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I guess I overreacted..?

morethanibargainedfor's picture

See previous post about me thinking SO was going to leave.

He just texted me and said he doesn't like not talking to me. I know hi, and that's his form of an apology.
I feel like a kid in highschool who was freaking out that her boyfriend was going to break up with her and frantically waiting for a text message.
I'm not sure where to go from this point. If I don't answer hes going to think i'm just trying to prove a point, and honestly that doesn't help the situation. If I answer him then its kinda like me saying everything is ok. But its not ok. This is what happens every time. He will go on like normal and the fight we had on Sunday won't get discussed until we have the same fight again.

God I feel like a whiny 15 year old. Ugh


Bio-Step-Mom's picture

My suggestion, you must nip the cycle in the bud. We were doing that round and round. He would stop talking to me. I would be like, whatever. He would start talking and we would go back to "normal". But this just breeds resentment. The last time (two months ago); I finally said NO. And we fought almost non stop for like 3 weeks but we worked through a LOT of issues. Now we are both MUCH better about talking through problems as they arise and hashing it out.