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Child Support

mommimom8's picture

I would like some feedback on how child support should be handled.

Right now I am taking care of all the finacial responsibilities with the exception of his child support.
I am frustrated because I feel like the child support that is intended for my children is used on his because his ex wife always needs extras for their kids. Now they need braces and it will be coming out of my child support. My kids need glasses, braces etc..too. But I don't have the extra money to take care of them. This is causing much animosity toward my husband and I. I have talked to him about keeping our finances separate but he thinks that will cause division between us. But I feel like it will relieve some stress. This way I can worry about my children and their needs and he can worry about his kids needs.

What do you all think??


stepmom22boys's picture

I put child support for my DD in a separate account because of the same reasons. My DD deserves to have her needs met just as much as the steps deserve to have their needs met... I tell DH that my DD's father will not support the steps.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Wait a minute...You are spending YOUR kids CS on HIS kids?!?!?! Hmmmmm.....NO. Get a separate account for the CS and ONLY use it for YOUR children. Holy shit if I were your ExH I would be PISSED.

mommimom8's picture

He tried to take her back to court because he makes alot less now then he did when child support was originally set. She now makes more and he ended up paying more. It kinda screwed us more. I don't understand the system sometimes!

mommimom8's picture

Totally agree! I told my DH the same thing. And asked if the tables were turnd how he would feel about it.

YogaChick's picture

Separating your finanaces has its up sides and downs. In my household we split all the bills 50/50 and basically take care of our own kid's needs. The reason I started doing this was because I was finding myself eating ramen noodles for lunch everyday and really trying to be frugal while my husband was eating out at expensive restaurants 3 times per week and spending money like crazy. It wasn't really about the kids, more about teaching him to be more responsible with money. The down side, when my DH got his Christmas bonus, it was his to spend as he pleased.

Disneyfan's picture

Stand your ground.

There's no way in hell your daughter's dad should be paying for DH's kids.

If he can't afford braces for his kids, then it's time to look for a second job or beg for extra hours.

B22S22's picture

I agree with you. My DH and I went thru this, as I felt not only did a good chunk of money go for child support each month out of his check, but the BM was always calling for more money, DH wanted to do "special" (read: expensive) things for the SK's, yet still have his fun things like a new vehicle, motorcycle, blah blah blah.

I, on the other hand, have two children, work full time (and always have) to support them so I can put a large portion of their social security away for their college education.

It came to a head when I realized MY kids were going without while his kids were living the life. Not to say I was depriving my kids of basic necessities, but they also aren't ones to always want the latest, greatest techno gadget nor do they express the need for expensive entertainment. One day I overheard my DH promising his SK's BOTH new gaming computers for their house (I wasn't meant to overhear this)while my kids were relegated to sharing a hand-me-down, outdated laptop. So I sat down and figured out "our" finances and handed it over to my DH letting him know that I was opening up my own bank account and would have MY check deposited there; I would expect X amount of dollars from him EACH WEEK to pay for utilities, but he was on his own with the motorcycle and it's insurance (I don't ride it, nor do we ever take rides on it together) and any expenditures he wishes to make on his kids. He was left with a mere $87/month to buy gas to get back and forth to work.

I stuck to it for quite a while and was actually able to put quite a bit away for myself because it wasn't going to pay for all the extras for his kids (note: BM doesn't work, chooses not to work, therefore my DH wanted to feel like the BMOC by always picking up the entire tab).

I don't work my ass of so she doesn't have to.

gimmieabreak's picture

amen!!!! Gahhhh!! its insane to think I am not alone! I had more money when I was a single mom! When me and DH moved in together I thought I'd catch a break because I'd no longer be responsible for rent or utilities! Boy was I ever surprised! My son is the same as you said your kids where while my two step kids think they are living in an episode of the tipton! My son only has me to look after him and the little bit of childsupport that me and my ex reached an agreement on verbally. Lets just say he makes 16 an hour and I get 60 a week! YEAH I KNOW!! both my parents deceased when I was in my teens so its just me pulling for my little one. While my stepkids have wealthy grandparents on both sides and get everything from labtops i pads I pods they wear abercombie and I am expected to do for his children when I do for my own son. How can these folks justify that I just don't get it.

DaizyDuke's picture

he thinks that will cause division between us

This is a lame ass cop out excuse. You are his gravy train, his kids get everything they want/need, BM gets everything she wants/needs, daddy is the hero and you are the sugar momma. I would seperate your finances STAT. It is not fair to your kids and I PROMISE you that if the roles were reversed your SO/DH would feel the same way.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Its causing a division between you having them joined. Of course he doesn't want to separate the finances, he's the winner here. You are the one losing out.

Time to separate finances.

Willow2010's picture

Now they need braces and it will be coming out of my child support. My kids need glasses, braces etc..too. But I don't have the extra money to take care of them
This is your fault if you let this happen. Shame on you if you do.

stormabruin's picture

Your DH isn't the one doing it. You are! That's money YOU are receiving from the father of your children. YOU are responsible for the way it's spent. If you know it's wrong, stop doing it!

stormabruin's picture

LOL! Smile

stormabruin's picture

Watching BM spend DH's CS on anything other than the kids & then hearing her bitch & moan about the kids having to go without makes me livid. The CS your ex pays is for YOUR children. DH's kids are not yours to provide money for.

Even if you don't keep all of your money separate, absolutely keep your CS separate.

Notmyownlife's picture

First of all she never said her kids were going without,she just said she cant handle the extra expenses and she just feels like her CS was going towards his kids, And unless its specificly written in a CO agreement that each penny from CS has to be accounted for its usually no ones business as long as the bills are paid, As long as the kids have a roof over thier hed, running water, electricity, food in thier belly and the bare essentials then monies are being spent on kids, what diff does it make if it comes from her work money or CS money,,,,,using CS money to make sure SK's are taken care of does not make one a bad parent who should have thier kids taken away,,,,

That being said, Things like braces unless its medicly necesary are something HE should be hndling, if he cant handle the support then he needs to tell th BM to help foot the bill,,,,after all that is all part of what CS is for, maybe instead of relying on you he needs to put his foot down,,

stormabruin's picture

She DID say they are going without. She said, "My kids need glasses, braces etc..too. But I don't have the extra money to take care of them."

She doesn't have the money to give her kids what they need...things that her ex is sending money to help provide...because she's spending her ex's support money on her DH's kids.

Instead of having her kids go without the things they need, SHE needs to put HER foot down & stop funding other people's kids before her own.

Disneyfan's picture

NONE of her CS money should be used on her stepkids.

If her husband can't afford to pay for extras, he needs to get a second job.

Notmyownlife's picture

I swear I did not see that when I read her post ,,,and I read it several times, It still doesnt make her a bad aprent who needs to lose custody of her children,,she just needs to re-priorotize and as a family put everyons needs in order regardles if they are biological or not, kids have needs, some greater than others, In my house my stepson has severe lazy eye and we had no insurance, my son has astigmatism and needs glasses for reading and watching tv, so SS comes first as the need was greater,,,,,,it does though sound like the husband is worried that if you divide finances then his kids might lose out, you need to do for the kids based on needs, if yours have amore severe need then take care of your first,,,

B22S22's picture

Prioritizing the SK's should be between DH and BM. Prioritizing MY children rests solely with ME (I was widowed, not divorced). There is NO WAY I would use my children's social security to fund my SK's needs. They HAVE two parents. If those two parents can't afford something for them, then there are two choices 1) doesn't happen, or 2) get a job (BM) or a second job (DH).

I always go back to this: if the OP's DH didn't have OP's CS to throw at his kids, would they still get what they need? How?

I've been known to use that before with my DH... if I wasn't around how would he foot the bill for "X" for his kids? He wouldn't. Flipside, if DH wasn't around, would I be able to foot the bill for "X" for my kids? Yes, because I'm not paying for "X" TWICE, once by sending 30% of my weekly income to someone who's supposed to be using that money for "X" in the first place then paying for it again because she's not and is broke.

kary's picture

Hi everyone
I am new here and I am french origin so forgive me for my english Smile so I am married since 1 year and my husband have 2 kids 10 and 14 old and I have my own kids too 21and 22 years they live in France my question is
my husband give 600$ per month for child support and his pay is 1000$ per month so we live with his parent because we can't rent or buy place i don't work I am new resident here in US and I don't know the law for child support and I want just to know if my husband give too much because when he give child support and pay bills for his care we have nothing even for buy food tel me everyone if that is correct and I need accept this life because my husband don't want me talk about his kids or anything about his kids
help please

hippiegirl's picture

So, in other words, your ex husband is supporting kids that are not even his? This is why fathers hate having to pay stupid child support! Why are you spending YOUR kids' money on SKIDS? That's fvcked! That is not your kids' problem......they are going without because of these brats! If they aren't resentful of you already, they will be when they find out where their dad's hard earned money is REALLY going.