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Parenting Coordinators, Broken Bones, and Police

SMof2Girls's picture

While running around and playing with her sister in our house Friday, SD8 fell and hurt her arm. She immediately got up crying, clutching her arm. We sat her down, gave her some ice and tried to calm her down a bit. 15 minutes later we realized a trip to the ER was necessary; SD8 had not calmed down at all.

DH dragged screaming and inconsolable SD8 to the ER (about 10 mins away).

SD8 was checked in at 7:15pm. There is no cell reception in the hospital. She had x-rays; doc said he didn't see a break but it was pretty swollen. So he wrapped her arm in a soft cast and referred them to an orthopedic doctor for follow up within 7 days. SD was cleared for school (no gym) and otherwise normal (but limited physical) activity.

DH called BM from the car on the way home at 8:17pm. Told her what happened and that he had a copy of all the discharge paperwork for her. She asked a few questions about what happened, he answered. She asked to talk to SD; DH allowed it. All in all, very uneventful. Didn't hear another peep from her all weekend.

Until Sunday afternoon.

Barrage of texts and emails start saying she is picking skids up early so she can take SD8 to a follow up appt first thing on Monday. DH replies saying their verbal agreement (with the parent coordinator) was that he would keep them Sunday nights. No appointment had been scheduled (doctor office doesn't even open until 8am Monday) and DH would take them to school Monday. If an appointment was scheduled, we would be sure to get SD8 there, or to school for pick up later in the day.

Wrong answer, I suppose. BM continued to go off. Claiming that she has a legal right to get her daughter from him since she had been injured in his care. On and on about how she is SOOO worried about her (note, she never once tried to call or asked to talk to SD8, which he definitely would have allowed). DH ignored for the rest of the day. We suspected she would call the police, and we were right. Luckily, we foresaw that coming and left the house (not because we were afraid of her, but because we wanted to spare the kids that entire scene). BM filed a report and left.

DH called doc this morning to schedule follow up appointment. Earliest she can get in is 1pm today. DH takes skids to school, BM is there waiting. Trying to get SD8 to leave with her, who doesn't want to go. She's excited to go into the school and show her friends her cast. DH tells her the follow up isn't until 1pm; so they can just pick SD8 up later in the day. She'd been cleared for school, no reason to miss the whole day. BM walked away and sat in her car. Clearly ready to explode.

Now .. DH calls his lawyer, who calls the parent coordinator to get confirmation of the verbal agreement stating DH has Sunday nights. Coordinator replies saying "Well I have notes here referring to a verbal agreement, but there are no details as to what that is, so I would have to defer to the custody agreement" (which says custody switches at 6pm Sundays). Goes on to say "It's really unfortunate they resorted to police action before trying to come into my office for another session".

The WHOLE point of the coordinator was to document the new agreement (DH gets Sunday evenings on his weekends), which she advised AGAINST doing formally with the court. She said to abide by the verbal until another natural change comes and it can be formalized at that time. It was AGAINST DH's better judgement to listen .. but the coordinator's opinion matters in the court, and she can be subpoenaed (she's not a mediator). It generally looks bad to disregard her advice before giving it a chance to work (or not, in this case).

And now it's biting him in the ass.

DH's lawyer is filing paperwork to make Sundays permanent today. He tried the civil route and did the coordinator thing, and it got absolutely nothing resolved. Every single weekend has been SOMETHING.

I'm just exhausted and so tired of her crap Sad

SMof2Girls's picture

That's just it .. and what has us worried. Coordinator is not saying she's aware of the details of the agreement, just that there was one. What good is that?!

DH is DONE with the coordinator. He only went that route first because their CO says they will seek a coordinator or mediator prior to filing in court (he wanted to just file with the court over the Sunday issue originally and be done with it).

Well .. he went the right route. Met with the coordinator. That clearly did not work and agreement was not reached. So his lawyer said he is all clear to file with the courts.

But now the coordinator is asking BM and DH to come in for an emergency session .. aye aye aye!

SMof2Girls's picture

His lawyer is recommending he attend the meeting with the coordinator. Another $190 down the drain. For what? BM flat out refused a written agreement at the last meeting, and sent not one, but THREE texts saying "Not only is there NO verbal agreement, but there won't be one in the future either".

So why bother?

SMof2Girls's picture

OH man .. it's insane.

Not a single phone call from her all weekend .. and then suddenly, "She is my child and she has been injured in your care and she has a RIGHT to be home with her MOTHER". Then "I'm so worried about her that I can't do anything else, I need her home so I can make sure she is okay".

Still no phone call or request to actually speak to her daughter. :?

Orange County Ca's picture

Sounds like a lot of lawyer money being spent just to keep the kid for an additional 12 hours Sunday night most of which will be spent sleeping.

SMof2Girls's picture

Probably right. But with BM scheduling activities on DH's time, when is DH supposed to have some uninterrupted time with his kids?

Pick them up from school Friday, activities (with BM present and inserting herself very actively) on Saturdays, then drop off after an early dinner on Sunday? Makes for a hectic weekend with no down time.

And while Sundays are the current issue at hand, there will always be something with BM. Until she has sole custody, with full child support, and minimal time for DH .. there will always be a fight ..

SMof2Girls's picture

Yes, it does matter, but DH has not pursued it. It changes the overnight calculation for the year; which can have a pretty significant impact on their CS. It's a swing of about 25 days (holidays/long weekends already included). He already only pays $250/month for both kids; this would drop him below $100.

DH has not pursued the change, didn't even ask for it. He is more concerned about the time. I think she's worried that if the change is legally documented, he WILL pursue the CS change.

I'm just sick of it all. It is literally something Every.Single.Weekend.

ej'scrazy's picture

Dh and BM have a parenting coordinator who has changed the mediated agreement they have. This is due to BM's constantly changing schedule. It would be interesting to see if that would stand up in court, as what is followed now doesn't follow what is register with the court--it was very specific before. I do agree with you, why have one if the verbal agreement can't even be confirmed. That sucks for your DH.

BM has left the kids home for 13 hours shifts when she works and I'm afraid the kids are going to burn the house down "trying" to make food. However, if that happened, that's because they are unsupervised. But she can do that, as I am "unfit" to watch them, per BM (even though I did for almost five years without a complaint). She's now complaining about paying a babysitter, but she chose it, not DH and not me. Your BM is crazy. Accidents happen all the time. I broke several bones growing up, just doing normal kid stuff. My parents didn't flip out. They dealt with the situation without making it any more difficult for us than it already was.