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HELP! My step-daughter is driving me nuts!

mojoskids's picture

I am new to blogging, but I need to vent. Hoping to get some positive and helpful feedback from other stepmoms, stepdads.
My youngest stepdaughter is 6, she is the baby at our home. I get frustrated with her baby talk and whining and crying at a drop of a pin. My daughter, 9 and far, far, far from being perfect. Has her moments too - she whines and crys when necessary but doesn't go around talking like a 3 year old still, sure she will baby talk to our dog - but that's the extent. My stepdaughter puts the y at the end of almost everything "I want a chippy" and if the answer is no - she screams and cries has a tantrum till dad finally puts her in her room where she continues for sometimes as long as a half hour.
That's frustrating.
She also is constantly telling my daughter I am going to tell my mom on you. When my daughter is being her not so perfect self and arguing with her.
That's frustrating.
She drives me nuts! HELP!


vgill's picture

I feel for you because I know what you are going through. I deal with a 12yo that acts like a 3yo!! I am not his mother and never will be and I don't want the job, I just wish their BM would start doing the job instead of leaving it to me to do! I don't want the job and I quit!!! just ignore her bad behavior and let her know that is what you are going to do and that bad behaviour will be punished(that is DH's job)and to stop acting like a little baby or she can start wearing diapers and having a bottle and going to bed early!!!

onehappygirl's picture

Tell her that you will not respond to her until she asks or talks correctly, and then do it! Also tell her it's not cute. We started doing that, and our kids talk like they should now. If she throws a fit, put her in her room and ignore her. Let her cry as long as she wants, but she'll get absolutely no attention for it. Eventually, she will learn that crying and tantrums is not the way to get what you want. Don't give in. If the answer is no, then the answer is no. If you give in, she will learn that crying and tantrums will get her what she wants. It's hard, it takes tons of patience, but it will eventually work.


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!