Yay--I want to jump in the fray (the blogging one that is) SOOOOO LONG
I feel my participation on this site is what some fear--one of the lurkers. But here's food for thought: it's not my place to judge or be judged for why I'm here or why anyone is here for that matter. I heard the "get out-it's not going to get better". Until I was more financially stable I couldn't-where I live is a rural community and there aren't a lot of options for help here. I would probably be one of those bm's some of you gripe about without knowing my circumstances.
So-not that you're entitled to know but here goes. My ex and I were married for 14yrs when we divorced. We were separated for almost 3 and a half before we divorced. He was moved out for a year when we came together (the end result being my most adorable 5yr old). I stayed angry the first year he was gone-and even thru my pregnancy which surprises me that my 5yr old is so even-tempered. We did counseling-had a marriage counselor tell me that he had a girlfriend and I should just learn to deal with it. Sure, enough I did-I had my toddler, raised my big kids and put shut of him. CS was ordered of him-he paid some; to date he is $24K+ in the hole to his children-not me, them. You see that is one of the differences in griping about a bm and what they think they are owed. How many of them can prove to you, SO, DH, BF-that they don't: buy themselves clothing, get tanned, or get their nails done with even a smidge of the CS to be paid? I have always told my ex anytime he wants receipts for what I spend their money on feel free to ask me. To many of you, what he owes me monthly may seem over the top, but be advised there was a CS worksheet done on with of our incomes (wow, surprise surprise) unlike the one he left me for I can hold down a job long-term because it is for my kiddos and he owes $1,200/monthly toward maintaining the lifestyle they were accustomed too. OK folks--little stumbling block--don't recall that the lifestyle involved steps of any sort, but tis the way things go unfortunately. Mine ran off his girlfriend by the grace of just being bored kids and a toddler who spilled things. My fault? He asked if I condoned their behavior when they were with him. My response--"their behavior in your space is your problem, not mine". I did not wilfully ever suggest my kids go about to his home behaving like they'd lost their minds, but what he failed to realize is that he spent their childhood not participating in raising them; they equated that to absolutely no respect for him whatsoever. That he thought he could just decide to tell them what to do after 10 and 12 yrs respectively was not what seemed right to them. They even told him so-and the little one spilling things? Really? Always told me to my face they were going to untie her tubes so they could have a child together and my little one spilling things was so uncouth to them--ugghh.
He presented me with divorce papers on my birthday in 2003-I'm guessing that made him feel better to tear me down day at a time, but remember karma is a biotch ya'll. Kids and I went to the court-ordered "divorce classes"; he refused-said if he didn't go we couldn't get divorced? Oh the mind games these DH's play before they become someone else's problem In between time I had an estate to clear up, kids to raise and to attempt to put together a life inclusive of just my standard baggage without completely falling apart. My mother suggested that the ex wasn't waiting for me-dating around---why she wanted to know? couldn't I. So then I did--I met a fellow while clearing up said estate we dated for nearly a year, but he had a couple of pretty major flaws--he drank more than I liked, "smoked" alot and the running joke was always what rock he was crawling under when he would "disappear" for a couple of weeks at a time. I looked around in between time and met some other real "characters" to say the least. Then one fateful morning in February 2006 I got an IM from a fellow from one of the dating sites I was cruising. Our first date was St Paddy's Day that year. I finally got the courage and the money to divorce my ex husband, but not without a confrontation. To have been a fly in the vicinity anyone who has ever had to cross their fingers hoping someone either would or would not get their lights punched out in defense of you....well it's something to behold when it turns out your defender was going to pummel a dimwit-just didnt seem like it wouldhave been fair fight-I'd have laughed though. Kids' dad steams toward mine and ostrich's vehicles just full of himself and says to ostrich "what right do you have being with my wife?" Wow, laughable answer from ostrich "I don't think she's been your "wife" for about 3 yrs now." Kids' dad is ready to fight and ostrich asks me to watch skids for him and invites dad for a ride to "discuss" things. One mood swing down--2 more to go. Since that tact didn't work he then tries, "well, has she told you why she hasn't divorced me yet?" Here, is where you can waggle your self-righteous fingers at me or shake your heads over the answer. I tell ostrich "because I am afraid he won't pay the bills". Could have scooped dad up at this point because I guess he thought John-boy would head back to the hills after that answer--mood swing number 2. Now, for number 3. He now says to ostrich, "she's a good woman and I did her wrong. Are you going to take care of her?" Ostrich tells him of course he is he loves me
That was in April 2006-I then filed for divorce and it was final in June. Back to court in September for visitation/CS. He was ordered to pay, but by the grace of the money-grubbing witch he lived with-he paid nothing. I moved to the country to be with ostrich and I felt/feel that it was a good move for my kids; though traumatic I'm sure, but I couldn't afford where we were and was left with no options-oh except the one where i give him custody of the kids and he'd let me see them whenever i wanted. Yeah................no. It was near the end of 2008 when the county attorney finally said when he was only $14K in the hole, that it was time to make an example out of him and sent him to jail for 2 months-the rest to be probated providing he became gainfully employed, maintained knowledge of his whereabouts and wrote his checks to the state weekly. It was nearly summer before I saw the first dime in over a year and a half. That was just barely a year ago and now he has taken a lesser paying job and pays me less than half a month what he owes me. I have been silently gathering my paperwork for another go round hoping that it leads to directly garnishing his pay so that I am not left hanging in the balance so much juggling our finances from week to week. So, far I am doing so by the way with absolutely NO handouts or help from any agencies or friends or family. Pat on the back? NOPE--I am a mom. The older 2 will tell you they know who didn't "leave" them. The little one just is
The older ones know it seems when to ask mom for things and when to just table it. What else do I tell them, but I'll see what I can do? "Go ask your father?" Yeah, thats gotten us far. But actually when he finally was held to the court agreement and mad eto pay-the kids and I packed our things. Everything at ostrich's place was escalating out-of-control and things were not improving. No one talking about how things needed/should be except the grownups and he really just thought things should be fair for his kids. Mine had chores, responsibilities-shouldn't his have had that too? Seemed plenty fair to me. Then we moved--for him it has been the most depressing year ever-for me before that it was the last 3 yrs. He has no stability taking care of his children, maintaining his home, etc. Not my problem-seems to me it should have been something he picked up on say 20 yrs or so ago? We talked, cried, fought and came to this conclusion-separate our homes and work on this from the outside. So far, it has been a lonely year except for my kiddos, my job, and a few friendly outings. He promised that the 4 mile distance would not be our undoing-but this said I have a blind date this weekend. After being told by another fellow he could not date a mom with kids still at home. My 18yr old son's observation to that? He said "mom, I don't think it ws a knock on your mom capablities so much as against us kids." He proceeds to explain his comment saying he thinks it's so they don't have to get them (kids) anything. Of course, my thought was a naughty one which I kept to myself---lol about why. Is he right? I don't know. I just know that right now I have bben thru so much with John-boy I think it's time for a change of scenery-new friends, new beau, something. Not ajealousy tact by any means just a means to a new beginning.
NONE of my history gives me the right to "lurk" but with things as they have been and seem to continue being here with no sign of changing I am just comfortable lurking and reading posts to see that my life has been in the crapper at times but somedays not as badly as other people's lives. For those worried about their safety on the world wide wonder--I ask: why are you here? There were a couple of people on here I thought I had a small connection with but without being asked anything of me specifically I was "grouped" as untrustworthy, intrusive?, spiteful? I really don't know except to be told I cant be connected to you because of my friendships.
Ladies and (gentlemen) I am NO angel-just ask my mother. Nor am I raising any angels--they didn't come with those directions; or any for that matter. But for the most part I keep my act together enough to fool the world at large and I make mistakes-obviously or I wouldn't be divorced firstly nor living on my own again away from dbf secondly if I had done no wrong. To apologize in any way for my kids' existing, anything I may say or do or even what they say or do--give me a reason when you will judge, jump to conclusions etc about each situation without knowing all there is to it. I can "own" alot that I do and naerly readily apologize for my wrongdoing but I will never apologize for my life
I feel an apology is warranted if some undue harm has been rendered; though it is pretty much just our society nowadays that near anything said seems to have dual meanings. I feel it is harder and harder to say what I mean and mean what I say--though I sure do give it a mighty effort.
By the way, no comment necessary-where would you even start???
- MsPerception's blog
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I'm sorry for what you're
I'm sorry for what you're going through. Your story is not unusual.
However, This is not what MANY of us on THIS site deal with.
We deal with hostile ex-spouses who DO see Child Support as something that is OWED to them.
We deal with unstable ex-spouses who USE their CHILDREN as PAWNS and we deal with ex-spouses play the Parental Alientaion ABUSE game and use Hostile Aggressive Parenting tactics in order to forever damage the bond between the parents and their precious children.
It's reprehensible and unforgivable. And it's the world WE live in. It's OUR reality.
While I can certainly appreciate yours, you must respect ours as well.
Not all BMs are like this. I am a BM to two sons. A lot of us on these boards ARE Birth mothers and we would NEVER perpetrate the kinds of HEINOUS acts against our children and our ex-spouses the way these women do.
But because of intense hatred for their exes or mental instabilty, these women do. And because we love these Stepchildren and these men, we cope the best way possible. And one of the ways we TRY to cope is by venting on this site.
Please understand that.
My DHs ex HAS, in fact, in WRITING stated that she is "OWED HER CS. It is HER MONEY for staying home and taking care of the children." And in the over 8 years since they have been divorced, she has never worked a day. But she HAS had ANOTHER child by another man.
Nice, huh?
So again, you can't generalize all situations. Please remember that.
Again, I am sorry for YOUR situation.
Yes, Now4, that I read back
Yes, Now4, that I read back over my submission I do see a touch of generalization, something ostrich hates that I do as well. He says it's people who act as they do not just that men, women, or even kids in groups behave "stereotypically". I should have quite honestly asserted imho in places but I was on a roll }:) Sympathy for me is not warranted nor necessary, thank you though, I just see these things that have happened as trials for what truly lies ahead for me, my kiddos, the dads, their girlfriends, etc.
I did truthfully, leave out one and only one act of insanity that I perpetrated upon my kids (i acknowledged ex as little as possible back then-we are a bit more civil now though). The weekend that visitaion/cs was set there was a birthday. Plans had been made to celebrate and it was taken from us by the grace of a coin toss. Yes, my visitation was decided with the flip of a coin. He knew we had these plans and even with my attorney present proceeeded to not only not budge on the plans but to not negotiate at all. To him--all or nothing. I left the courtroom heartbroken-knowing I would have to send them to "them". Turns out though--I ended up with them back in less than 24 hrs after I finally quit trying to dodge him to hand them over. This was when they were refurbishing a house to mve into and my tweens spent their time in a empty house bored-soap in the coffee pot and cups (people were drinking coffee), using a drill to put holes in candles, poptart boxes, etc. Running their hands thru an ashtray and across newly painted walls. DID I condone their behavior? No. Discipline them for it? Why would I? imo we were to be in the same book on those measures but he does not control my house nor I his. They had expressed to him they were bored. They didn't say take us back to mom's that took until the next evening when ostrich and I were headed out. I tried to have them "stick it out", but come on you guys--how many of you would turn down your 14yr old boy who is crying begging for you to come get him and his sisters? I admit I have gleaned a small triumph in earning raising them on my own from then forward-he stopped taking them at all in 2007-told them it wasnt right because he wasnt paying. I think it's because as teenagers they could tell him no and there was nothing he oculd do about it.
Sorry I rambled Now4--and do understand I respect many thoughts and opinions of others especially knowing that in the end I dictate how I will live my life knowing I will catch "it" for flying up in the face of reason, but I was once married to a trashman and if nothing else I've developed over the years is a sense of humor and I have had a never wavering ability to roll with the "isms" that people put forth.
I am NOT the enemy--I'm just working hard to keep my own -- my own.
Hey, no harm, no foul. I just
Hey, no harm, no foul. I just wanted you to understand that we ALL have our stories which shape our perspectives. Good and bad.
And we all have our moments of weakness where we MAYBE didn't act with class, dignity, or decorum (as you can attest to!) We are ALL human and we all make mistakes.
So just be fair, that's all I'm saying. And thank you for sharing your story.
And WELCOME.
Did someone tell you that you
Did someone tell you that you have to be active here to remain a member? I'm sorry, I just don't understand why you wrote those things at the top of your blog. Maybe there are rules here that I'm not aware of. Hummm........going to check them now! Thanks for the heads up.
I see nothing wrong with
I see nothing wrong with lurking. Lurking lets you get your bearings and decide if this is the place you want to be or not. I know that there are some people here who's BM's have found them. As long as I'm not using my real name or the names of my family and as long as people don't know where my specific location is, I feel safe. When I open up to people that I trust and then find that I may not be able to trust them after all, I have to shut it down. Some days I may post here, some days I may lurk. I think it's smart for everyone who first comes here (or any other site for that matter) to lurk for awhile. It would save a whole lot of trouble.
I don't get what's wrong
I don't get what's wrong here.
Are you saying people don't want you here because you are a BM?
I've felt AlterE, that
I've felt AlterE, that because I'm not married to ostrich that I've had no real place here (I guess now more than anything since we don't live together anymore) I have never had wishing harm thoughts upon his kids ever-posting here I've seen before-except for circumstances where it seems that a lesson would be learned. You're shaking your head--ex. Ostrich was at work and left his 2 with me. he explained before he left to mind me what I say goes. I had to take mine to practice so I loaded them all up and away we went. While practice was going on we sat at the pavilion. There were these picnic tables sitting in rows just far enough apart to hold oneself up by both arms on 2 table and swing back and for. Lo and behold when a human body starts swinging to and fro in that fashion that momentum gets the better of you and you fall. So, I stated after I'd seen it happen once to please not have it happen again or there would be a consequence. Sure enough it happened and ss earned a goose egg on the very front of his forehead. After I assessed the situation to determine whether the injry warranted an emergency room visit we went to sit in the car. We were only feet from the other children who were minding the direction I had given. SS started screaming when I said that the consequence of not minding me was to sit with me while the others played. i texted dad to let him know what was going on and told him I'd be there in a bit for him to assess or himself. When we got there SS expected dad to open the door and attend to him--surprised when dad said no-you look fine and sitting still was an appropriate punishment since you couldn't do something other than what got you hurt.
That moment is just one of the many that made me feel like the stepdragon I labeled myself. He would get on me about disciplining his kids-said he couldn't love me if I wouldn't? Wow-I'm guessing that until it happens to him he has no idea the war to be had when steps discipline their SO's children especially if they do not get along with one another and discuss that commonality. I believe the basic needs of children should be hands down a no brainer for all parents-feed them, clothe them, shelter them,keep them from coming to harm, educate them, etc. I understand the differences in parenting styles trust me--I labeled ostrich a "soft sell" parent. I was told I was too rigid, but then again my children don't have broken teeth or other injuries that have come from using each other as their playthings.
I say I feel now I have nothing to offer anyone except that if you've tried to communicate, counseling, disengaging, etc and there's not even a glimmer that things will change-they just may not and I say RUN!! I know, I know not everyone can-generalization, Now4, but short of plastering a damned smile on your face accepting things you know you can do nothing about and hoping things get better there is ST or other venues to blurt out what you hold in your head before it explodes out like a bad action you can never take back. I keep in mind that though I may not be a step (we split households and I absolutley choose not to meld with his children) someday I may be so I hang around. Please don't judge me guys and gals, I teach my children to respect their elders, but as one of mine pointed out to their father-"you picked her I didn't and you can't make me like them because you do". Yes it was said to me as well about ostrich
All I asked them to do was afford him the respect of being the other adult in the house, but if something happens to make you uncomfortable tell him if not then me.
I tried; it deadpanned at the mment so back to square one
I too am a lurker. I haven't
I too am a lurker. I haven't posted yet, but I am also still in the "deciding" time as to whether this site will really help me or hinder me. I don't want to post my concerns with my BM or Skids and have someone get on my blog and tear me down further for having my own opinion about things. If that makes me bad, Im sorry.......but I have to find a realm of trust between people before I will feel comfortable enought to post. Thanks
Bmom, I've posted before
Bmom, I've posted before now-well tiraded before now and had some of my stepsisters tell me it's not all bad, things could be different, run, etc. I hadn't really been picked at before though I don't believe i've ever said anything without prefacing it with something that has people understand state or strangle. I wish harm on no one--not my ex, any naysayers, skids etc. I do beleive that what goes around comes around-and I try to step lightly. Goodness knows I don't need anything else to come up and slap me from behind. I laugh, I cry or I'm silent. Amidst all of the episodic dramas with the skids, I managed to lose a friend too, when I was searching for my way out. To find that apparently behind my back I was being burned every which way by her because I wouldn't play by her rules. I was a bad mom, I made bad choices, etc and so on even to the point of sharing this with people who ran in circles that kids' dad knew. Without being on the world wide wonder myself feeding them, I was apparently feeding her, my presumed bf, and I found out that ex knew everything all along because of her.
The world sure is a mean nasty place when people have some axe to grind
"The world sure is a mean
"The world sure is a mean nasty place when people have some axe to grind"
amen sista! PS, you didnt tell me she did ALL that stuff too!
bad friend, very bad friend!
Set me up to go out with
Set me up to go out with somebody then had to know everything about it. When we cut her out she flipped out called me telling me that he said I was going to tell her husband-the two of them were having an affair for 6 months (they only reconnected in February at church and this was April) I think it was "the sign" for get the hell out of dodge that was too long in coming
I think I actually DO
I think I actually DO remember you telling me that now....... is she still married AND having an affair?
No-one of the 2 of those
No-one of the 2 of those idiots came up with that on their own or they planned it together don't know; don't care at this point. they brought it on themselves. She dated him in middle school-lol. we all went to high school together and I guess she thought it was a good idea to put us together--then it backfired.
"And we all have our moments
"And we all have our moments of weakness where we MAYBE didn't act with class, dignity, or decorum" Well said Now4--does this make us human? I've tried not to be caught in the ugly here or anywhere for that matter; though I guess if I wanted true invisibility I surely wouldnt be here on the world wide wonder either. Though I don't much care what people think of me in general, it does bother me to think that some think they can read and laugh at me, my situation. If it helps you get through your day then I say go for it. Thankfully though I'm not really that thin-skinned and everyone is entitled to their opinions and free speech and all.
I say---state or strangle. If I don't vent, vomit, what have you I may just choke the living daylights out of an innocent bystander some day.