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Not really ready for ss to live with his dad.

momofsteele's picture

So My dh's final hearing for full custody is coming up, and I feel like a selfish jerk but I don't feel ready for ss to live with dh all the time yet. This custody thing has taken almost a yr and I'm used to it just being my dh dd and myself. Bm has kept dh from ss since the second we got engaged and it's a terrible thing she did BUT I like my family the way it is right now. I know I'm awful but is there anyone else who has felt like this?


momofsteele's picture

I really Love my dd and the time I spent with ss prior was really great but it's been soooooo long I just think it will be a rough transition for him and my dd and I'm not looking forward to it. Thanks for the support! Dh wants this so he is going to have to deal with any future Sh*t his lovely ex is sure to give him.

Cocoa's picture

were you consulted before he began going for custody? why did he not go for custody before you married? seems so many men can't be bothered until they have a full time nanny/babysitter/maid waiting. you're correct in not being ready unless you are prepared to be these things.

momofsteele's picture

he was able to see his son until we got engaged, when his visits stoped he pursued legal action. It's just taken longer then expected for multiple reasons.

dragonfly5's picture

I do not want the skids to live with us. I am very happy to have them only the time we do. There is nothing wrong with you. It is a huge adjustment to have a child in your house full time. Don't be hard on yourself what you feel is normal.

sterlingsilver's picture

we've had ss15 now for 4 years FULL time. He doesn't go to see bm ever. There are days almost daily when I think what the hell did I get myself into, but ss was with dh when i met dh so I knew what was there when i entered.

momofsteele's picture

Thanks You're reply is really helpful Pardon

I do believe ss would thrive with us, his mom is a bit of a mess right now in doing selfish immature things. She Thinks she's JUST punishing my dh by keeping ss away from him but she doesn't see how it will damage ss.

His son is a sweetheart and hard not to enjoy being around but I feel like my dh expects me to take him in as my son when he's with us but I am sure I'll ever love him like I love my own child. That's what I'm most worried about I think.