

Oh my word!! That is BS! You are very right about you are a family! BM needs to butt out! DH needs to tell her that. Those boys are half him and half her. These two decided to end a life together and went separate ways that does not mean his life now has to be separated from what it really is!! So your sons are not entitled to have a relationship with their brothers?! I would not stand for this at all, unless your fine not being with your SSs. What happens when skids are with Dad is none of Moms business; unless of course it was life threatening or involved drugs she totally needs to mind her business and DH can't give her her way either, she lost that privilege when she left him or when he left her!! So is it a sin to argue? And doesn't everybody argue at one point or another. A relationship isn't healthy without lil spats!! I feel for ya hun and hope everything turns out ok!!

somerg's picture

i agree with the room thing, dunno what to tell you besides i'd surely have a strong discussion with him...maybe next time you can plan an activity for you and YOUR kids and just leave (not tell him) and be gone long enough for him to get home and realize you're not going to wait around moping at the house while he's out spending time with HIS kids.

that would FRY MY ASS and if he's smart, he'll tell bm "ok i'll agree" get the kids and go straight home, will make her see she does not have control over him like that.........but i guess she does if he's going ot play marienette

youngmama1b1g's picture

BM has no rights to say what her kids do or who they spend their time with during his time. H needs to stand up for himself! No court will oblige BM either, cause arguments happen.
As far as the rooms. Good luck in splitting it up. I would suggest talking to your H about it again. Present him with a list of all the items each kid has- more than likely your kids list will be much larger than the SK considering theyre there all the time. It'd make more sense for those who have more stuff to be in the larger room, right? Or completely switch it all up and have your sons each with their own bedroom, that they have to share with SK when they come over. Then each kid technically has their own room. If he doesn't want change tho, you could always put extra items in the SKs room in addition to their beds, dressers, like electronics or toys. This way even tho your boys are in the smaller room- they can use the larger room too and its not wasted space. Best of luck!

skylarksms's picture

If you REALLY want to get crazy, you could propose that YOUR boys get the MASTER bedroom. The skids get the next biggest bedroom and you guys can be in the office/smallest bedroom!

THEN see how fast H changes his tune!