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HELP - SS is lying about being bullied - WHY? (long)

mombydefault's picture

My SS13 was bullied last year. He's never been physically hurt, but he has been teased, made fun of and pushed around a little and his homework has been stolen. DH and I addressed the issues with the school last year. This year SS13 is reporting being bullied again. He is blaming his poor grades on his ADD and on being bullied. While we do understand that those situations will make things difficult, we're also trying to teach him that he still has to do good in school and that he can't use excuses. SS also reported that other children are being bullied as well. Our plan is to get the names of all kids involved, discuss the situations with the parents of the other children who are being bullied and then discuss it with the school. We have already addressed issues with bullying in one particular class. Unfortunately, SS is terrible with names and has yet to tell us who all of these kids are. He can't find his yearbook for us to get the names from it.

We've been trying to teach SS to quit gossiping and stop being over-dramatic. We don't know why he's this way, but he is. We have a feeling that it might be making him a target for bullies to some extent. We highly dislike gossip & drama. We believe that SS has a skewed perception of many things due to his desire to be dramatic. We already know that SS lies about things to avoid doing homework and to avoid getting in trouble. At open house SS made me look like a moron. Last year SS had a reoccurring excuse for not bringing his band instrument home. I believed his excuse. He used the same excuse this year a few times. I spoke to the band director about it. AFTER I spoke to the band director with SS present and the band director gave me a bewildered look of confusion, SS admitted that he had been lying to me the whole time because he didn't want to practice for band.

Yesterday SS came home from school and began telling me how a bully, we'll call him 'Mark', who picked on him last year, is picking on him again. He said that Mark was riding in a car behind the school bus. When SS got off of school bus, Mark yelled at him from the car. Mark made fun of SS' dad's car (which is supposedly same type of car that Mark was riding in, just in better condition & newer). SS stood up for himself and commented back. Mark told driver (assumed to be Mark's dad) to 'pull the car over so I can beat this (insert racial slur here)'. Driver then decided to drive off. SS thought the card literally followed the bus for the purpose of picking on him. SS said that Mark was upset with him because SS reported bullying earlier in the day to a teacher.

I was livid. If a parent is watching their child bully SS and not doing anything I don't really know what to do. I did not believe that the car followed the bus for the purpose of picking on SS, but I did believed everything else that SS said. I made SS tell DH what he had told me. DH had the same opinion that I did. He didn't believe that the car literally followed SS' bus, but he did believe everything else. Mark has a history of bullying SS. DH instructed SS not to make comments back over stupid things like comparing cars. He instructed him to pick his battles because most things are not worth a battle.

Mark often goes to the same donut shop as DH & SS in the morning. He is sometimes there alone and sometimes he's w/his mom. DH made it a point to get donuts this morning to hopefully see them. DH told Mark's mom that he had heard there was an incident that occurred between the 2 kids yesterday. Mark's mom seemed upset that Mark was being a bully, but also said that they only have 1 car, which was not the car described to be approaching SS. DH got the impression that Mark may not even have a dad in the picture at all, much less driving him around (not sure about this, just assumption). AFTER DH speaks to Mark's mom, SS admits that he made the WHOLE thing up. DH was very angry. DH did tell Mark's mom that SS just admitted to lying and apologized, but did let her know there was a history of Mark bullying SS. I had planned to call the school this morning to have them keep an eye on SS because I was afraid of what Mark might do to him in school today if the only thing stopping him from beating up SS yesterday was his dad. DH called me and told me what happened and told me not to contact the school. I haven't had much time to discuss it with DH yet because he was calling on his way to work. I don't know 100% of the details of this morning. DH asked me not to mention it to SS, he wants to handle it. He plans on speaking to parents of other children who are being bullied to hopefully get the truth about what is going on. We unfortunately can't believe anything SS tells us.

Why would a kid lie about being bullied? I've heard of kids saying that they're not bullied when they are to avoid parents stepping in, but we have the opposite problem. We really do believe that he is being bullied, but we don't know how much of what he's telling us is true. The only logical thing that we can come up with as a reason for the lie yesterday is maybe Mark bullied SS in school and SS wanted Mark to get into more trouble. SS knows that racial slurs will really anger me. SS knows that DH is proud of his car. Maybe he's trying to manipulate us by picking up on what he knows are hot topics for us. I don't know what he thought the end result would be though. Did he really think he could get Mark in trouble without ever getting caught in his lie? It just makes no sense to me. Any advice? We have to put a stop to the bullying, but every time we try stand up for SS he makes us look like idiot jerks. Sorry this is so long.


PeanutandSons's picture

He probably likes the drama and attention. My skids are the samr way.....the will exaberage or flat out make stuff up fkr attention.

DaizyDuke's picture

Sounds like the boy who cried wolf. No one is going believe him if he ever does tell the truth.

Yep. And it's funny how quickly kids can catch on to the things that will bring them attention. I mean the schools take bullying very seriously. They have assemblies, they have literature, etc. Kids that are craving attention pick up quickly on what will get them noticed... and the current attention getter is bullying. Years ago it was putting powder in envelopes and saying it was "anthrax", then it was leaving a note about a bomb, now it's bullying.

It's sad, just like bad apples in the barrel, the wolf criers make it worse for the kids who are truly being bullied

hismineandours's picture

My ss15 used to do this all the time when he was in grade school. As recently as last year he told someone that HE HAD to bully people because he had been bullied all his life and makes sure he does it first now. In reality, the kid was never bullied-he was always the aggressor.

We had very similar situations to you in grade school in which ss would come home and tell me that all these kids pushed him down and kicked him during recess. I would get all upset and think I was going to raise some hell at school, but then I'd keep asking ss questions. His story would start to get sketchy. He would tell also tell me that kids were spreading rumors about him-in 3rd grade he came home and told me that a classmate was telling everyone else that he had sex with another classmate? Eventually what I came to find out is that most of what he claimed others were doing to him, is what he was really doing to the other kids. I don't know if he was trying to be proactive and throw the blame on the other kids first in case we found out what was going on?

I also believe my ss just has some mental health issues. I do believe that he is somewhat paranoid and genuinely feels like others pick on him and that he always gets the shit end of the stick. This was never true but you could never convince him of this. He has always very much embraced the victim role. All the bad things he did were simply a reaction to all the bad stuff people did to him first (in his mind).

mombydefault's picture

BM is kinda in the picture. For the 1st 3 yrs that I was in the picture BM would cancel her weekends with SS for excuses such as getting her nails done. When she did see him, he would come back without having showered or having any hygiene all weekend. She got remarried 5 yrs ago and has since improved on parenting, but still seriously needs help. She now normally sees him every other weekend. She never takes him for the full amount of time that she is supposed to over the summer. Her and her husband go back and forth from wanting to pretend they're the parents of the year to not wanting anything to do with him. I don't understand their behavior. Stepdad is a pathological liar. BM believes everything anyone ever tells her and loves drama. My DH & I are the complete opposite. We hate drama. We're both honest to the point that it's probably a flaw. I don't think SS is around BM & stepdad enough for them to be a really strong influence in his behavior.

hismineandours's picture

Yep-mine wend off too. This is what I meant when I said ss's stories got sketchy. He'd try to tell me he didn't know the names, but the school is sooo small there'd be no way he wouldn't know kids names.

mombydefault's picture

He did give us first names, just not last names. We do know a few of the kids who he mentioned were being bullied. We plan to talk to their parents to see if their kids have reported anything.

Starla's picture

Wow he sounds like my SD. We went to several kids at the school and asked them for their side of the story. We were kind and fair as we allowed them to tell us what they had to say. Once they started talking, we were taken back with the stories of what my SD was really up to. The day she cried about being bullied, she started the drama. She was jealous of another so she flipped this others girls desk over and made threats that she was going to beat her ass. The entire classroom did have the same story so we put SD in front of them to tell us again how she was bullied and that is when SD admitted with tears and all that she was lying bc she didn't want to get into trouble for flipping over the desk and threatening the other girl.

We thanked the other kids and took SD home and punished her. Since that day on, kids would walk to my house and fill me in when SD was causing problems. Each time after hearing everyone out, SD was confronted in front of all and the truth always came out. Now when another kid would accuse SD and SD argued with confidence, we knew she was being honest and we took it from there. I have walked other peoples kids home and had them tell their folks the lies they made about SD with SD by my side so their parents could see the tears and pain their kid caused. The lies greatly reduced and they all learned that there was nothing to gain about lying about being bullied and such.

Other parents were supportive and they knew that DH and I were trying to be fair to all along with stopping the bullying. Also if your ss crossed lines, he should be the one who must apologize to each and every person involved. I found that other parents joined in to stop the bullying once they knew that no one was out to attack their kid.