I Just Got Yelled At for Giving SS his Birthday Gift
I have been lurking this site since last year when I got married to my DH and entered into StepHell. I have a SS who turned 4 last week, but was with his mom for his actual birthday, so now that he’s here, we are celebrating it later today at my in-laws house. So, I got SS a gift (2 water guns) and since we ran out of wrapping paper, I decided to put the gift in a large gift bag. The water gun package was a bit too big for the gift bag and was sticking out exposed, so I decided I’ll just give my SS his gift now since he’ll be able to see the water guns in it anyway (this is the morning). I said Happy Birthday to SS and gave him his gift and DH became pissed and accused me of "ruining the day" and tried to exclude me from going to my in-laws for the birthday because I gave my SS his gift now instead of waiting to do it later with the in-laws. Instead of saying thank-you or even having SS say thank-you for the gift, DH continued to argue with me about it.
In addition, DH spent THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS on a 4-wheeler for a 4-year old (who is only here 50% of the time for 50/50 custody), which is waiting at my in-laws house, so I think that any smaller, modest gifts he gets will get tossed to the side by SS once he opens his $300 4-wheeler. We also got into another argument about spending $300 on a 4 wheeler because DH has been saying to me that "we are broke" (from his own spending) but that’s another post for another time. I told my DH that I will never pick out a birthday gift for SS again because everything I do for him turns into an issue and an argument.
So, I basically just got yelled at because I gave my SS his birthday gift.
- MrsStepmother's blog
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DH sounds like a jerk. I
DH sounds like a jerk. I wonder if that's why he found himself single with a toddler in the first place. Think long and hard before having any more kids with him. I could understand him saying "Aw, man, i wanted him to open it at the party! Next time let's do the gifts together, ok?" That's communicating. "You ruined the WHOLE day!! You can't come to the party now, you have to stay home!" is way over the top.
Thank you for your reply and
Thank you for your reply and I agree that his reaction was way over the top and dramatic. It definitely discouraged me from ever wanting to pick out future birthday gifts for SS. I'm so glad I found this site where I can vent to level-headed people!
That is one of the worst
That is one of the worst undermining stories I've heard on here. If my DH did THAT I'd be gone so quickly. Think about this reaction (and his spending habits).
Thank you for your comment!
Thank you for your comment! Yes, who would have thought that giving a birthday gift to a stepchild would result in an argument! lol
I do wish I had seen more of these reactions while we were dating. I think it's weird that he can tell me we are broke but then go and spend $300 on a toy for a 4 year old, and then get upset at me for questioning him about it.
Gotta love life in StepHell.
A good and well needed
A good and well needed consequence for this situation is to separate your money and put him in charge of half the bills. The extra that you suddenly have can go into an account to save up for a predictably needed lawyer. Stop bailing him out and enabling his financial abuse of you.
Thank you for your advice :)
Thank you for your advice :)
Yikes, MrsStepmother,
Yikes, MrsStepmother,
Your new husband sounds like one of the most difficult types of Disney Dads encountered on this site; crying poor mouth when the bills come due yet managing to find sufficient funds to buy frivolous gits for their children. Hon, you’ve fallen for the ‘ol bait and switch from a guy that wants a ‘wife appliance’ who will pay the bills, clean the house, cook and warm his bed. Additionally, you’re expected to accept verbal abuse and never complain.
I strongly advise you to ‘start as you mean to go on’ by refusing to accept the unacceptable from the beginning, rather than waiting until a pattern of tolerance has been established. Where do you see yourself and this relationship in the next year or two? Trust me when I say that men who behave so egregiously this soon in a marital relationship do not improve with age; things only worsen. Ask me how I know…
Thank you for your wisdom I
Thank you for your wisdom
I have been reading on here that the stepkid situation only gets worse with time, which I am now experiencing, but I never heard that the marital relationship gets worse with time too. Now I know. Ugh.
DH waited until he 'locked
DH waited until he 'locked you in' to show you who is priority around ya'lls house
Exactly, Lillywy00!! I've
Exactly, Lillywy00!! I've literally been saying this to myself AND to DH recently.
In a relationship
Both parties must discuss, the spending of the family. No one should take it apond there self to spend $300 on a Birthday gift. A must, car repair, home repair is different. Then your SO being upset because you upset his Happy Family party. This is not how it works.
You have a DH problem. Don't know if you are going to change him, he need to see someone,
Exactly! And the fact that it
Exactly! And the fact that it's a birthday gift for a FOUR year old is what I personally think is ridiculous. I grew up with frugal, strict parents so I'm just a little bit irked by the amount spent for a young child's birthday.
DH is both a dick and an idiot.
Why do you tolerate him in your life?
Stop that!
I feel like I'm starting to
I feel like I'm starting to tolerate more than I had anticipated :(
You are giving me flashbacks
Chef tried to buy his feral's love with a four wheeler which turned out to be nothing but a disaster! Oh and the scolding over perceived faux pas!
Yep, I can understand what
Yep, I can understand what you mean about the 4-wheeler being a disaster lol! SS was driving it through trees, bushes, and even lost control and rammed into the patio table lol
The second the skid gets a scratch on that thing, the BM will be calling CPS on you. Ask me how I know.
And H will somehow blame everything on YOU! He is trying to please the party that gives him the most grief (aka BM and skid).
As others have mentioned, at the very least, make sure your finances are separate and MAKE SURE HE PAYS HALF OF THE HOUSEHOLD BILLS! He WILL blow up over it but you have to stand your ground. He will also use the old "we are married (even if you're not) so it's OUR money."
Do not be a fool like me and allow his entire salary to go to CS because his ego wanted to overpay. Therefore making YOU the sole provider for the household AND Bank of SM to pay for his kid's entitlement sessions, errr I mean "quality time"
Then allowing him to spend (YOUR money) into oblivion to buy his kid's love, which will back fire in the end.
Guilty Daaaaddddeee: "I'm overpaying my child support so that makes me a good dad." (TM)
Notice ZERO shame for wanting to PERMANENTLY use SM as the breadwinner. For me, the irony was that college degreed BM was a stay-in-bed mom all during their failed marriage!
Guilty Daaaaddddeee: "I'm overpaying my child support so that makes me a good dad." (TM)
Notice ZERO shame for wanting to PERMANENTLY use SM as the breadwinner."
I think it's because narcissistic guys see their partner (SM) as an extension of themselves. Another tool in their toolbox to allow them to be the best dad in the world!
OMG I hate how correct you are about that!
I laughed out loud at
I laughed out loud at "entitlement sessions" *ROFL*That's so awful of your DH to use you as the breadwinner while all his money goes to CS!! And oh I know the feeling of being blamed for everything. I'm learning we are the scapegoats because we don't cater to our stepkids or sing their praises all day long.
So your husband went into automatic rage/punisher mode. Had a full on mantrum,
Yep, and the spending is off the charts.
Separate your finances now if you havent.
Make certain he is paying his fair shair of bills etc.
Start watching as more red flags crop up.
start researching for legal asistance to see what you might need to do for your future.
Stay vigilant on your BC so your not stuck.
LOL at "mantrum"!!! And oh,
LOL at "mantrum"!!! And oh, we have a 10 week old son together, so yep, I am stuck! This is why I need this StepTalk website and the people on it lol
He wants you to believe you
He wants you to believe you are stuck....
And most likely started acting a fool once he thought he had you 'stuck'
I know a lot of people would rather stay together for the sake of their kids.
But just know you are not 'stuck'. If it ever gets to much you DO have options in your favor.
"I told my DH that I will
"I told my DH that I will never pick out a birthday gift for SS again because everything I do for him turns into an issue and an argument."
Your entire post worries me for you, especially that last sentence. First, DH has no reason to get mad at you for giving SS his gift early. That's just silly. Did he specifically say why that upset him? It just seems petty, like he's looking for reasons to be an a&&hole to you. And the effort to exclude you from going to the inlaws is utterly ridiculous and so incredibly childish - also, it's very hurtful toward you. It almost seems like he's jealous of you trying to have a relationship with SS. I post this a lot, and others probably get tired of seeing it, but my ex husband would do the same thing. He would exclude me from things if I upset him regarding his son or anything really that he found offensive to his sensitive feewings. Or, early on in my relationship with my ex, I might offer some sort of assistance (money or a ride, etc) to my ex SS when he was younger and it would just enrage my then-husband. "He's not your son! You don't get to decide or offer anything." Things deteriorated over the years. You should read my posts.
Also, the fact that he got such an elaborate gift for his 4 year old son leads me to believe that your DH wants to be the "cool parent." This is not a good sign.
I urge you to open up a conversation wth DH about this incident. Perhaps it will be an isolated thing. But I can tell you that sometimes this type of immature behavior becomes a regular thing - and when that starts, it's time to jump ship. It can also be a sign of Disney parenting.
Oh, and I also second what CLove said. Keep your distance financially and know what your options are by speaking with an attorney - just in case "jump ship" is what you end up doing. Definitely watch for red flag behaviors. These issues often start out small and over the years become bigger and bigger, and the next thing you know, you've lost yourself and are miserable.
Please keep us posted and take care of yourself and your baby,
Thank you for your insight
Thank you for your insight and advice and kind words :) You seem to be really experienced and wise in these situations. Sorry you had to deal with being excluded from things - it definitely is hurtful.
He said he was upset because he wanted him to open the gift later at my in-laws but I didn't think it was a big deal because he was just opening one early present that was partly exposed and visible anyway.
And I totally agree with you on the "cool parent" thing - I have wondered if bio parents are in some sort of competition with each other to give their child expensive birthday gifts so they can then go and post it on social media for everyone to see how "cool" or "better" of a parent he/she is.
I will definitely read some of your blogs :)
100%. My now EX fully admitted he was in competition with BM. This (no surprise) was during a fight after I said we aren't in a competion against BM and he raged, "Well I AM!"
Eww omgosh! Did he say it
Eww omgosh! Did he say it accidentally in the spur of the moment?!
I hope things get better for
I hope things get better for you. I really do. :) And hopefully this was an isolated incident.....
I have found this site to be extremely supportive and eye-opening at times. We're all here for you.
Please keep us posted and take care of yourself.
Thank you so much, Reedle. I
Thank you so much, Reedle. I appreciate your kind words :)
Yeah I wouldn't be buying
Yeah I wouldn't be buying anymore gifts after DH's mantrum about your gift timing.
So what if you give the gift now vs. later
At least you spent your hard earned coins to even get him a gift.
If you still want to do something nice for the SS out of the kidness of your heart, put some money in an UTMA, IUL, or something and give it to him when he's 18
And why tf is your DH splurging on a $400+ gift for a 4year old then complaining about being broke?
Your thoughts were my
Your thoughts were my thoughts exactly: I will not be buying him more gifts, who cares if I gave him his gift now or later, and why are we spending excessive amounts of money on a toy for a 4-year-old when he told me multiple times "we are broke." I'm just "jealous" of his son apparently lolol.
Thank you for your advice :)
Yeah I've gotten hit with the
Yeah I've gotten hit with the 'youre just jealous of my kids' line too
It really sucks when they say stupid remarks like that, shows their maturity level, it's just a way to gaslight you for your legitimate concerns (so they can continue with their unsavory behaviors without being questioned), and shows where their ultimate priority is
Saying 'we are broke' (whilst unnecsarily splurging on a 4 year old on toys they probably wont even play with) is just a way to stop YOU from asking him for money so he can continue to splurge on the skid as a way to feed his ego.
I'd be enraged and demand DOUBLE for the newborn.
I'm always looking toward the
I'm always looking toward the future. What future do you hope for, and how will you get there? Do you think there is any chance that your DH will reign in his anger and his tactics to belittle you? If there is hope, how will he get there? His promise to "try harder," if he even does that, is not sustainable without professional guidance. Is he willing to see a therapist and DO THE WORK?
If he is, then maybe there is hope. If he's not, then what will YOU do to change this terrible situation for yourself and your son? You don't want your own child growing up thinking that this is a normal way to treat women.
If HE won't change, then it's up to you to make the changes that you need. The one thing you can't do is to make your partner change.
All very thought-provoking
All very thought-provoking and tough questions. You are absolutely right that I do not want my baby son to grow up and watch me being treated this way. I hope we can talk through things rationally and things would get better over time, and if not, then yes, we will have to seek marriage counselling for sure. I never thought I would be in this type of situation :(
How he responds to you will
How he responds to you will be VERY telling. Pick a calm moment when SS isn't around to talk with your DH. If he gets angry all over again, blames you, gaslights, belittles, repeats the crazy claim that YOU ruined xyz, honestly there is very little chance that he will ever hear you or care about how his behavior affects you. Don't wait too long for "someday" and start making a plan for a happy life for you and your son.
On the otherhand, if he really wants to understand how his behavior has affected you, and if he really wants to make changes so that you are happy in the relationship, then maybe there is a chance. I would just set some clear boundaries so that he is crystal clear about what happens if he ever treats you that way again.
He is attached to BM still.
He is attached to BM still. Hate and doing better than BM is his focus. Not you or his new baby. Let that sink in. He is not truly available or free for a devoted relationship with you. Did he rush into a new relationship after the breakup with BM? Did he spend time alone to shake off the marriage and find himself? I would guess not. If he's this unhinged over this, what's next? His ego is writing checks his reality can't cash.
How are you going to protect YOUR child from this messed up man? SS?
If he was truly over BM, indifference would be the mood and doing his best would be good enough in his eyes. Not competing with BM.
It was thoughtful of you to
It was thoughtful of you to get your SS a gift at all and unreasonable for your husband to be so negative on his son's birthday. His priorities are all wrong. I agreed with the advice to separate bank accounts and maybe not have kids with this guy right away. Those are major red flags!! I wish mine were that obvious, just saying.
You are not stuck. Take your DS and join family out of state.
Then... file for divorce and custody in that State.
Save yourself and your own child.
Good luck. Take care of you and your baby. Minimizing yours and the baby's exposure to this failed man, husband, and father is critical IMHO. Get the CS train started and keep it growing as the Skid ages through its own CO so when your baby is older, a huge CS check comes your way.
You have an advantage. You are the BM, you in all liklihood will be the CP and once you are out of State visitation will in all liklihood be limited. Use your advantages to the fullest.
It's harder to move out of state once the kid is in school so, if shit hits the fan and becomes too much.....do what you gotta do sooner rather than later.
Wise words!
Wise words, Rags, as per usual. MrsStepmother, Rags may seem a tad harsh but he knows a lot about custody, child support and how best to conduct oneself in family court proceedings. You would be well advised to take note of his observations and act accordingly.