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my blog didnt post?? update to my son punched sd in the face.

my kids matter too's picture

I wrote out everything that happened this weekend and it's not showing up??


CBCharlotte's picture

Sometimes people post the blog in the comments if it is not working. Try copy and pasting it below?

StepLady's picture

Sometimes that happens. You can post it in the comments here if you like and it should show up. It happened to me before.

my kids matter too's picture

I don't think I can write everything out again. I thanked everyone for their support and the things I should be careful about and the private messages giving advice.

I spoke with my mom on Saturday and came to an arrangement about living there full time for 3 months while I look for a new place. I went to dinner with my wife and told her I wanted a divorce. She was very angry and said some messed up shit to me about never getting another woman and I will be sorry and that I should just start fucking my son since I believe his lies. It was awful. Saturday night she called me and told me sd was relieved we were getting divorced and it turns out my son had been MOLESTING her daughter for 6 months and that's why she attacked him like that. I hung up on her.

Sunday morning my sister called and told me my sd posted on Facebook her and her mom were off to Disney world for a girls vacation. My wife has no money. We have separate finances. I give her $300 a month for spending money and she gets minimal child support. She has an emergency credit card of mine and that's what she uses for groceries too. I called and canceled that. Then I gathered family and those with trucks and we went to her house and moved all mine and my sons stuff out. Basically we left it mostly empty. It was mine before marriage. She called and demanded that I put money into her account right now so they could go into Disney and I hung up after she threatened to kill me for this. It was on speaker phone so everyone could be a witness.

She got home just after we left and unloaded the last of my stuff into storage and texted horrible things about me and my son and the house being empty. She was beyond livid!! Sunday evening she texted and left messages asking if the 3 of us could be family again and all I needed to do was sign my son over to his mother. My son is the issue and we can get him into a treatment program. She's lost her mind.

Today I have called a few attorneys but they aren't in yet. I'm moving full speed ahead with the divorce and I've cut off all contact with her. I'm done. I don't feel nearly as bad today as I did Saturday. Oh and she asked me to keep paying her bills while she's in school. Due to my first marriage I was smart enough to get a prenup. So that's not happening. She gets nothing but Nov. Bills paid.

my kids matter too's picture

I've kept texts of her telling me to fuck my son and how I need to sign him over to his mother and that will make everything okay for us. She mention I should fuck him in a sense of actually having sex since I will never get another woman so I might as well get some from him. I doubt she has a case but they may use it in the assault case as a defense.

I had to tell my ex wife about the accusations and took the easy way out. I told her new husband. He says she's pissed and is considering going for full custody due to this situation. He doesn't agree so that's a good sign.

Shaman29's picture

She's using the molestation charge as a diversion because his ex is filing assault charges against her daughter. No defense so they're going to claim it was retaliatory because he was molesting her.

OP you're doing the right thing. Cut off all contact. If she presses, give her the name of your attorney when you hire one.

my kids matter too's picture

I may have left some things out when I retyped it but that's the jest of what happened this weekend. Thank you all for the advice. I had never considered some of the things you mentioned and she pulled them so I wasn't shocked. I'm not missing her at all right now. That may change but she certainly isn't the woman I married anymore and that's hard to grasp.

Ninji's picture

Just a tip...Something I do

I type my blogs on email or Word first. That way if they won't post right away, I don't have to re-type everything.

Ninji's picture

Wow, people really let their crazy out when they don't get what they want.

It's sad and stressful, but I think in the long run for your sake and your son's sake, it's the right thing to do.

Don't give that witch a dime. I always tell my Skids, Actions have consequences...Your soon to be EXW and her daughter are starting to feel that now. GOOD.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

Holy Shit!!!, She really showed her true colors, and I see where her daughter gets it. So glad you got a prenup, but definitely get into a lawyer if she is making threats and saying your son was molesting her daughter. save all your messages and record your fact dont even answer let her leave crazy messages. As she gets more despret things will get worse. sorry you had to go through this but you did the right thing and protecting your son.

stormabruin's picture

I hope, for everyone's sake, that the accusations against your son are wrong. It seems strange to me that she would go to the extreme she did on his parts because he threw the ball out of the pool. I mean, it sounds like there was a lot more anger & ill behind what she did.

It also seems strange that he was able to punch her square in the face 3 times after she grabbed him, but that it took 7 or 8 minutes before he could talk and about 20 minutes before he could get up.

Not saying he molested her. Just trying to look at it from both sides. Whatever happened, it sounds like a toxic situation.

I hope they're both okay.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

well my momma always said someone's true character comes out when times aren't good and my friend time's aren't good. The behavior she is displaying is very eye opening. You sound like a great father and partner and I really feel like this is the beginning of an amazing life for you. A life with your son and eventually a kick ass supportive woman who knows the true meaning of family. You are going to find someone amazing someday and I'm very sorry this happened to you and I'm very sorry that your son is still being victimized by your soon to be ex wife and step daughter.

twoviewpoints's picture

Good for you for doing what you knew had to be done. Now stop communication between the two of you. What's left is for lawyers to handle. Block her on your phone, text, email and Facebook. Unfriend anyone on social media that might either give her an in or share with her.

Good luck to you.

ChiefGrownup's picture

The girl is obviously well able to defend herself so there is no way in hell her sudden accusations are true.

You thought this woman was the love of your life because she was agreeing with everything you said and doing things she knew would please you. She was doing this not out of love or because these were things she truly agreed with but so that you would fall in love with her and be putty in her hands.

She and her daughter are cut from the same cloth. You are lucky to get away. Glad that you're out. You must feel like a Mac truck hit you.

Sir, not all women are like this. Believe me. There are millions of wonderful women with good character and loving hearts. Just want you to know that for future reference because right now I'm sure you are feeling the entire xx chromosome population is poison.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Can I make one more suggestion? In addition to the legal advice, you should get your son into therapy with someone qualified to deal with people who have been accused of sexual assault. He's going to need all the support he can get if/when there is an investigation. He's going to find the process scary.

We've had it from the other side with YSS19 who went to the police about being molested when he was 16/17. It took its toll on him but the therapy seemed to help even out his moods and responses to the stress of the situation.

TheAccidentalSM's picture


ChiefGrownup's picture

BTW, this girl will get nowhere legally with her accusations of being "molested" by your son. Unless she is going to allege some element of force, intimidation, or deception (roofies, etc) there is no such thing as "molesting" at their ages. Most states require at least a 2 year age difference between minors for one to be in a position to "molest" the other. At 13 and 15 we call it "making out."

When her defense lawyer points this out to her and mama, her story will change to include the force or being unconscious but her story changing like that will continue to erode her credibility. It could very well be the two had experimented with some making out and he backed off which is what enraged her and made her go attention seeking. But 2 teens consensually making out is not a crime. Deliberately causing injury to someone's organs is, though, and that little girl is in for a good taste of the criminal justice system so she will try to lie and manipulate her way out.

Do record the statements about "molesting" in a diary of some kind if you don't have them via text already. You need to know the day, time, and location of where she first told you and as close to the exact words she used as you can get.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I can't believe the things she texted you about you and your son!!!! That is a new low I have never heard of.

Can you get an annulment? If I remember, you have been married only a year.

Let your ex wife know everything you are doing to protect your son. Keep her in the loop. Hopefully that will help her not go for full custody. She just wants to make sure you are keeping her son safe.

And - to be very blunt - don't go back to this crazy woman! If you do, then give all custody of your son to your ex.

fakemommy's picture

Sorry, but as someone who HAS been molested, if she had been by your son she wouldn't 1. feel okay being in a bathing suit around him or 2. grab his privates outside of an attack.

I'm glad you are getting out now. Even if you continued to keep your son away from her, it would be only a matter of time before she was accusing you of something.

This is the problem with a lot of women. They think they can do whatever to a man and then cry victim when he retaliates.

notsobad's picture

Not only would she not be comfortable in a bathing suit around him, she would never be alone with him and his friends.

IslandGal's picture

You're doing the right thing buddy! Your soon-to-be-ex wife has gone into the "scorned woman" mode and has lost her marbles - probably 'cos she's lost her (ahem! YOUR) wallet. She sounds vicious, malicious and downright nasty. Who the hell tells their partner to go have sex with his children? Someone who knows deep down inside that she is very, very wrong and refuses to acknowledge it, that's who. I am willing to bed a week's pay that she knows her daughter lied. She know's that they are both in the wrong and you are right - and it's sending her bonkers.

She's also probably realised what a good thing she had with you - so she's trying to manipulate you into believing her and her toxic daughter's lies, to keep being supported financially by you. You have opened her eyes and made her see how pathetically stupid she is being by your stance and so she's resorted to below-the-belt manoeuvres. Serves her bloody well right.

I have 3 Son's and my God! If someone did that to any one of them, I would've been goddamned furious!!

I'm still in shock over her demanding that you leave your Son in the care of your Mom. Just goes to show how little she thinks of you and your Son's feelings. This is one selfish, spiteful, DANGEROUS woman - please be on guard!

Document! Record and keep every single communication she sends you. I also agree with seeing if you can put your Son into therapy so he can learn coping skills when the shit hits the fan, if she is sincere about her threats.

You are doing the absolutely right thing!! Good on you for being there for your Son - he's gonna need you, - stay strong and know you have support here.