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mombydefault's Blog

You act like a parent...I hate you!

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My DH and I have been the primary caretakers of SS14 since he was 5. My DH was the primary caretaker prior to that. I have been more of a mom to him than egg-donor ever has been. He's recently began to get the typical teenager attitude to a small extent. He gave me a lot of trouble this morning on the way to summer school (he failed due to laziness and now has summer school). It was raining so instead of riding the bus, I took him. Without going into details, it was a very unpleasant ride there.

HELP - SS is lying about being bullied - WHY? (long)

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My SS13 was bullied last year. He's never been physically hurt, but he has been teased, made fun of and pushed around a little and his homework has been stolen. DH and I addressed the issues with the school last year. This year SS13 is reporting being bullied again. He is blaming his poor grades on his ADD and on being bullied. While we do understand that those situations will make things difficult, we're also trying to teach him that he still has to do good in school and that he can't use excuses. SS also reported that other children are being bullied as well.

About to lose it...neighbor child is stalking us

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My neighbors kid is driving me insane!!! Over the summer he would stop by our house at least twice daily asking if SS13 could come out and play. If he was told no, he would make a rude comment and try to discredit the reason for SS13 not being allowed to come out. The kid is only 7 and I don't think he is intentionally being rude, I think he just hasn't been taught better. We had a few talks with him because I work from home and he was disrupting my work. He didn't seem to grasp the concept of work being a daily thing. He once came by 5 times on the same day!

Wish me luck!

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Wish me luck! Tonight I have to attend the 1st outing that we actually expect egg donor to show up to. Skid has his 1st band performance. Normally egg donor makes excuses not to come to any events. This year she's suddenly decided to try to be involved in skids life and as of this morning she plans on attending. Of course last time she said she was on her way to his b-day party, she still managed to flake out and no-show, but we'll see. If she introduces herself as his mom to the teachers my gag reflex might set in.

OT - Husband clueless when it comes to events

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I love my husband. He's the best husband in the world until events such as our anniversary, valentines or my birthday occur. Our honeymoon was destroyed by his mom & his kid. He stood up for them when I became angry. Something seems to come up to prevent traveling at every single anniversary. He does not even attempt to look into travel arrangements at our anniversary unless I take the lead.

Need Advice - Possibly Mentally or Socially Challenged Adult Involvment w/Skid

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Ok, I need advice on this situation. My DH & I recently started attending a new church. At a church Christmas party we met a nice young woman, who we later found out is approx. our age (early 30's). She seemed to be a little attention hungry, immature and we questioned if she was possibly a little mentally slow, but not enough to interfere with normal adult responsibilities (job, driving, etc.). At that same party she started rubbing her hands down my husbands arm while bragging to a friend of hers about how he was the funniest, nicest guy she had met that night.