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mommaappel's picture

Ok, after a week or two of visiting daily sometimes more, I figured it was time to blog who I am so to speak and why I'm here....give my stats..LOL. I am 42 mother of 3 amazing grown children. Two of them are still in college, one is out and travels around with his job. I was with their dad for 22 years, only married for a year of those in 1994. I should have never married him but I did and quickly regretted it, however after divorcing his sorry a** I decided to "stay" with him until the kids were into college. So I lived a very sad lonely life for a long time but on the flipside was able to dedicate my every waking moment to my children, their education, sports, etc. If i could have a re-do I wouldnt change a thing. My ex and I had a friendly relationship mostly, comfortable I would say but never love. I was too young adn immature to know what love was. Anyway I get my kids almost all into college and just couldnt stay another day, so I left, leaving my youngest who was 18 to finish his senior year w his dad. A year ago I met the man of my dreams and we are engaged to be married the end of July next year. I had NO FRIGGIN IDEA WHAT I WAS GETTING INTO!!!! Wink LOL...wouldnt change it of course, but holy cow, did not know (and mind you I work in a busy ER) that there were crazy, hateful, vindictive, nasty CB BM's out there and that I would be dealing with her. Initially I tried to be friends with the SD13 but she is too much like her mom, taking stuff that belongs to me even after I offered to let her use it, lying, failing school, swearing, calling FH NASTY names like the "F" word, etc. In my opinion she is too far gone to help unless we get her out of that house, which she has chosen to stay in. And why not?? When BM excuses her from school, I think shes missed 18 ? days of school this year so far, almost all excused by BM for being "ill" which BM has made a career out of. They live in filth and grime. Now I'm not hte best housekeeper and I have dogs int he house, but dirty underwear on top of dirty dishes piled on the floor is just plain gross!! So I am here to see what other people do and how they handle daily problems. We had SD for the month of Oct but she didnt want to follow the rules so she told the FH off royally and went back with the BM. The BM doesnt want her btw, she text's FH and calls too, wnating to know when he's going to take SD for the weekend. FH has made it clear to ALL that as soon as SD calls and makes some sort of attempt to change things with him, then we will not have her here. He takes her to her eye appts, we have her set up for counseling, we take her to her orthodontic appts, and pay for half of all plus he provides all her medical and dental, and pays 420/month CS. He stopped and said hello to SD the other day and she looked at him and said "Daddy, I'm working on my Christmas list"...well unbeknownst to her, FH started a savings acct for her and made a deposit, and she will get a fairly large stocking stuffed with goodies from us, but nope, no laptop or 35mm digital camera or whatever else she's added to the list. Those are the only words she has spoken to him since Oct 25th. And that day it was all I hate you, you suck, you're a fu***r, I dont need you, balh blah blah!! he's hurting and hiding it well and he says I love her more than anything but I cant continue this....


Milomom's picture

Welcome mommaappel! I'm a newbie to ST too. I can relate to what you're going through with SD. My bf has 2 kids, SD15 and SS12. Although both are good kids, I feel like your description of your SD is exactly my SD15. I'm living with my BF but not married or engaged yet (dating 6 yrs, living together for 2). SD15 is so lazy, failing school, room is a complete disaster and just walks all over BF. Both skids have this false sense of entitlement and SS12 is just a whiney momma's boy. It makes me sick. I've disengaged awhile ago with all their crap for the most part and I've been better off for it. I would never raise my own biokids the way BF and BM have raised the skids. They won't be able to find their way out of a paper bag when they hit the real world. Before I learned to disengage, BF & I would always get into spats about the skids and it caused unnecessary stress on our relationship. BM would probably love it and does what she can to sabotage my years of building a relationship with the skids. Don't let the situation control you - take control of the situation by sticking to your guns on the larger issues and not letting the little things get to you. Good luck!

mommaappel's picture

Thanks to both of you!! And Milomom, thats exactly what I feel of SD, she is going to get out into the real world and not have a clue! She doesnt even have any 'street smarts' which I saw in many of the kids my bio kids went to school with. Yeah, she is a bit young to see that maybe, but I think it might be more that BM is teaching SD how to just get by, how to use people and the system that is meant for those who truly are unable to work, are left with young children, etc. Not healthy 40 yr old who is JUST PLAIN LAZY! At first FH and I had a few little 'discussions' about things, but then it just ended up that it's better if I just stay out of it all. We have sat down with BM on 2 occasions to discuss SD behavior, at BM's request, but it turned into a "poor me" pity party for BM. "I dont have any money","I only have a one bedroom apartment", I cant Skype my 'boyfriend' who lives 3000 miles away whom she's never met in person, and on and on and on.....and now she texted FH and wants to sit down and talk again!! FH is standing strong...."if we are going to talk about SD fine, but this is not about you BM, this is about SD" she lets it go for a week or so...then it starts all over. Meanwhile nothing is getting SD counseling it is..but I havent heard a lot of positive that way, esp if SD is still in her toxic environment....she is totally a product of her THANK YOU and THANK YOU to everyone here no matter what your opinion or situation. It takes all kinds and everyones situations are different and the best part is this....I can turn my computer off and go spend time with FH and have all this off my mind and enjoy the evening with the man I love....I hope someday to be able to help someone else and pay it forward in my way...thank you all!

stepoff's picture

I know that you said she doesn't like the rules at your house. What are the rules? Does DH have any sort of discipline structure in the home while she's there? And is it carried through?

mommaappel's picture

SD13 does have rules and doesnt like them....hoemwork first,then chores (for which she recieved an allowance i might add) then TV if time, an hour max. Also she was expected to be respectful when speaking to or referring to FH or any adult, a set bedtime, no texting at the table or when having a family meeting, attending school unless documented fever or vomiting. FH does discipline SD by first talking and explaining and then when she starts yelling, name calling and swearing which is almost every time shes disciplined, he then will usually call a timeout, allow her to go to her room, cool off then he will go talk to her again, whaich usually only results in the smae happening all over. She had computer priveleges revoked as well as the TV removed from her room, but when she went home to BM she ws showered with gifts such as the iphone and unlimited access to computer and TV. And she ultimately decided that she wanted to back with BM to live. She continues to miss school weekly and grades seem to be steady but her pattern is to let her school work go. Sorry this is so scattered, dont feel like i can really pay attention right sucked the life out of me today!! I am thankful that it wasnt SD that did it to me tonight!! But as FH just said, he expects to hear from CB BM any day now, since this would normally be his weekend...he's standing strong and I'm standing behind him holding him up at times but he standing!!!! LOL