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Email from Dr. enough?

mumzy79's picture

See my last blog for more info, but essentially the last 2 Contempt Charges against BM were dismissed. So 2 weekends ago, she got the doctor to sign a note that SS5 (fractured leg) could not travel more than 1 hour. We live 2 hours away. My belief - so they won't be around me because MIL/FIL live near BM. So we call doctor on 11/9 asking how long this restriction is. She states that it was only precautionary in case he got it wet or stuck something down the cast. So he is clear to come here this weekend. DH gets a text from BM blah blah blah and states he is going to his Mom's again this weekend. Uh No! So he replies as such, the doctor cleared SS5 to come here this weekend. She says she will not go off his word and we need a letter. Fine, we call doc, she emails a note to DH stating he can come here. BM will not allow him to come unless it is a signed note. :? DH replies he cant get a signed note since we live 2 hours away. BM says she spoke with her lawyer AND THE JUDGE (ohh the lies) and she can withold them. DH says call the doctor then to confirm. She says the burden of proof is on him and we will only be getting SS6 not SS5. WTF??? So St'ers tell me if I am wrong.

1. Never heard of a cast having a travel restriction. Kids get then all the time. My feeling she complained to doctor til she signed it as to shut her up. BTW, the doctor didn't sign it at the time of casting, when she said he wasn't coming we asked to see a doctors note.

2. Isn't an email enough since the email address is FIRSTnameLASTname (of doctor) @

What do you guys think?


stepmom2one's picture

1. NO never a travel restriction on a cast. If she is worried about him sitting to long (blood clot) then stop every half hour for a short walk.

2. email should be enough. I would do a conference call, call the dr. have the dr. do 3 way calling and call BM. Better than a signature.

mumzy79's picture

She mentioned blood clot (BM) and we told her we would stop to let him play at parks, rest stops etc, but it wasn't good enough so she got the doctor's note limiting travel.

stepmom2one's picture

It sounds like she just wants to keep him so she is making up excuses.

PnutButta's picture

BM is being a bitch. She can't keep that kid from you. Have the doctor send you AND BM's attorney a fax stating the kid can travel. I would then contact her attorney and let him know that you WILL be picking up the child and make sure he/she understands that you will once again have to file contempt charges if she does not comply with your custody agreement, and that you will call the police if she will not allow you to pick up your skid.

Trust me when I tell you that the judge is going to get sick and tired of seeing you guys because of BM's behavior....and she'll get reamed and may even lose custody. They don't have time or the desire to deal with this kind of mess. You have every right to stand up for your parental rights.

What BM "wants" does not matter. Period. She and your DH chose to have a judge make an agreement for you, and that agreement is legal and binding. Not a damn thing she can do about it. Sucks for her. If you do go to court over this, you'll subpoena the doctor and she'll look like an ass.

~ Please excuse me, I have a low bullsh*t tolerance... ~