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BM channeling more of her bitter "smack talk" through SS--GRRR

MommaOf4's picture

SS mentions to BM in some form that she spends every night at the bar leaving him home with 3 younger stepsiblings, mentions that myself and my husband do not do that... Her response is as ingenious as she is. Apparently according to her, we do not go to the bar every night because "we have no friends". Ahhhh yes, how can one be as wise as she?? I must know. Because we certainly stay home due to lack of friends, and not because we have 3 children here to raise and care for. *sarcasm*. How silly of me not to realize that the toothless 75 year old man sitting down at my local hole in the wall bar should be considered my friend if I were to get drunk with him every night while my unsupervised children were home. *more sarcasm* She is one classy lady! *even more* At least I got my daily dose of laughter out of that one.


soverysad's picture

No SMs have friends and all dh's lost their friends in the divorce!!! SD always tells me that mommy says we have no friends. Like I am required to "register" my friends with her??? Again we always have the kid, so we don't get out much AND we don't have people over because it is embarrassing to try to have adult time with friends when SD is here because she thinks everyone is here to see her.

She doesn't go to bars, but apparently every person who shops at the store where she works is her friend. AND she loves to tell me about the dozens of friends who stuck by her and ditched dh during the divorce (yeh, except her best friend since she was 6 who is now my friend!!!). Why the hell is she crying to me about how hard it is to be a single mom, if she has all these friends????

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!