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Ok now I'm pissed!

msc1120's picture

So DH was suppose to call or text me after he dropped of SS back at BM's house so we could get together and talk about how we are going to start separating things in the house, etc. SS was suppose to go home yesterday, never heard from DH so this afternoon I texted him to see if him and SS had a good visit this week, he responds yes they had a nice visit he's taking SS home now SS was able to stay an extra day. Well this was 3 hours ago now and I haven't heard crap back from him. I still love my husband more than anything and want to make our marriage work but as of now I guess I'm done too. If he can't be bothered enough to at least call or text and say we'll get together such and such time and day then screw him! Obviously I never meant as much to him as I thought I did if he can walk away from 8 years together so easily.


msc1120's picture

Thanks Mazzy!! That's exactly what I'm going to do. I can't keep up all the emotional roller coaster stuff anymore. It's making me nuts!!

msc1120's picture

It does Smile I've gotten so much strenght over the past few weeks from this site, not just about SS issues but as far as my marriage is concerned also. You guys will never know how much I appreciate all of your insite and wisdom. Just coming here reading others posts helps me to not feel so alone in what I'm going through. All of you guys are so awesome.

((((Hugs))) and I hope you have a very Happy New Year!

BTW I love your signature. You have no idea how that applys to some of the people in my life .